Energy and Power - February 2020
CDC warns of U.S. coronavirus outbreaks
Clusters of infection are likely in American communities

Emergency prep experts are urging Americans to stock up on supplies for coronavirus
Public health officials warn about more cases coming to the United States

UPMC, linen supplier settle fungal infection victims' families
The lawsuits accused UPMC and Paris Cleaners of negligence

Dedicated ambulance used to transport San Antonio coronavirus patient
The San Antonio case was the 15th confirmed case in the U.S.

CDC prepares for possible coronavirus pandemic in the US
Health officials say that they expect more cases to arise and are planning for the worst case scenario

Protecting senior care staff and residents in case of fire
There are a few basic tools every facility should have

EPA registers first disinfectants effective against Candida auris
C. auris cases in U.S. top 1,000

California city gets court order to delay establishing a coronavirus quarantine site
The restraining order prevents transportation of anyone infected with or exposed to the coronavirus to Costa Mesa

Survey: Doctors aren't confident about U.S. preparedness for outbreak
The recent survey found that most doctors aren't very worried about the coronavirus, but their patients are

Improving patient outcomes through daylight
Sprawling Parkland Memorial Hospital site adapts for future, automates for performance

34 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the U.S.
This includes 21 cases of returning travelers, as well as 13 U.S. cases

Baby with heart condition dies after mold exposure at Seattle hospital
14 patients had developed surgical site infections from Aspergillus since 2001

Protecting staff, supplies amid coronavirus
Concerns may be contributing to a growing shortage of personal protective equipment

Roof replacement best practices
Close attention to roof specification, installation and maintenance can ensure long performance life for a valuable facility component

Study finds coronavirus may have multiple infection routes
Scientists report evidence of an oral-fecal transmission route

Scientists invent germ-fighting fabric for healthcare
The team is working to embed a germ-killing agent into hospital garments

CMS stresses infection control basics amid coronavirus outbreak
CMS sent a memo to state survey agency directors urging them to double down on compliance

UV's effectiveness can depend on EVS department's effectiveness
Guideline-based EVS training can improve appropriate disinfection

‘Virtual hospital’ can mean fewer ER visits and hospital admissions
Patients and staff report greater satisfaction with care provided at home

Disinfecting surfaces in coronavirus outbreak
Human coronaviruses can remain active on surfaces such as metal, glass, or plastic for up to 9 days after exposure

Woman stabbed leaving hospital garage sues over lack of security
The suit accuses the hospital of violating Wisconsin’s 'Safe-Place' law

How to care for patients with possible coronavirus
Spread is thought to occur mostly from close contact via respiratory droplets

Components that ensure a successful restroom upgrade
Toilets, urinals and faucets are key to upgrades that deliver water conservation and savings

How lighting controls reduce energy use
Lighting controls can reduce lighting energy use in institutional and commercial facilities by up to 47 percent

BBC website offers visual guide to Coronavirus outbreak
The virus has killed more than 2,000 so far - more than the 774 killed in the 2003 Sars epidemic

CDC estimates the flu has sickened 22 million
There have been 210,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 deaths

How much does compensation matter when recruiting healthcare staff?
The fact that there is a significant and fast growing healthcare talent shortage should be very alarming to healthcare business leaders

Coronaviruses can survive on surfaces for up to 9 days
Study finds virus remains infectious at room temperature for more than a week

CDC estimates flu deaths at 14,000
The CDC estimates the flu has caused 26 million illnesses, 250,000 hospitalizations this season

How coronavirus compares to flu, Ebola, other outbreaks
National Geographic creates a chart to explain the comparison

Supporting patient care with streamlined facilities maintenance
It is imperative for the healthcare industry to employ efficient, effective and flexible construction procurement processes

New study shows how coronavirus is spreading
41 percent of the first 138 patients diagnosed at one hospital in Wuhan, China, were presumed to be infected in that hospital

U.S. hospitals, already stressed by flu season, brace for Coronavirus
With much medical equipment and drugs made in China, health experts are watching the global supply chain

Preparing for coronavirus spread
The World Health Organization, U.S. hospitals and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are all getting ready

How U.S. hospitals are preparing for coronavirus
The CDC is recommending that doctors and hospitals adopt a cautious approach

Coronavirus testing Seattle’s infectious disease response
After responding to the first American case of the virus, healthcare workers say they are prepared.

