Industry News - October 2013
Unpaid janitor, cook stayed with abandoned nursing home patients
Elderly patients left to fend for themselves after nursing home was closed

Rush University Medical Center among honorees for building design
Boldly-sculpted hospital by Perkins+Will has created a new landmark along the Eisenhower Expressway

Mississippi community college opens Healthcare Simulation Center to public
Center offers technology and equipment to for training for everything from health facilities to funeral services

Hospital safety report cards seem to be having a positive effect
New Jersey hospitals' grades steadily improving as employers, insurers take notice

Virginia's medical building restrictions to be re-examined
A federal appeals court instructs a district court to reconsider whether the statute unconstitutionally inhibits interstate commerce

Gaza students create energy-saving hospital cleaning device
Engineers hope device will be used to sterilize hospital rooms in Gaza

Healthcare of the future: What ambulatory surgery centers should be looking at now
Incorporating the future of medicine into ambulatory care delivery model today would put facilities ahead of the curve.

Walk-in health clinics becoming more common
The numbers of no-appointment, extended-hours medical facilities in South Carolina have expanded in recent years

Court dismisses lawsuit over UCLA Health System data breach
Ruling called good news for health care providers who are victims of theft or hacking of medical information where the plaintiff cannot prove that the thief or hacker actually viewed the medical information

Financial incentives boost hand hygiene compliance in study
Research was done at a tertiary medical center including outpatient center

Tighter control over vendor and visitor access can improve safety
Survey reports hospital leaders have recently taken a closer look at ways to control access to their facilities.

Virtual healthcare facilities: Doctors and nurses can consult with patients over the Internet
Telehealth capabilities offer quick and convenient face time with doctors

APIC launches 'Infection Prevention and You' campaign
Initiation designed to help patients, families and healthcare professionals understand their role in preventing infections

Shutdown delays inspections of hospitals, nursing homes
Appropriations to pay for the reviews remains frozen until Congress passes a new funding bill

Canadian regional health system outlines operational improvement initiative
Western Health in Newfoundland will outsource some food service operations and trim 147 full-time equivalent positions

Widespread quality improvement seen at long-term care facilities
But according to a American Health Care Association, infection control poses a challenge

Is hospital outsourcing a short-term trend?
Hospitals have increasingly reduced costs with outsourcing to deal with Medicare cuts and healthcare reform

House hearing on health IT regulation postponed
Law requires HHS to develop a strategy and recommendations for a risk-based regulatory framework pertaining to health information technology

CDC offers guidance for clinical surveillance, management of MERS-CoV
Recommendations offered in preparation for future cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus

Hospital support workers in British Columbia await strike decision
Housekeeping staff holds informational picket at Burnaby Hospital

Data rights debated by privacy advocate, analytics expert
Both sides cited economic issues ass a basis for their arguments

Problems finding certified EHRs for Stage 2 expected
Hospitals and medical offices must advance quickly from Stage 1 to Stage 2 to avoid penalties

New HIPAA rules pose complex challenges for providers
Withholding sensitive records from insurance companies if the bills are paid out of pocket called all-but-impossible

Contest seeking ideas to curb hospital-acquired infections
Winning entrepreneurs will get a $2,500 minimum advance on 20 years percentage of sales or buyout and 50 percent of the licensing royalties

Healthcare-related construction expected to rise 6 percent in 2014
An aging population is still creating increased demand in this area, but The Affordable Care Act and related impacts on healthcare costs could shift developers' plans in the relatively near future