Industry News - October 2015
Syracuse hospital tested for Legionella bacteria
N.Y. Health Department testing water at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center

How hospitals coddle the rich
Elite services exist in various forms and are nearly universal at the most prestigious medical centers

Probe explores possible mold deaths of two more UPMC patients
UPMC mold crisis could be more widespread than initially believed as they continue to investigate possible fungal-related deaths of transplant patients

Design educators must adapt to the healthcare sector's changing needs
One of the biggest changes is a growing recognition that students need specialized knowledge to practice in an increasingly complex, multidisciplinary and technically challenging environment, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Minnesota hospitals review workplace violence plans after shooting
Aitkin County Sheriff’s investigator was killed in the line of duty, at St. Cloud Hospital

N.Y. hospital has long road to recovery after Sandy
The repair process for the city's Bellevue facility took a lot longer that the nearby VA's

Connection between Cubs and healthcare facilities comes out of left field
The University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System's Research and Educational Hospitals were built on the site of the old ballpark

ISU students win national healthcare environment design award
The Iowa State students took first place for their conceptual design of a second patient tower at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Weird crimes committed in hospitals
Hospital security have had to deal with some outrageous crimes

Healthcare can learn from Harley-Davidson
Healthcare organizations must face the reality that they're competing for hearts, minds, and dollars the same way other businesses do, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website.

Asbestos found in hospital not a safety risk
New Zealand board says no one's safety is at risk after asbestos was found in three buildings at Dunedin Public Hospital in Dunedin

Massive Alabama hospital move finishes ahead of schedule
Dozens of ambulances help Trinity Medical Center carry 98 patients to its new facility

Man who died after struggling with hospital guards had a broken vertebra
74-year-old man died two days after being restrained by security guards at MedStar Washington Hospital Center

Emory gets $2.2 million grant to prevent spread of infectious diseases
CDC grant makes Emory a member of the Prevention Epicenters Program, which focuses on infection control and prevention research in healthcare facilities

Missouri healthcare facilities increase security after threatening call
An anonymous caller promised “bloodshed” in a threatening phone message left at a University of Missouri Health Care facility

Standards for hazardous pharmaceutical waste proposed rule
The proposed rule addresses hazardous waste pharmaceuticals that are generated or managed by healthcare facilities and pharmaceutical reverse distributors

S.C. healthcare facilities help hospitals in flood zone
Greenville Health System is one of many offering help to those in the Midlands and Lowcountry

FDA orders scope makers to conduct checks in healthcare facilities
Three duodenoscope manufacturers must conduct studies to better understand how the devices are reprocessed

Cramped Dublin cancer unit called infection risk
Inspection of Beaumont Hospital found patients were being treated too close to each other

Bronx hospital worker found dead in facility's bathroom
Man was locked inside a bathroom at Montefiore Medical Center, where he worked, for days without anyone noticing

Houston hospital may lose funding after patient shooting
St. Joseph Medical Center will be cut from Medicare program unless it corrects safety problems

Patient dies in D.C. hospital after confrontation with security
MedStar Washington Hospital Center has yet to release details

Firefighters shuttling water to S.C. hospital
Palmetto Health Baptist and Palmetto Health Richland affected by flooding

Houston hospital squanders FEMA grant meant for rebuilding after hurricane
The Department of Homeland Security is demanding the return of $32.4 million

Congress OKs funds to finish Colorado VA hospital
The VA can shift money in its own budget to come up with the $625 million needed

UPS to offer medical device replenishment services
Facility will have decontamination capability and instrument inspection to support distribution services to hospitals

Health systems expected to focus on non-acute care
Mergers and acquisitions indicate a shift toward retail clinics, physician practices and digital resources

Hospital closes after ceiling collapses on inspectors
Those being treated at Bootham Park Hospital in York were found to be at 'significant risk of harm'

Afghanistan combat hospital staffed by team of three
Airmen provide the logistics and facilities management at Craig Joint Theater Hospital

UPMC Presbyterian re-opens transplant program after mold inspection
Facility says it may never find a source for the mold

Behavioral healthcare projects reflect change in attitude
New facilities and renovations illustrate how far mental healthcare has come and its growing role in a more integrated care approach, according to an article on the Healthcare Design

Using facility design to benefit care, budget
Information technology and facility design can support new models of patient care