Understanding facility vulnerabilities in emergencies
By identifying weaknesses in facilities and plans, managers can improve an organization's resilience

15th coronavirus case reported in U.S. while death toll spikes in China
China's Hubei province announced 242 new deaths from the coronavirus on Feb 13

Comparing the flu and the coronavirus
The flu has sickened an estimated 19 million people in the U.S. this season

Experts investigating whether the coronavirus can spread through bathroom pipes
Hong Kong apartment building partially evacuated over fears of spread through plumbing

VA to open all 5G-enabled hospital in California
The VA's Palo Alto Health Care System called the first 5G-enabled health facility in the world

Study suggests toilet flushing spreads C. diff in hospital bathrooms
Closing the toilet lid before flushing may help limit the spread of germs

Study finds hospital sink traps may harbor antibiotic-resistant bacteria
CPE outbreaks are mostly attributed to patient-to-patient transmission via healthcare workers

Experts say coronavirus looking like a pandemic
Rising caseloads suggest the coronavirus may make its way across the world

California health system to use drones for deliveries
UC San Diego Health will partner with UPS on the project

Violent assaults add to chaos of San Francisco General Hospital's ER
Hospital struggles to handle mentally ill and drug-addicted

Nemours Children’s Health System using video in nontraditional ways
Nemours uses their system to improve facility efficiency, lower operational costs and deliver a better patient experience

LED lighting can save lives, energy in hospital parking garage
Reston Hospital is expecting an 81 percent reduction in annual energy consumption

FDA tells Purell to stop claiming it can prevent flu
Marketing campaign also claims product can prevent ebola spread

Ohio healthcare facility creates simulation room to train for violence
Studies show that healthcare workers are four times more likely to be physically assaulted in the workplace than any other American worker

FDA issues cybersecurity warning for GE medical equipment
The machines are used for monitoring blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and patient status

VA hospitals installing safety features after suicides
Since 2018, 49 veterans have killed themselves on the grounds of VA medical facilities

US hospitals are preparing for coronavirus outbreak
Healthcare facilities are being told to limit the number of patients they treat, but also be prepared to react if the cases spike

Managed IT services for healthcare: Spending the IT budget wisely, while maximizing ROI
The convergence of telecom, security and data solutions makes network integration, proactive security monitoring and transparent pricing key priorities for IT investments

Using panic hardware can be a challenge for healthcare facilities
Panic hardware is a popular exit device used to provide quick egress

Plumbing systems should be simple and reliable
Know the requirements and technical challenges of the healthcare facility plumbing system

Flu virus has killed 10,000 so far this season
Flu activity continued to rise in the week ending Jan. 25

New York prepares for possible coronavirus
New York City officials say they’re working under the assumption cases will pop up here in the area

Past experience with MERS, Ebola can help prep for coronavirus
Hospital personnel should observe standard, contact and airborne precautions

Hospital exec goes from housekeeping to vice president
V.P. of nursing at Mo. hospital started as cleaner

HVAC, lighting upgrades help facility save money
Changes support user needs and cut energy costs

CDC working to expanding coronavirus testing capabilities
The US has at least 11 confirmed cases as of Feb. 3

Real-time location systems can reduce hospital infections
Ensuring that healthcare workers always clean their hands before interacting with a patient is key

Calif. hospital testing drone delivery of genomic samples
The drone program could potentially shorten the time between when a genomic sample is taken and when test results are returned

Worry about flu, not coronavirus, Va. doctor says
Since the start of the flu season, the Carilion Clinic in Roanoke has treated about 2,170 patients with influenza

Are U.S. hospitals ready for the corona virus?
Federal officials say they are monitoring the virus

Seattle hospital hired security guards with body cameras for strike
The strike of SEIU Healthcare 1199NW members began on Jan. 28

WHO declares coronavirus a global health emergency
The coronavirus has infected more people than the 2003 SARS epidemic

First person-to-person transmission of coronavirus virus in the US confirmed
The husband of an Illinois woman with Wuhan coronavirus is now infected

Healthcare providers urged to have a 'high index of suspicion' when screening for coronavirus
At least five cases of the coronavirus have been detected in the U.S.

California facility shut down by water main break
Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills Medical Center was expected to be without running water for a week