Industry News - September 2013
AHE elects two at-large board members
Association for the Healthcare Environment president re-appointed

Demand for nurse informaticists ramps up
Nursing informatics blends nursing science, information science and computer science

Healthcare Design magazine announces 2013 Remodel-Renovation winners
Six projects honored in fourth annual competition

Healthcare can be fixed by design
Wired Q&A talks to consultant about how to bring human-centered design to a complex system

Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council seeks nominations for 2014-2016 board
Four HLAC positions in three director classes are open

Chemotherapy delivery given kid-friendly makeover
Designers look to rubber duckies and superheroes to make experience a little easier

HHS awards $5.3 million for health IT in rural areas
Grants will help expand the rural health information technology workforce and the use of telehealth

How long will health care boom last in Dallas/Forth Worth?
Parkland Memorial Hospital is the nation's largest health care construction projects in progress

New IT degree with health care focus offered
Information-related job growth in the health care field is expected to increase by 21 percent between 2010 and 2020

NHS Change Day making a difference, organizers say
Over 189,000 pledges were made to improve patient experience and/or clinical outcomes

N.J. firm stays busy in health care construction
Nursing home specialist partnering for new rehabilitation center

Cancer treatment waiting room redesigned just for kids
Staff-driven project was inspired by young cancer patient

Residents protest Utah medical waste incinerator
North Salt Lake plant accused of blanketing the region in toxic smoke

C. Diff rates nearly doubled 10 years
Data comes from analysis of U.S. National Hospital Discharge Surveys from 2001 to 2010

C-change: the chief experience officer joins the executive circle
Patient experiences have a financial impact with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Updated Life Safety Code waiver rule allows bigger trash cans
The update balances "unreasonable hardship" for facilities and resident safety

Bipartisan Policy Center calls for health IT oversight framework
BPC seeks response that engages health care stakeholders, protects patient safety, supports learning and promotes innovation

Advocate sued after huge data breach
Four unencrypted laptops were stolen from its facility in the second largest data breach to date

National Health IT Week kicks off Sept. 16
Week-long celebration includes Health IT Technology Showcase and Policy Summit

Tips from Joint Commission on survey readiness
Medication management updates are key for 2013: Red flags may include automated dispensing cabinets and therapeutic duplication

Study says hospital-acquired infections cost $10 billion a year
Five most common health care-associated infections effect one of 20 each year

Emerson Network Power reports electrical codes should more strongly address onsite power location

Would FDA-regulated IT systems make health care safer?
Doctor says yes: Electronic medical records, digital imaging, provider order entry and test results are core medical functions

Joint Commission International releases hospital standards
Fifth edition addresses new and substantially updated standards that take effect April 1, 2014

Ambulatory care facilities have unique design challenges
Lean process improvement, shared medical appointments, telehealth services just some of the factors to consider