Energy and Power
Charging Ahead: Incentives Driving EV Charging in Healthcare Facilities
Manufacturers discuss how incentives impact the decision-making process.

EV Charging in Healthcare: Does the ROI Make Sense for the C-Suite?
Convincing the C-suite to invest in EV charging calls for a strategic approach that balances financial returns with environmental benefits.

Power Reliability: NFPA Electrical Cycle of Safety
Ensuring facilities meet current codes and standards can establish a holistic level of electrical resilience.

Backup Power: Challenges and Solutions
By ensuring reliable, resilient and cost-effective solutions, managers can meet demands of healthcare operations and safeguard patients.

Western Washington Healthcare Facilities Recover from 'Bomb Cyclone'
Backup power and advanced prep are critical to weathering winter storms.

Ameresco Partners with UCI Health to Power All-Electric, Zero-Emission Hospital Campus
Solar photovoltaic arrays will power the all-electric medical campus.

Making a Microgrid: Valley Children's Healthcare's Sustainability and Resilience Project
Valley Children’s Healthcare faces a few growing energy issues threatening their operations. Their answer? A microgrid.

Power When It Counts: Emergency Power Strategies
Facility managers and technicians face myriad challenges in ensuring reliable emergency power for healthcare facilities.

Kiewit and Veolia Collaborate with Henry Ford Health for Central Energy Hub
The hub will provide heating and cooling via a hot and cold-water system that will tie into the new hospital facilities.

Facility Makes Zero Energy History
Pueblo Community Health Center in Colorado is the first zero energy outpatient healthcare facility in North America.

Klickitat Valley Health Installs Zero-Emission Fuel Cell System
The fuel cell system was created via a partnership between Kohler and Toyota.

Preparing Healthcare Facilities for Severe Thunderstorms
Hardening plans and collaboration with local stakeholders can aid in prep for severe weather.

Microgrids Help Build Energy-Resilient Healthcare Facilities
In the face of extreme conditions affecting power supplies, microgrids can provide an uninterruptable solution.

Florida Hospital Experiences Two Power Outages in Less Than 24 Hours
Facilities management can mitigate potential outages through training and planning.

What Kinds of Energy Efficient Technologies Can Hospitals Use?
From LED lighting to building automation systems, there are many types of technology that hospitals can employ.

Backup Power Keeps Hospitals Operating in Times of Crisis
Here are strategies and tactics to ensure facilities have reliable backup power options when patients need it the most.

St. Charles Health System Upgrades Electrical System with Minimal Disruptions
Planning was critical to ensure emergency care could be provided while power was switched to the new system.

Advance in Thermal Energy Storage Shows Promise
Breakthrough could play major role in decarbonizing buildings

LA County Addresses Aging Hospital Generators
Deployment of generator-monitoring technology provides real-time alerts to hospitals during power outages

NEMA Offers Motors and Generators Standard for Free
Standard provides guidance for motor manufacturers, state and local codes, repair shops, contractors, facilities managers and original equipment manufacturers

Long-Term Care Facility Reduces Carbon Footprint With No Upfront Costs
Case Study: Crown Point Health Suites upgraded lighting to LED fixtures and added HVAC sensors

How Healthcare Systems Can Prepare for Storm Season
Peak tropical storm season is coming, which means potential downtimes for healthcare facilities

Kaiser Invests in Microgrids To Improve Sustainability
Higher-acuity care and increased threats of outages are driving interest in microgrids

D.C.’s Largest Solar Array Debuts
Children’s National Research & Innovation Campus located on former Walter Reed Army Medical Center campus

Hospital Eyes Lighting Upgrades To Boost Energy Efficiency
System was spending $2 million annually on lighting for hospital, but also acute care facilities, clinics, medical office building and parking structure

Look Out for These UPS Failures
When utility power fails in hospitals, FMs can’t afford for the uninterruptible power supply system to fail, too

How to Avoid Generator Failure in Hospitals
Address these common generator problems to avoid power downtime

Six Tips to Reduce Breaker Trips in Hospitals
FMs in healthcare facilities can’t afford power downtime. Here’s how to avoid problems

Florida Healthcare System Buys into Solar
300-ton steel canopy will power 84 percent of executive office building

Microgrid Projects Show Tech’s Potential for Healthcare
Projects will include how to incorporate renewable energy and move away from diesel generators

Solar Array Covers 90 Percent Of Healthcare Facility’s Energy Needs
The installation will generate an estimated 541,645 kWh of clean energy annually

Key Questions When Renting Generators
Create detailed specifications regarding requirements, usage and site conditions.

Smart Lighting Design, Lighting Controls Can Optimize Daylighting
From window film to lighting controls, here are some strategies for overcoming daylighting challenges

Energy Reviews Reveal Hidden Inefficiencies
University of Maryland Medical Center discovers ways to decrease energy use

S.C.Hospital Using Software To Control Energy Use
Fault-detection diagnostic software can reduce waste

Achieving Net-Zero Energy
Historically high energy users, hospitals do have a pathway to net-zero energy

Kaiser Permanente First Healthcare System To Reach Carbon Neutrality
One hundred percent of energy the system uses is being either used in a green way or is offset

Case Study: Urology Center in Little Rock
The project provided lighting for a range of medical and cleanroom applications

How Hospitals Can Achieve Net-Zero Energy
Historically high energy users, hospitals do have a pathway to net-zero energy. These tips and real-world case studies illustrate how.

Regulations, Codes & Standards Q&A: Power Strips
Brad Keyes discusses regulations related to power strips

Selecting the Right Steam Control Mechanism
Moving beyond ‘business as usual’ regulators and relief valves to explore different steam control options

Solar-Powered Hospitals Saving Lives in Congo
The installation at a hospital consists of 100 solar panels and seven batteries capable of accumulating the necessary energy to run the facilities for two full days

Clean Energy Microgrid Built For Covid-19 Hospital In Migrant Camp
Batteries combined with photovoltaics provide power for the pop-up clinic

A Healthcare Facility Lighting Retrofit Checklist
How do you begin to coordinate and come up with funds to replace lighting systems across thousands of square feet?

CHP Systems Offer Energy Efficiency At The Source
A loss of power can have devastating effects, particularly in hospitals and healthcare facilities that need reliable power to keep their patients alive and healthy

The Importance Of Surge Protection In Healthcare Facilities
Ventilators and other monitors must have a constant stream of power to reduce risks to patients

Microgrids in Hospitals Can Support Bolster Public Health
Hospitals need electricity for critical functions such as ventilators and dialysis machines

COVID-19 increases use of microgrids in healthcare sector
There are still regulatory, awareness barriers to adopting systems

The impact of blue light on patients at night
Light is critical to our health because it helps synchronize the biological clock that maintains our circadian rhythms

Reliable power source key during pandemic
In some countries, 25 percent of health clinics lack electricity