Construction and Design - November 2015
Cardiovascular facility built with complex smoke-control system
Atrium size and building code required a large amount of outdoor air to be supplied to the atrium built with complex smoke-control system

Industrial engineer may be new voice at the design table
The function of the continuous improvement specialist is to oust the sacred cows of custom and habit, according to an article on the Health Design website

Case Study: Strong Memorial Hospital Bed Tower
The University of Rochester Medicine recently completed a significant expansion of its Golisano Children’s Hospital, the Strong Memorial Hospital Bed Tower

UConn designs kid-friendly research lab
The renovated 4,000-square-foot structure to house a MRI scanner while providing a welcoming environment

Service design can help improve patient experience
Service design works to identify needs and answer them with design, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Designing hospitals to meet consumer expectations
Public spaces of healthcare facilities are being designed to encourage healthy behaviors and create a more comfortable environment

Fifth Pa. patient death linked to bacteria in water
In all cases, the hospitals used a "heater-cooler" device to control the patients' body temperatures while they were on a heart-bypass machine

Study explores how outpatient clinics' physical environment affects collaboration
Environmental influences on collaboration were found to vary across scale, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Seniors want more engagement, stimulation in facilities
Seniors want a variety of activity options to choose from, according to a blog on the Environments for Aging website

Design trends reflect changing behavioral health needs
The goal to safely assess and treat patients with dignity is creating a need for evolving facility designs

Universal design in healthcare gaining momentum
Universal design is a method of planning and design that responds to as large of a constituency as possible and is as inclusive as possible, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Single patient rooms reduce HAIs, costs
Study: The cost savings more than cover the construction expense

Single-use device reprocessing kept 873 tons from landfills
Practice Greenhealth report says that diverting 92,205 tons of waste from the landfill through recycling, saving nearly $4 million

'Homelike' details matter in senior housing
White paper tries to get to the heart of what make a senior living facility feel like home, according to an article on the Environments for Aging website

Creating a healthcare environment that limits errors
Creating spaces with improved point-of-care storage and distribution is one way to address the issue of medication errors, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

The future of healthcare design
Healthcare Design magazine spoke with architecture students to find out what put them on their career path

Designers have a responsibility to patient health
Healthcare design can contribute to patient health by redefining the role of the built environment