Energy and Power - November 2013
Bryan Medical Center simplifies onsite power operation
Hospital uses power monitoring and control system to instantly gather, process, analyze, and act on the huge volumes and velocity of data

Geisinger Medical Center earns perfect ENERGY STAR score
A cogeneration plant boosts efficiency for the Pennsylvanis health campus

Smarter energy use can reduce operational costs
The latest building automation systems offer energy management features that allow hospital facilities managers to improve efficiency and save money

Raleigh, N.Y. hospital gets a power system upgrade
Upgrade increased Rex Hospital's emergency power generating capacity, boosted its fuel storage capacity and added a SCADA system

Bath hospital wins bid to upgrade lighting
The Royal United Hospital Bath to receive 1.7 million pounds to upgrade lights throughout its buildings

Solar Suitcases provide light and power to health facilities cut off from modern electricity
Device allows midwives and doctors to deliver babies, conduct c/sections, treat pregnancy complications, and care for newborn babies in 25 countries

UK energy initiatives to save 14 million pounds a year
UK Department of Health to fund about 70 plans to save 13.7 million pounds

How many people does it take to change a lightbulb in a hospital?
There is no one, easy answer to energy efficiency at health facilities, but British Columbia health authorities commit to devising a long-range strategic energy management plan

Gifford Medical Center ranks first in Vermont for energy efficiency
Hospital working toward being first in state to get 'Energy Star' rating

More progress needed to prepare hospitals for natural disasters.
Health and hospital officials have made good progress in defining the risks, but less headway in actually implementing solutions