Industry News - August 2022
Princeton Community Hospital Association Joins WVU Health System
The letter of intent was signed in 2021.

WakeMed Files Certificates of Need for Behavioral Health Hospital
Pending the approval by the state, WakeMed will build a 150-bed mental health facility.

Christiana Care Health System Will No Longer Purchase Crozer Health
Changing economic landscape impacted the ability to move forward with the sale.

Milwaukee County to Open New Mental Health Emergency Center
The Mental Health Emergency Center will replace the current behavior health center that will close in early September.

HCA Florida Oak Hill Hospital Closes Inpatient Pediatric Unit
The hospital will continue to operate its eight-bed pediatric emergency department.

University Hospitals Discontinue Services, Combine Medical Centers
Some inpatient, surgical and emergency services will be discontinued, while services will be consolidated at nearby locations.

Arizona VA Nursing Home Closed Due to Rat Infestation
Recent storms caused rats to move into the facility.

Healthcare Facility Management Market to Hit $427.13 Billion
COVID-19 and growing elderly population are largely contributing to the growth of the healthcare facility market.

Without Help, Nursing Home Workforce Recovery Will Struggle
The model indicates staffing levels might not return to pre-pandemic levels until 2026.

Taylor Hospital and Regional Hospital of Scranton Request to Consolidate
The goal is to complete the licensure transition later this year.

Rush Health Systems and Ochsner Health Officially Merge
The two companies, now Ochsner Rush Health, will anchor services in East Mississippi and West Alabama.

11 Hospitals Receive Healthcare Supply Chain Excellence Award
ECRI awards 11 hospitals for supply chain excellence.

Green County Medical Center to Close Long-Term-Care Department
After many attempts to continue services, the long term care department will close by Sept. 28, 2022.

US News’ Releases 2022 Best Hospital Honor Roll List
The honor roll includes 20 hospitals that excel across most or all types of care.