Maintenance and Operations - August 2014
UK hospital has its own school and gardens
St Aubyn's Centre has a school attached and patients' rooms have private gardens

Healthcare waste disposal ideas sought
Product developer searching for ways to improve hazardous waste disposal in healthcare facilities

Backflow preventers Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about backflow preventers

Critical access hospital re-imagining care delivery
Critical access hospitals are evolving with changes in healthcare delivery methods, technology and demographics

OSHA fines Boston-area hospital for unsafe conditions
Melrose-Wakefield Hospital fined for mishandling of medical waste

CMS backs new dining practice standards
Nursing homes should encourage seniors to be informed on how to select the best foods to fit their needs, according to an article on the Long-Term Living website

Room-service approach improving hospital food
Hospitals switching to a room-service-style model and leaving basic two-choice model behind

ACA may mean the end of bad hospital food
The Affordable Care Act has changed the game for hospital food-service providers

FGI Guidelines Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about FGI Guidelines

Reducing the risk of healthcare-associated infections
The importance of the role of the environmental service department has moved beyond making sure a patient's room is sanitary

Air flow path matters in patient rooms
Computational fluid dynamics simulations help in visualization of airflow patterns, temperature distribution, concentration of contaminants and flow path of airborne pathogens

Looking beyond the traditional clinic
Health services are branching out to alternative sites

Walmart opens primary care clinics
They will be open longer and later than competitors: 12 hours per day during the week and another 8-plus hours per day on weekends

Environmental services to expand, promote influence
Association for the Healthcare Environment executive director says ES managers will also focus on shaping the profession

Vegas betting on facilities to attract medical tourism
The Las Vegas Regional Strategic Plan for Medical and Wellness Tourism was recently unveiled

Hiring key in evolution of senior food service
Facilities must recruit experienced chefs who may not have backgrounds in senior living

The Chief Facilities Officer's emerging role
The CFO is a change agent, guiding the evolution of the facility capital planning and management process

Second flooding at Irish hospital investigated
Letterkenny General Hospital says damage is less than last year's

Data helps sell healthcare energy efficiency efforts
Solid data can drive programs, track progress and do internal and external comparisons

Toledo EDs dealing with toxins in water supply
Hospitals have backup water sources for this and related water-compromising scenarios

Hospital's sponsored space brews concern
Dunkin' Donuts-sponsored family lounge at children's hospital - complete with free coffee - may be sending mixed signals, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Exotic animals help nursing home patients
Massachusetts facility has llamas, alpacas, saltwater fish

New fabric may fight HAIs
Large health system to begin using uniforms made of a fabric designed to help fight pathogen transmission

Integration can improve healthcare facility management
Today's facilities are complex environments that must support many diverse functions

Tips to improve wayfinding signage
Many healthcare facilities fall into a middle ground between easy-to-find and needing-a-GPS building layouts

'Nightmare bacteria' spread in Southeast
Spread of these superbugs could be fueled in part by gaps in infection control in hospitals and long-term care facilities

S.C. hospital revises procedures after infection outbreak
Four surgical patients die at Greenville Health System due to a mycobacterial infection

Hospital vending machine dispenses fresh foods via RFID
Machine has a built-in RFID reader to track the items stored inside the unit via tags affixed to food packaging

NIOSH outlines response to sewer gas exposure
Report created in response to request from employees at a Kentucky medical office building about concerns of exposure

Irish hospital food service hit with complaints
Food service budgets slashed in last two years