Energy and Power - November 2020
Hospitals Boosting Email Security
Additional restrictions implemented to help prevent ransomware attacks

Ultraviolet Light Kills Coronavirus, But Caution Required
Continuous disinfection of surfaces and air would be a desirable outcome, but there is a lot of unknown risk with these solutions

Small Michigan Hospital Braces For COVID
Last week, five of its six ICU beds were filled; one with a COVID patient

Study Tests Effectiveness Of Materials For Face Masks
Researchers tested everything from t-shirts and socks to jeans and vacuum bags

Butte Longterm Care Facility Resorts To Extreme Measures
Some asymptomatic staff members who have tested positive continue working with the COVID-19 positive patients

Cleaning, Sanitizing And Disinfecting
COVID has spurred a new standard for healthcare facility hygiene

Kansas Healthcare Providers With COVID-19 Allowed To Treat Patients
The practice is allowed when facilities face staff shortages

Traveling Healthcare Workers Face Dire COVID Conditions
Caught between hospitals and agencies, workers’ protections are blurred

Michigan Healthcare Facilities Prep For COVID Surge
State’s hospitals prepared to different degrees

Telemedicine Market Growing Rapidly
Remote patient monitoring is one of the primary benefits of telemedicine

Tips For Hiring Healthcare Cybersecurity Pros
Cybersecurity requires people from all backgrounds and majors

Giant Therapy Dog Brings Smiles, Infection Concerns To Ohio Healthcare Facility
Pandemic paused the project for safety reasons

Developing Robust Emergency Operating Procedures
Preparations must be taken to develop, deploy and maintain emergency operating procedures and harden the facility department’s emergency preparedness

The Three Stages Of Facility Emergency Response
The biggest challenge that healthcare facility managers face in an emergency is ensuring safety

Working In Multiple Nursing Homes May Spread The Virus
Research has found that on average each nursing home is connected to seven others through staff movement

Feds Warn of ‘Imminent’ Cyber Threat to Healthcare Facilities
Some two dozen hospitals have already been hit

Twin Cities On 'Red Alert' For ICU Beds
ICU bed space is scarce because caregivers own infections or exposures

Operating Room Airflow Makes COVID Social Distancing Ineffective
Stepping away from a patient may not reduce risk

Mask Stockpiling May Be Hurting Small Healthcare Facilities
Larger healthcare facilities are stockpiling what they can in preparation for future surges

Bacteria On Hospital Floors Suggests Need For Better Infection Control
New study finds floors are a significant, but often overlooked, bacteria source

The Evolution Of Sustainability Post COVID-19
The pandemic has shown how sustainability in facilities must evolve to also include health and wellness strategies for building occupants

Containing Infection Risk During Hospital Construction
Early discussion and risk assessment associated are key to minimizing the potential impact

NYC Healthcare Facilities Feel Ready For COVID Resurgence
Hospitals and nursing homes are drawing on lessons learned in the spring

Decarbonizing Healthcare Facilities in a Post-Pandemic World
Decarbonizing a facility in a post-pandemic world first requires hospitals to determine what was changed and how drastically this may have impacted energy use

‘Security Incident’ Shuts Down Sonoma Valley Hospital Computers
Incident triggered 'significant downtime'

Bill Targets Improved Hospital Signage, Lighting
Massachusetts legislation to require regulations on emergency room signs, lighting, doorbells or panic buttons, and video surveillance

Visitor Registration Systems Can Boost Healthcare Facility Security
Security must contend with these threats while balancing the need to maintain an open and inviting environment

Chart Shows Healthcare Workers Most Likely To Be Hospitalized For COVID
Housekeeping and maintenance workers were below those with nursing-related jobs, but above physicians

Building Analytics Strategies For COVID-19 Building Operations
As occupancy levels fluctuate during the pandemic, building analytics can help FMs fine-tune equipment to run efficiently

CDC Launches Anti-infection Program for Healthcare Workers
The $180 million program is designed to help stop the spread of pathogens in healthcare facilities

Texas Nursing Homes Violated Infection Control Standards During COVID
According to state records, 556 Texas longterm care facilities violated infection control standards at least 1,435 times between early March and mid-August

Infection Control Training From CDC Supports Existing Efforts
Program targets frontline healthcare workers and could supplement senior living community offerings

Some Michigan Hospitals Boosting Minimum Wage
Two Michigan hospital systems raise minimum wage to $15 to fill job openings

Hospital COVID Outbreak May Have Started In Break Room
15 staff members at Mass. hospital tested positive for COVID-19

Security/Safety Mistakes That May Be Overlooked During COVID
Basic hospital security can lapse during a crisis

Texas Hospital’s Face Shield Program Controlling COVID Spread
Researchers have also found the program has reduced overall hospital-acquired infections

Healthcare Facility Dining Programs Meet COVID With Innovation
At UF Health Shands Florida Hospital, dining staff started delivering food directly to COVID patients

La. Hospital Shares Security Measures After Baby Was Taken
The baby was found safe a few hours later

Pandemic Adds Election Duties To Longterm Care Workers’ To-Do Lists
Staffers visit each resident to help with voting

Designing Healthcare Facility Ventilation After COVID-19
Designers are using different strategies to support infection control

Staff-strapped Canadian Nursing Homes Turning To Immigration
Staffing for longterm care facilities called a national issue

Keeping The Hospital Cafeteria Safe During The Pandemic
A properly developed, executed and periodically reviewed plan is key

Indiana Hospital Fighting COVID With Germ Killing Robots
Reid Health has added three robots to cleaning arsenal in rooms occupied by COVID-19 patients

False Positives in COVID Not A Harmless Mistake
False negatives are not the only problem with faulty coronavirus testing

Disaster Preparedness – Considerations On Cybersecurity And Resiliency
Planning starts with the end result in mind, but along the way, there are other key goalposts