Industry News - April 2017
Survey predicts no healthcare winners under Trump
NEJM Catalyst report shows healthcare executives have a pessimistic view

Ex-offenders filling hard-to-fill healthcare jobs
A growing number of healthcare facilities are giving people with criminal records a second chance

Magazine honors product innovators
Healthcare Design will honor three winners in its 2017 Product Innovation Awards, according to an article on its website

Personalized care for the millennial patient
A generation which grew up with technology and the internet at its fingertips will have different demands

The sure things among the political uncertainty
There are many unknowns about what healthcare will look like in the future, but we know there are a few ways the healthcare industry will change, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

First mobile unit for lung cancer detection launched
Carolinas HealthCare's mobile CT unit brings care to rural areas

Northwestern Memorial workers rally for $15 an hour
The employees include custodians, patient transport technicians, patient care technicians, dietary/food service and environmental service workers

Politics causes healthcare facilities to stop projects, hiring
Some U.S. hospitals are delaying expansion plans and moving to cut costs

Stakeholders optimistic about healthcare market
Despite political unrest, designers and contractors still have a positive outlook on the future of healthcare construction