Maintenance and Operations - March 2015
ES department can boost HCAHPS scores
Electronic work-request model can improve communication and patient satisfaction

Jersey City healthcare facility has 'rampant' rodent problem
Residents and staff report mice in resident rooms, hallways and cafeteria

Computerized system can address preventive maintenance mistakes
A computerized maintenance management system and a preventive maintenance strategy can increase a building's life span, save money and reduce equipment downtime

Ice damages Pennsylvania VA healthcare center
Ice and cold damaged the recently built community health center at the VA Butler Healthcare System

Hazards found in Georgia hospital elevators
More than one-third of the elevators inside Doctors, Trinity and University hospitals, and on the Georgia Regents Health System campus, had at least one violation last year

Adapting facilities for primary care needs
Health systems are adjusting their scale and size for contracting strength with insurers, access to capital or cost-efficiencies

Merging healthcare organizations need an operational efficiencies plan
A business plan of operational efficiency is a comprehensive, action-oriented system integration plan

Oregon hospital fined for mislabeling hazardous waste
Oregon Healthy and Science University was cited for not labeling, or labeling inappropriately, hazardous waste containers in its storage facilities

EPA updates hazardous waste pharmaceuticals standards
Disposing of pharmaceuticals regulated as hazardous waste posed a problem for facilities

Surviving the Joint Commission survey
Results for any testing process are likely to be better with effective preparation

Hospitals focusing more on patient comfort
Studies suggesting comforts mean more than fancy facilities

Sewage spill damages patient records, floods Australian hospital ER
Sewage spilled when a drain was blocked at the Adelaide Women's and Children's Hospital in South Australia

On-site laundry can have big impact on long-term care
Laundry rooms must also comply with certain design regulations to prevent the cross-contamination of clean and soiled linens