Energy and Power - May 2013
ASHRAE expands its building energy labeling program
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) building energy labeling program has expanded to include an As Designed label in addition to its current In Operation label.

Hospitals must carefully site and protect emergency power supply systems
Hardening emergency power supply systems against all the likely threats they might face is imperative in safeguarding power to critical facilities such as hospitals.

Training offered on efficient lighting in facilities for energy savings
The Energy Center of Wisconsin will offer the program, "Efficient facility lighting for energy savings and productivity," June 4 and 5.

Free education program offered on energy efficiency in healthcare facilities
The Energy Center of Wisconsin will offer a free program specifically discussing energy efficiency in healthcare facilities June 27 in Madison, Wis.

Free webinar to discuss energy benchmarking in healthcare facilities
Healthcare Facilities Today will host the free webinar "Healthcare Facility Benchmarking: How to Get Started" at 1 p.m. Eastern on May 21.

Healthcare can learn from Harvard's efforts to cut foodservice energy costs
The healthcare foodservice sector can learn some valuable lessons from an energy reduction initiative at Harvard University.