Energy and Power - February 2014
Hospitals ban sugary drinks
New Zealand healthcare facilities will phase out soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks and flavored milk

Pennsylvania predicts huge need for nursing home beds
State is trying to avoid spikes in the nursing home population by funding services that will allow older residents to live independently at home

Technology, common sense key for hospital security
In addition to employee vigilance, cameras and security measures are in place to protect prescription drugs and other valuables

Modeling can increase energy efficiency
Advanced tools enable facilities teams and their energy-industry partners to use net present value (NPV)-based cost analysis

Healthcare changes spur retail, urgent care clinics growth
Customer demand and shifts in health-care policy have fostered a rapidly expanding business

Exploring Presbyterian Healthcare Services patient experience efforts
Presbyterian began addressing the issue of experience in 2005. The efforts have engaged leaders and driven significant cultural and organizational changes

Patient safety progress called 'excruciatingly slow'
Hospitals need more incentives to to make patient care safer, public health expert says

Fire alarm system upgrade Q&A
When renovating part of a building, does the fire alarm system in the existing area of the building need to be upgraded as well?

Survey: Top-level support lacking at health care data centers
Only 30 percent of the health care facilities surveyed say they have top-management support

Pakistan makes medical waste top health priority
The government had given priority to environmental health, medical waste management and infection control

California legislation aimed at improving elder care
Bay Area lawmakers create package to demand changes within the state Department of Social Services

Study finds low rate of infections following ambulatory surgery
The absolute number of patients with these complications is still substantial, according to JAMA

ASHE announces sustainability partners
American Society for Healthcare Engineering announces the first 10 allies to the Sustainability Roadmap program

VA initiative slashes MRSA rates
A nationwide initiative at 133 of the VA's long-term care facilities found that using a bundled approach to prevention helped to cut overall MRSA rates by 36 percent

Healthcare Design magazine honors facility manager
Mitch Goplen, vice president of facility services for the Billings Clinic, oversees more than 1 million square feet of facility space

Study says healthcare organizations under siege from cyberattacks
In addition to getting access to patient files and information, the attackers infiltrated devices such as radiology imaging software, conferencing systems, printers, firewalls, Web cameras and mail servers

Technology gaps threaten post-acute facilities
Without better technology capabilities, about half of providers surveyed predict they will be bought out by more capable companies by 2015

'Take Care' worksite health centers accredited as patient-centered medical homes
Walgreen's worksite health centers are staffed by physicians, nurse practitioners and other medical professionals, and offer services including primary care, pharmacy, occupational health, fitness, chronic condition management, physical therapy, dental and vision

CMS proposes emergency preparedness rule
Proposed Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services rule would require all hospitals to develop a plan

Designing for EHRs in today's healthcare facility
Process map, systems analysis and staff training keys to successful plan

Insect problem, other issues reported at Connecticut VA
Federal inspectors found unsanitary conditions, an insect problem and inadequate infection control in operating rooms at the VA Connecticut Healthcare System hospital in West Haven

Nine out of 10 healthcare providers call ACA a 'step forward:' survey
Eighty-six percent say the Affordable Care Act needs major changes or revisions however

New program to offer long distance health services to students
With bluetooth-enabled stethoscopes, otoscopes and ophthalmoscopes, a pediatrician will see patients at the elementary school as part of a telehealth program

Managing healthcare facility bed bug problems
Preventative measures must be weighed against privacy concerns

Hospitals put patient safety first in storm preparation
Facilities are reviewing their weather and emergency planning policies

Security product choices, maintenance can save lives
Lock-out death in Alzheimer care facilities points out importance of maintaining, monitoring security measures

Concord Hospital staff to conduct active shooter training exercise
The hospital re-evaluated its own safety policies after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook

Upgrading infrastructure for electronic health records
Developing an integrated, facility-wide EHR system starts with routing new cabling and wiring, installing power and data outlets, enabling Wi-Fi access and identifying information technology rack closets

California prison hospital cited for unsanitary conditions
California Health Care Facility in Stockton charged with mistreatment and medical malpractice

Healthcare moving toward unified building codes
ASHE Ad Hoc Committee on Healthcare reviews ICC codes and recommends changes

Children's Medical Center Dallas focuses on accessible design
Main lobby receives an accessibility award for going above and beyond legal requirements

Affordable Care Act impacting security
Facilities must continue to do more with less and design future changes

White paper on power strips in healthcare facilities available
Paper discusses misuse of power strips in hospitals and offers guidance to avoid common mistakes that can result in citations, fines or patient injury

Fire damper requirements in rated walls
Fire-rated barriers do not require fire dampers in fully ducted HVAC systems, unless the one-hour fire-rated barrier is a vertical shaft

Healthcare workers report hand hygiene compliance - even with failures
Study shows providers are recording hand hygiene compliance as much higher than their actual compliance rates

Effects of Quebec fire extend to US and abroad
Blaze spurs renewed calls for sprinkler systems

10 reasons health care needs sustainability treatments
A sound treatment protocol should be balanced with resource conservation and management

Five keys to hand hygiene compliance
A multifaceted hand hygiene initiative increases compliance, according to study

Proper CCTV placement based on risk assessment
Improperly placed camera wastes proactive security measure

