Energy and Power - October 2014
Florida nursing home cited for rats
Citrus Gardens, in Fort Myers, Fla., was cited by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for a rat infestation, according to an article on the Long-term Living website

Laundry council backs CDC Ebola guidelines
The Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council (HLAC) is advising healthcare laundries to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on processing Ebola-related linens

Fire-rated door frame Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about fire-rated door frames

Hospitals review infection control practices amid Ebola fears
Experts say renewed education and training efforts may lead to more hospitals revamping their protocols and being more prepared in the future

Ebola risk management tips for healthcare facilities
Internal risk management strategy should include the establishment of policies, training and demonstrable due diligence

Green initiatives gaining favor with hospitals
Sustainability believed to be a deciding factor for patients when choosing hospitals, survey says

N.Y. prison expands medical facility
$32 million expansion of the Mohawk Correctional Facility designed to be safer and more cost-effective

Health system switches to meats without unnecessary antibiotics
Morrison Healthcare Partners with Health Care Without Harm in serving meat and poultry without unnecessary antibiotics

Optimizing lighting and HVAC control can save money
Light and HVAC play a critical role in creating an ideal healing environment

Facilities professionals must communicate how they contribute to the organization as a whole
The evolving healthcare industry may offer new opportunities for facility managers prepared to take advantage of them

Download free whitepaper on hand hygiene
Paper on Infection Control Today website discusses the effects of hand hygiene on skin

About one in six doctor visits will be virtual in 2014
Virtual visits are expected to save $5 billion this year

Mandatory Ebola quarantine criticized
Doctors Without Borders, the New Jersey chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology disagree with the states' actions

Controlling allergies in a long-term living facility
A blog on the Long-Term Living website offers five environmental tips to surviving allergy season

Testing can help clarify wayfinding system
Munson Medical Center's process improvement exercises helped pinpoint problems in their signage and communication, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Prevent winter pest problems
As colder weather drives pests indoors, integrated pest management minimizes the risk of infestations

Pittsburgh facility ups hand-hygiene compliance to nearly 100 percent
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Presbyterian initiative includes education and accountability measures

NYC healthcare workers readying for Ebola
Workers urged to calm rampant public fears over Ebola

Liquid oxygen transfilling Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about liquid oxygen transfilling operations

N.J. bill would give power-restoration priority to healthcare facilities
Electric companies say healthcare facilities are already among the first customers they consider when getting service back to normal after an extended outage

Hospital security departments bracing for Ebola impact
Hospitals are re-examining their plans to ensure they are prepared to meet the challenges

Twin Cities hospitals help anchor local food movement
Most medical centers and colleges have come together to broaden their collective impact by purchasing more local goods and services

UK hospital criticized for filthy conditions
Patient sat on a pressure cushion covered in previous patient's feces for a week, according to family

Facility managers feeling effect of healthcare industry changes
Industry veteran says facility managers need to stay involved or risk being left behind

Western Massachusetts hospital earns LEED HC Gold
The project's brownfield site was once a rope mill and included salvageable brick and other materials that were incorporated into the new structure

CDC issues stronger standards for Ebola healthcare workers
Updated protocols include personal protective equipment that covers the entire body and leaves no skin exposed

Ebola units have few rooms
Only four hospitals in the country have high-level containment units and each has the capacity to treat only a handful of Ebola patients at once

Maintaining Joint Commission accreditation
Various state agencies utilize Joint Commission accreditation as a condition for Medicare payments, so accreditation is even more important with the Affordable Care Act

San Antonio hospital energy investments save money
Sky Tower at University Hospital includes an array of energy-saving technology and building materials

Energy measurement best practices for healthcare
Effective measurement and control can help ensure healthcare facilities get the best return on their energy investments

UK hospital patient dies after dietary mistake
Croydon University Hospital staff gives patient solid food instead of liquids

Ebola preparedness urged for clinics
Stand-alone clinics need to prepare themselves for patients with Ebola-like symptoms

Ebola raises concerns over infection controls
The track record of the nation's hospitals in controlling other infections suggests a lot of them aren't prepared

Iowa hospital works to decrease patient falls
Horn Memorial Hospital, Ida Grove, was one of three Iowa hospitals to be recognized by the Iowa Healthcare Collaborative for their success in significantly reducing their patient fall rate

