Construction and Design - October 2020
How To Keep A Facility Running During Expansion And / Or Renovation
By mixing creative choreography with ground rules, goals and expectations, owners and construction firms can make jobs easier

Building Smarter Healthcare Through Better Interior Design
Many of the finishes chosen for a new, expanded or renovated healthcare facility are more than just passive elements

Cool Roofing Can Help Environment As Well As Budgets
Cool roofing helps save individual building owners money on cooling costs. But it also reduces urban heat islands and enhances community resilience.

Reasons To Focus On Healthcare Interior Design
There are job opportunities, as more healthcare administrators are looking to hire healthcare interior design experts, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

The Right Flooring Choices Can Impact Staff Efficiency and Patient Outcomes
Flooring can contribute to the reduction of noise and impact the patient experience

Creating 'Outdoor' Workspaces
Even without traditional outdoor space, improvements to bring nature to the lobby and other community spaces to give a 'walk in the park' feel

Understanding The Real Cost Of Paint
Understanding the ingredients in paint is the first step to making a quality paint selection

What Does the Future of Healthcare Facility Design Look Like?
Changes to the design of a facility can be implemented for a number of reasons, ranging from new equipment, new services or perhaps even downgrading certain departments

Healthcare Environments Can Support Safety, Teamwork
Healthcare settings designed to enable communication may save lives.

Covid-19 Could Change Future Hospital Design
New facilities may be designed to accommodate sudden patient surges

Evolving Healthcare Design With Virtual Reality Technology
Virtual reality (VR) technology allows for immediate experiences and on-demand reconfigurations at significantly lower costs than building physical mock-ups does

Design Considerations From A Nurse/Interior Designer For Healthcare Facilities
Healthcare should be the leader in innovative design solutions for employees who call a healthcare setting their workplace

Healthcare Renovation Trends Driven By Patient Satisfaction, Market Needs
At the end of 2017, more than 15,000 healthcare construction projects were underway in the United States

RTLS: The Intersection of Patient Experience and Facility Design
RTLS can be used to support a wide variety of patient-centric mobile applications

COVID-19 Healthcare Facility Design Checklist
The list was compiled by architects and frontline workers