Industry News - July 2016
At least one hospital embracing Pokémon Go (with limits)
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin says it's the distraction that makes the app worth playing

Hospitals taking cues from hospitality industry to improve patient experience
Customer service is now a big part of hospitals’ strategic planning

More hospitals ask Pokemon Go players to stay off their grounds
Players no longer will be able to 'catch em' all' at some healthcare facilities in the Quad Cities

Rolling Stone includes delivery rooms in list of strangest Pokestop locations
Other locations include graveyards and Holocaust memorials

Hospitals prepped for convention protesters, delegates
In Cleveland, the three major health systems worked out a coordination plan to ensure they can handle a mass-casualty event

Asbestos cleanup at Perth hospital sparking concerns
Western Australia healthcare facility concerned with ongoing safety of workers after asbestos was found in new facility

Tips for healthcare facilities dealing with Pokemon Go
Gamers showing up on healthcare campuses to play are causing potential safety issues

Another UPMC patient with mold infection dies
UPMC says that pneumonia was the cause, while confirming the patient had a fungal infection

Pokémon Go players cause problems at Provo hospital
Four Pokéstops — real world locations where players can get virtual items to aid in their Poké-catching quest — are on the campus.

Five ways an MHA improves organizational health
The success of a healthcare facility relies on people who can balance the medical services it provides with the needs of running an ongoing business.

FEMA sued over use of funds meant to restore medical services in Long Beach
South Nassau Communities Hospital plan to use funds in Oceanside

Innovations in rural healthcare facilities explored
One-day think tank at the University of Kansas in Lawrence discussed emergence of 'community outpatient hospital,' according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Top 20 most beautiful hospitals in the U.S. named
Doctors Memorial Hospital in Bonifay, Fla. named most beautiful for 2016