Bat colony removed from South Carolina hospital
40 bats found in Orangeburg facility after sightings

Hospital parking attendants wear CCTV cameras for own safety
Parking attendants in Scottish hospital wear cameras to prevent violence and aggression

New York prohibits smoking around healthcare facilities
New law in New York State prohibits smoking within 15 feet of a hospital or residential health care facility entrance or exit

Fire safety a constant focus at Vancouver nursing homes
Fatal Quebec fire brings flood of questions to elder care facilities

Georgia hospital says it's snow-ready
Tanner Medical Center in Carrollton had its emergency management plan in operation long before the first snowflake fell

Installing healthcare security with HIPAA and OSHA in mind
What integrators need to know in a complex hospital environment

Scottish hospitals called out about dirty equipment
Inspectors cite beds, mattresses and commodes - as well as management of needles, waste and linen and continuing concerns around hand-cleaning

Alcohol rubs called good alternative to hand washing
Alcohol rubs are more efficient and convenient with higher antimicrobial properties than soap

SF General finds latest missing patient with new procedures
Procedures put in place recently in the wake of another missing patient who was found dead weeks after disappearing

'Germinator' fights hospital infections at Cincinnati hospital
Matched pair of light machines, each around five feet tall, about 15 inches around, and 54 pounds mounted on industrial casters, clean the room with UV light

Louisiana hospital adding screens against hurricane winds
More than 70 windows were pierced by debris during Hurricane Katrina, forcing patients to be moved to other parts of the hospital

Ontario Hospitals foodservice goes local
With $107,000 grant from the Greenbelt Fund and the Ontario government Halton Healthcare Services will be serving local food

Children's ward equipment called safety risk
New Zealand's Wellington Hospital's beds, chairs deteriorated to the point that they were too ragged to clean effectively

Top budget considerations for healthcare facility managers
A facility manager's tool kit should contain ways to maximize the total cost of ownership of all the assets they maintain

Lack of knowledge hurts hand hygiene compliance, study says
Researchers talked to noncompliant healthcare workers to study hand washing habits

Housekeeping role called out in article series
'The Hospital' includes article and photo gallery focusing on housekeeping staff

Minnesota hospital improving safety practices and looking to spread the word
St. Joe's staff trying to educate Hubbard County residents about the danger of falling and ways to prevent it

Texas hospital recognized for efforts to go 'paperless'
The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Analytics program measures a hospital's implementation and use of medical records

Wayfinding can help building communication
Signage has been a primary method of place communication for generations and can be effective when designed with user needs in mind

Energy efficiency initiative to benefit Ontario health care sector
Research suggests Ontario hospitals have the potential to reduce electricity consumption by approximately eight percent with higher savings achievable for natural gas

Silencing some hospital alarms may lead to better care
Boston Medical Center is attracting national attention as a hospital that apparently has conquered alarm fatigue

Antimicrobial copper listed as a Top 10 Technology to Watch in 2014
ECRI Institute evaluates the safety, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of health technologies

Security gaps can cost $1.6 billion
Cutting corners on IT security can end up costing more down the road

Missouri hospitals simplify 'code' calls
Plain language thought to heighten patient safety, increase response time

Healthcare capital markets expect an active 2014
Changes in the healthcare delivery model could mean record year in medical office sales.

UK hospital opens infection control unit
Patients with infections previously were treated in 32 side rooms spread across West Suffolk hospital

Hospitals seek cure for confusing building navigation
Healthcare facilities are borrowing way finding ideas from shopping malls and airports

Facilities focus on fire safety after Quebec fire
Long-term care facilities stress prevention measure in wake of fatal blaze at wood facility with no sprinklers.

Events in 2013 will impact green cleaning in 2014
Improved economic outlook and focus on sustainable cleaning projects will change the landscape

Connecticut hospital power plant saves 30 percent on energy bills
Middlesex Hospital uses natural gas to generate 90 to 100 percent of its power in its combined heat and power system. As the generator runs and creates electricity, the system captures excess heat exhaust and uses it to make steam.

Short sleeves recommended by infection control experts
White coats should be removed before patient contact, experts say

Dedham, Mass., health center ends use of alarms
There have been fewer falls and the number of falls that result in injury has remained stable.

Nottingham University Hospitals upgrade means large carbon and cost reductions
Fifteen-year plan to upgrade and manage the Queen's Medical Centre's on-site power plant, as well as introduce an energy efficiency program will reduce energy use and save approximately 2.8 million pounds annually

Indian college to host meeting on hospital safety
The conference will explore standard, contemporary and futuristic approaches to create a safe environment at hospitals for patients and healthcare workers

Aging showing preference for home care
New generation will drive how long-term care system operates. DC program helps seniors receive Medicaid-funded services at home

Hospital water taps contaminated with bacteria
Research finds significantly higher levels of infectious pathogens in water from faucet taps with aerators compared to water from deeper in the plumbing system

CMS proposes rule on emergency preparedness
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services rule would establish national emergency preparedness requirements for 17 types of Medicare - and Medicaid-participating providers and suppliers

Balancing ideal temperatures for aging patients and staff
Compromise is the name of the game with healthcare design