Improving hand-washing compliance
Hospitals are adopting direct observation, education and creative signage initiatives to increase hand washing among staff

OSHA issues Ebola guidance
The agency is being urged to move forward with an infectious-disease rule initiated in 2010

Appropriate technology key to hospital security
The goal should be balancing the need for a secure environment and allowing staff and visitors to move through a facility without too much hassle

Detroit hospital considers outsourcing housekeeping
Move is part of a trend by hospital systems in Southeast Michigan and elsewhere

Fiber optic cable Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about fiber optic cable

Ebola a workplace issue for healthcare facilities
Hospitals focusing on training, communication to diminish risk and worry

Facility conditions key to controlling spread of viral hemorrhagic fever
Many of the hosts that carry hemorrhagic fever viruses are rodents

Saskatoon hospitals warn of thefts
Hospitals advise greater precautions to deal with thefts from patients

What if a flu pandemic were to happen tomorrow?
As part of a pandemic plan, hospitals should work with a security provider to focus on crowd control and restricted access or 'lockdowns'

Hospital commits to reducing its carbon footprint
George Washington University Hospital will source enough zero-emission solar power to cover about one-third of its energy needs

Hospital security a growing concern
Shootings, privacy breaches and theft are just some of the challenges that hospitals face daily

Community health beyond just the data
According to a blog on the Healthcare Design website, focus groups, interviews and ethnographic studies can help clarify community needs

Health officials discussing designated Ebola hospitals
Bellevue Hospital Center has agreed to take confirmed cases of Ebola from the 11 hospitals within the New York City Health and Hospitals Corp.

CDC's how-to on treating Ebola safely
New York Times article includes instructions, charts and graphics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Nurses at Dallas hospital say there were no Ebola protocols
Union says guidelines were constantly changing on how to deal with the virus

Housekeeping leader at senior care facility honored
Monique Walker, director of housekeeping Vi at Grayhawk, recognized with 'Managers of Distinction' Award

TriRivers Health Partners installs integrated power management system
System supports healthcare IT requirements and electronic health record storage

Many nursing homes still lack sprinklers
A total of 385 facilities in 39 states fail to meet requirements set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Hospitals can learn from Dallas' Ebola mistakes
U.S. hospitals are concerned that more Ebola patients will emerge, pushing them to buy more protective equipment, build new isolation rooms

Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center FM honored
Brian Tallmadge recognized with 'Managers of Distinction' Award

Hopes realized seven years after Michigan hospital installs vegetative roof
Project enhances sustainability efforts as part of the hospital's stormwater management

Choosing patient-unit flooring
A flooring mock-up can be an ideal way to show all the options

Waste containers Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about waste containers

Surgical fire prevention strategies
Between 550 and 650 surgical fires occur each year in the U.S.

New case raises questions about treating Ebola in all hospitals
CDC considering whether patients with the virus should be transferred to hospitals with special containment units

Free 'Building Commissioning for Hospitals' webcast Thursday
Webcast will include an in-depth examination of how existing building commissioning can be used to identify system improvements in hospitals to boost utility savings and capital ROI

Firefighting in hospitals takes specialized training
One of the most complicated types of facilities that a firefighter will ever respond to is a healthcare center

Infection-control problems found in Connecticut hospital
Community Health Services cited for inadequate handling of patients who arrive with a cough, fever or rash; unsanitary conditions and poor sterilization procedures

Protecting healthcare workers from splash exposures
Splashes occur during workers' daily activities like emptying suction cups, spraying bedpans or changing fecal tubes of catheters

Ensuring health facility firewall integrity
Constant construction, renovation and maintenance projects in hospitals can lead to compromises in firewall barriers

Connecticut hospitals gear up for Ebola
Hospitals in the region say they have quarantine rooms at the ready

When Ebola is suspected but not confirmed, linen should be left in the room until test results are obtained
If the tests show the patient is not infected, the linen can be processed according to regular procedure, if the patient has the virus, the linen should be discarded and treated as regulated medical waste

A day at a Liberian Ebola clinic
An article in The New York Times examines a single day at the newly opened Ebola treatment center run by the International Medical Corps.

