cleaning - strategies, tips and insights for the healthcare facilities management industry

Cleanology: The Need for a Study of Cleaning

When It Comes to Disinfectants, Close Is Not Good Enough

Controlling the Spread of Antimicrobial-Resistant Bacteria

How To ESKAPE the Threat of Pathogens on Surfaces

Three Strategies to Streamline Cleaning Labor in Senior Living Facilities

Cameron Memorial Community Hospital Cleans Up with OhmniClean

Mandating a Patient's Right to a Clean Room

3 Nuances of Cleaning and Disinfection in Healthcare

Bleach Study Sends Unneeded Shock Waves

Identifying Germs and Cleaning Occupied Spaces for Environmental Services

When to Use Cleaning Chemicals or Germ-Killing Disinfectants

Preventing Quat Binding in Healthcare Facilities

Study Finds Bacteria Stick Around Even After Cleaning

Cleaning Patient Care Equipment

Training Frontline Healthcare Staff for Effective Pathogen Control

Differentiating Between Traditional and 'Hospital Grade' Disinfectants

3 Benefits of Autonomous Floor Care Equipment in Healthcare

C. auris Case Suspected in WVU Medicine Hospital in Bridgeport

Avoiding Problems When Disinfecting Hospital Surfaces

Best Disinfecting Practices Unveiled by Top Experts

Rethinking Hospital Cleaning Methods and Materials

Cleaning Reduces Infection Risks for Patients

Bringing Hospital Cleaning into the 21st Century

How Clean Do Hard Nonporous Surfaces Need to Be?

How To Choose Disinfectants for Emerging Viral Pathogens

Preventing Mold in Healthcare Facilities

The Science Behind Surface Decontamination 

Can Biofilm Make Candida Auris More Dangerous? 

Standard Needed for Electrostatic Application of Disinfectant

Pathogen Removal Strategies for Infection Control

Employees Call to Halt Surgeries After Finding Contaminated Trays

How Healthcare Facilities Can Ensure Handwashing Happens

Is ROI More Important Than ROL?

Wrong Disinfectant Can Lead to Occupational Health Risks

'Elbow Grease' Is Critical for Infection Control

Damaged Hospital Surfaces Cannot Be Disinfected

Pros of Outsourcing Environmental Services in Healthcare Facilities

How to Choose the Right Disinfectants

Striving for Better Cleaning in Hospitals 

Is Routine Disinfecting Necessary?

Reality Check: Rethinking Surface Disinfectants

How Flooring Acts as a Mode of Infection Transmission

Environmental Hygiene Programs Help Reduce C. diff Rates

Maximizing Microfiber Cleaning Products

HAIs Contribute to Growth of Surface Disinfectant Market

Disinfectants That Don't Disinfect

How Proper Cleaning Can Limit the Spread of Norovirus

Cleaning to Impress Visitors

Hospital Cleaning Practices Need Improvement

Clean Hands Battle Healthcare-Acquired Infections

High-Touch Surfaces in Long-Term Care Facilities Often Contaminated

How to Prevent Mold Growth in Facilities

Thermal Imaging Can Improve Handwashing

Automated Hand Hygiene Monitoring Systems Promote Cleaner Healthcare Facilities

What is the Threat of Infections Acquired in Ambulances

Perfect Storm: High Surface Contamination and Vulnerable Patients

3 Most Common Questions About Chemicals

3 Steps to Prevent C. diff Spread

Green Seal to Prohibit PFAS In All Green Seal Cleaning Products

Top Areas to Keep Clean in Senior Care Facilities

Hospitals Face Major Environmental Services Challenges

How Flooring Impacts Healthcare Facilities

Why and Where Do Healthcare Facilities Need to Disinfect? 

Fighting Fecal Matter on High-Touch Surfaces

Healthcare Acquired Infections Responsible for 100,000 Deaths Annually 

ASHE Infection Control Tool Focuses on Role of Maintenance

Porous vs. Nonporous: Which Surface Has the Most Effective Transmission?

What Disinfectant Labels Really Mean

Fit for Purpose Disinfection: A Closer Look

Tackling Dry-Surface Biofilm

Cleaning Strategies for Furniture, Furnishings and Patient Care Equipment

Patients, Staff Need Risk-Based Standards on Cleanliness

Covid-19 Is Turning South African Hospitals Into ‘Obsessive Infection Control Bubbles’

Triclosan exposure linked to osteoporosis

Finding the next generation of cleaning managers

Hospital salaries: From environmental services to the CEO

NYU student goes from janitor to nursing school grad

Hospital housekeeper, 4-year-old patient become 'best friends'

Top 10 cleaning toxins and natural alternatives

Sanitizing a hospital mattress

Health concerns expected to fuel cleaning chemicals market

Green cleaning offers opportunities for the healthcare facilities management market

Boost ES recognition by providing opportunities for success

Superheroes wash windows at San Diego Children’s Hospital

EPA updates disinfectant-testing guidelines

Regulations, Codes & Standards Q&A: Clean storage in an EVS closet

NHS launches emergency plans after cleaning contractor collapses

Office workers at Scottish health board redeployed to hospital cleaning due to flu outbreak

Geisinger focuses on ES department career advancement

Va. health system works to improve cleaning protocol uniformity

Research links disinfectant to hospital staff health problems

Cleaning an artificial green wall

Clorox Professional Products Company Introduces New Portfolio of Odor Control Products Designed to Eliminate the Toughest Professional Odors

Sunburst Chemicals Introduces Tamper Proof Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser

Existing Reprocessing Techniques Prove Insufficient for Flexible Endoscopes

Fighting Heavy Foot Traffic with Optimal Footprint: Diversey Care Introduces TASKI swingo XD Series

Sundrops 59 Foaming Lotion Soap from Sunburst Chemicals Designated Safer Choice Product

A data-driven approach to healthcare facilities environmental services

Stains Perform a Disappearing Act with New Clax Magic Range from Sealed Air’s Diversey Care

New Research Demonstrates that Patients’ Perception of Hospital Cleanliness Impacts Multiple Patient Experience Measures

Five guaranteed ways to keep your cafeteria clean and up to code

CleanCore Technologies, LLC Announces its Aqueous Ozone Cleaning Solutions are now Green Seal Certified

Sealed Air Announces Plan to Pursue Spin-Off of Diversey Care and Related Hygiene Business

New PROSOCO Cleaner Earns EPA Safer Choice Label

Essential elements of an OR cleaning program

National Hygiene Specialist Excellence Award Recognizes Sharon Jones – Environmental Services, Methodist Hospitals of Indiana, Gary Campus

Four ways to reduce healthcare-associated infections

AHE and Kimberly-Clark Professional Announce 2016 Heart of Healthcare Award Recipient

Pa. nursing home hit with complaints of cockroaches, filth

Flagship NHS hospital called filthy and unsafe

Gundersen Health System environmental services department honored

ISSA Offers Third-Party Training Center Verification

Real-time tracking can improve healthcare facility cleaning

Nursing home chooses touchless cleaning for wheelchairs

Diversey Care Launches Oxivir 1 Disinfectant Cleaner to Lead its Disinfectant Portfolio

Nominate an exceptional cleaning manager

Hospital reschedules surgeries due to dust on supplies

Hospitals adding technology to cleaning routines

Study: Cleanliness promotes better behavior

Survey names 10 cleanest Dallas hospitals

Bed bugs force hospital waiting room to close

Americans link cleanliness with level of care in senior facilities

The value of clean

Adding bioremediation to the sanitation schedule

Monitoring infection-control cleaning results

Guidance lacking for soft-surface decontamination

Healthcare workers identify infection-control barriers

Survey says Canadian hospitals not clean enough

White paper examines soft-surface decontamination

Experts advise on cleaning, disinfection of scopes

Insect problem, other issues reported at Connecticut VA

Scottish hospitals called out about dirty equipment

Events in 2013 will impact green cleaning in 2014

It's not about dirt: Dealing with non-soiling issues in carpet care

Quality assurance program key to environmental services

Streamlining instrument tray cleaning

NIOSH launches web page with cleaning resources

Bristol Children's Hospital ordered to improve cleanliness after inspection

Environmental services effectiveness key as decentralized care expands

Environmental services earning respect for quality outcomes

Manufacturers developing materials for cleanability and germ resistance

Geisinger Medical Center honored for environmental services excellence

8 tips on keeping facilities clean, green, and healthy

Sweeping changes: Hospitals focus on cleaning services

Survey says: Cleaning industry is cautiously optimistic



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