Stabbed surgeon calls for safety boost in Australian hospitals
Secure entrances for hospital staff, restricted access to wards and regular security patrols of public areas urged for facilities

Outstanding healthcare environmental services professionals honored
Honorees recognized for making a difference for patients and long-term care residents

Virgin Island hospitals to be revamped to save energy
Some of the energy saving measures applied to the hospitals could save nearly $5 million annually

California hospital gets seismic safety reprieve
New law allows Sutter Memorial Hospital to operate until Sept. 1, 2015 without meeting state earthquake safety rules

CDC: Discard Ebola patient linens as regulated medical waste
CDC lists laundry and housekeeping staff as 'healthcare personnel' who should follow its recommendations during cleaning and disinfection activities

Skilled nursing facility creates own TV station
Archie Hendricks Sr. Skilled Nursing Facility honored for technology that helps residents feel part of the nursing home and native communities

Copper coated hospital beds help combat possible infections
UK hospital replaces high-touch surfaces - including bed rails, cabinet handles, chair arms, hand rails, switches and taps - with copper

Single-use device reprocessing saves money and the environment
When hospitals discard items that can be reprocessed, they perpetuate the problem by creating unnecessary landfill waste

U.S. nearing solution on Ebola waste issue
Experts warn that conflicting regulations could make it difficult for hospitals

VA New Orleans replacement medical center has self-sustaining power plant
Plant has enough capacity for the campus to operate independently for up to five days in case of natural disaster

U.S. has the healthcare system to stop Ebola
America has the facilities and equipment, public sanitation and communications infrastructure to contain outbreak

Hand hygiene improves with monitoring
Study says healthcare workers' hand-hygiene compliance is better when other workers are present

Feds may be lowering safety standards for Ebola waste
The Healthcare Coalition for Emergency Preparedness (HCEP) says the government will be lowering standards for disposing of Ebola waste in Dallas

Calif. guv OKs one hospital workplace safety bill, vetoes another
Gov. Jerry Brown signed bill which imposes new requirements on hospitals for workplace violence plans and reporting

Health system initiative to reduce red-bag waste
Inova Health System launches more aggressive waste-segregation and education strategy

Book calls for detoxing healthcare
'Greening Health Care: How Hospitals Can Heal the Planet' says the healthcare industry produces waste and emissions that can make people sick

CMMS success rests on having a plan, goals
Before installing a computerized maintenance management system, a facility needs a comprehensive view of how the system will function

Hospital security can help contain Ebola virus
Policies and personnel can play a role in preventing the spread of Ebola

Indiana health network forms its own police force
Parkview Health in Fort Wayne is first network in the state to have it's own force

Environmental services 'secret weapon' against HAIs
Scientist says environmental services staff rarely appear on the radar of hospital administrators except when there's a need for budget cuts

Scottish hospital not clean enough for HEI inspectors
Inspectors found contaminated linen on 'ready to use' patient beds

Managing health facilities after a merger
As more health systems consolidate, facilities managers are seeing the emergence of centralized facility management

Dealing with infectious disease
Issues hospitals should consider before handling an Ebola patient

Electronic surveillance cuts death rates, study says
The use of an electronic physiological surveillance system correlated with two United Kingdom hospitals slashing mortality rates by more than 15 percent over the course of a year

Temporary staffing in healthcare security
Careful planning can help ensure that regardless of the situation, it's (safe and secure) business as usual for your hospital

Electrical closets Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about electrical closets

UK hospital chlorine contamination sparks police investigation
Two patient deaths are linked to contaminated water with chlorine levels 16 times higher than accepted as safe

Study says shark-skin-inspired surface helps control MRSA
Coating surfaces with microscopic bumps could limit the transmission of bacterial infections

N.C. health providers team up to cut costs
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, WakeMed Health & Hospitals and Vidant Health have formed a shared-services operating company

R.I. healthcare organization repurposes manufacturing space
Retrofit includes modulating boilers, packaged rooftop units

Technology infrastructure can reduce costs and improve patient care
Implementing an intelligent technology infrastructure is one of the new wave of conservation measures

Survey names 10 cleanest Dallas hospitals
Facilities chosen from Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey data