Energy and Power - March 2014
Memory facility cited for hiring sex offender as environmental services coordinator
Investigators with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services found several violations at Lake Hallie Memory Care, including the hiring of a convicted sex offender in environmental services

Healthcare spaces for IT systems integration have specific design challenges
Healthcare Design magazine article says every project on design boards today will require plenty of thought for information technology (IT) and integration of all the systems

Clinic employees may have been exposed to mold
Employees and patients at the Bronx Montefiore Family Health Center may have suffered respiratory illnesses due to mold

Testing fire equipment for notification of off-site fire responders
Proper testing and documentation of the transmission signals to off-premises responders is one of the requirements that is often misunderstood

Tips for supply chain efficiency
The supply chain represents about 25 percent of a healthcare facility's operating budget, so supply chain optimization is an imperative

New regulations target flame-retardant chemicals
Environments for Aging article discusses California legislation aimed at reducing the use of flame retardant chemicals in furniture, other products

Facilities collaborate to fight C. diff
Healthcare facilities in Washington counties form task force to prevent infections

L.A. inspectors told to stop nursing home investigations
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health told inspectors to stop investigating complaints at nursing homes in order to reduce the backlog of claims

Infection prevention failure blamed in deaths of two babies
The spread of E.coli in a neonatal ward in Swansea, Wales, where two babies died was tied to inadequate handwashing and the need to increase spacing between cots

Preventing healthcare data security breaches
Risk assessments and basic IT and social media policies can help protect healthcare organizations

Streamlining life safety system inspections
Electronic inspection reporting can simplify the data collection, documentation and retrieval process

Infection control by design
Material choices can have significant effect on the safety of healthcare facilities

Ignited bread in morgue latest fire at UK hospital
Wishaw General Hospital safety report includes range of fire incidents

Designing a 'smart' hospital
Healthcare Design article says healthcare providers must improve the patient experience inside their facilities and out through a focus on connectivity, communication and access to information

Do you have a 'fatburg' in your pipe?
A disposal bag disposal system can save plumbing, reduce the added and unnecessary expense of damage, reduce unsightly waste, reduce offensive odor and protect people from cross contamination

New York hospital holds active shooter drill
Nyack Hospital's emergency drill is designed to prepare for an armed intruder scenario at the hospital

Prison medical facility gives inmates roles in environmental services, other areas
Gold Coat program gives inmates purpose, helps keep embattled California facility running

Lawmaker opposes more nursing home construction in Indiana
State lawmaker says failure of construction moratorium could hurt existing nursing homes

Massachusetts nursing home not inspected in 6+ years
Quincy building department hasn't inspected the Kindred Transitional Care and Rehabilitation nursing home in more than six years

St. Cloud VA hospital's idle turbine generates complaints
The turbine has been sitting broken since August 2012 due to a series of mechanical problems

Hospital told to improve infection control after C. diff outbreak
Staff at the Scottish facility have been ordered to wear the correct gloves and prioritize the appropriate disposal of waste

Quarterly fire system testing Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question on quarterly testing and inspection scheduling challenges

Sewage issues could close Alberta health facility
Alberta Health Services calls for an $185-million replacement for Wainwright Health Centre

California town rejects hospital sign request
Caltrans denies Bear Valley Community Healthcare District's request for additional signs

Hospital cited for fleas
New Zealand Ministry of Health inspection reveals fleas, overcrowding and insufficient infection control at Hutt Hospital

Hospital reaches zero-infection target
CEO calls transparency, inspections and a targeted goal keys to success

UCSF Medical Center foodservice honored for innovation
Smart Choice Smart U program uses online platforms, mobile applications and digital signage to provide real-time nutritional information

Lincoln hospitals hold winter storm disaster training
Emergency scenario included a winter storm, a school bus accident and a power failure

Sudbury hospitals to eliminate all smoking areas
Patients at Health Sciences North in Sudbury, Ontario, soon will need to light up somewhere beyond the facility's grounds

Quality improvement strategies boost infection control
Concept takes on new meaning in an age of healthcare reform

Access to water key for healthcare system after chemical spill
Healthcare Facilities Management article explores Charleston Area Medical Center's response to chemical disaster

Study says hospital alarms pose risk for patients
A recent report by the Food and Drug Administration said that there have been nearly 560 deaths every year due to hospital alarms

NH hospital personnel train for disasters
New Hampshire staffers take part in a weeklong training session in disaster response

NJ healthcare facilities get smarter in fighting superbugs
Most recent CDC data show that New Jersey healthcare organizations beat national estimates

Wisconsin exempts hospitals from posted inspection reports
Fifteen other facility types have reports posted online as of 2013

Manila legislators approve bill regulating hospitals
House of Representatives passed a bill expected to strengthen the regulation of hospitals, other healthcare facilities and services

Changes in Joint Commission standards for environment of care coming
Changes in areas ranging from electrical systems, hazard communication and leadership to emergency readiness are on the horizon

Canadian program to bring hospital services into the home
Prince Edward Family Health launches its Hospital at Home program

ONC offering flexibility with electronic health records
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT announced a one-year delay in the meaningful use timeline and said there will be flexibility with meaningful use stage 2 hardship exemptions

Selling healthcare energy management to executives
Healthcare Facilities Management article offers best practices for facility managers to get investment proposals approved

Healthcare CEO gives tips for smarter business intelligence
In a Q&A with Healthcare IT News, Geisinger Health System CEO discussed the importance of integrating data

WHO program improves U.S. healthcare hand hygiene
Participation in the World Health Organization global campaign to improve hand-hygiene practices is associated with improved hand hygiene, study said

Poll shows most healthcare CEOs think IT will bring big changes
Only four in ten believe their IT infrastructures are capable of handling future changes

Inquest jury urges CO detectors after three health facility deaths
Incident at Saskatoon care facility spurs recommendation for CO detectors in all facilities, not just buildings where people stay overnight

Building culture of quality among top concerns of healthcare providers
Healthcare Design article reports top five concerns of healthcare facility owners from 2013 Healthcare Design Conference discussion

Safety measures cut risk of contaminated hospital food
New study found more than 80% of raw chicken used in hospitals was contaminated with a form of antibiotic resistant bacteria

Health facilities find unique solutions to critical power situations
Healthcare Facilities Management article says ensuring reliable critical power for health care organizations on a tight budget a common problem within a variety of situations

Aurora hospital's automated capacity system helped bring order after tragedy
An Healthcare Informatics article explores how using the system information helped coordinate patient movement and other efforts around the hospital

ACA, other trends seen redefining post-acute care space
Senator sees movement toward home as the center of care for the elderly

Manitoba creates fire safety task force for personal care homes
Government is dedicating $7 million annually to fire safety and sprinklers in healthcare facilities

Securely faxing healthcare data
Solid use policies can help secure the transmission of sensitive data

Experts advise on cleaning, disinfection of scopes
Infection Control Today asked industry experts to share their perspectives on the key issues relating to scope maintenance

Successful technology use needs staff buy-in
Technological advancements serve an important role in the maintenance management of healthcare facilities

Feds call on hospitals to improve disaster plans
The Department of Health and Human Services is proposing new requirements for healthcare facilities to ensure their readiness to care for patients during disasters

Embracing energy-efficiency complements healthcare mission
Declining costs and improving technologies put alternative energy options within reach of more facilities

White paper discusses quantifying hygienically clean laundry
Laundries can be held accountable to reduce soil to a microbial level that is definitively hygienically clean, report says

Hospital CIO discusses making 24 EMRs talk with each other
Connecticut-based Saint Francis Hospital is going through an Epic EHR implementation at the same time as it begins to participate in the Medicare Shared Savings Program

British Columbia hospitals can access up to $9.5 million in funding for energy-saving programs
Hospitals can join public schools in the government's Carbon Neutral Capital Program, which is expanding to $14.5 million from $5 million

Survey says mobile devices more common but still not part of EHR system
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society poll says few healthcare providers are integrating mobile device data into their electronic health record systems

How to manage facilities for strategic value
Managing facilities for strategic value means taking the long view with a planning time frame of five, 10, 20, even 30 years out

Arizona hospital launches several safety initiatives
Casa Grande Regional's 'safety week' just part of focus on patient safety

Most organizations don't have business intelligence systems
Survey said BI implementation stalled by data complexity and lack of resources and skill sets

Hospital kitchen 'hazardous' designation not unanimous
In a 'Life Safety Code Q&A' on the FacilityCare website, the designation of hospital kitchens is explored

EHR upgrades can be difficult for long-term care facilities
Financial concerns create obstacles for many organizations

Ohio hospital evacuated after chemical mix-up
A gallon of muratic acid was poured into a barrel of chlorine by an employee working in a pool area

Report sees progress with health information exchanges
Concerns about gaps in adoption of EHRs, particularly in rural and low-income areas and among post-acute facilities, remain

Manitoba won't make sprinkler systems mandatory in care facilities
Canadian province creating task force to improve fire safety in personal care homes

Health system CEO sees healthcare embarking on a new mission
Head of Pennsylvania's Heritage Valley Health System says healthcare is shifting back to a community-based setting

St. Francis Health System food service director honored by professional association
International Foodservice Manufacturers Association's Silver Plate Awards honor excellence in foodservice operations

Children's hospital groups stress patient, family and caregiver hand washing
Children's Hospitals' Solutions for Patient Safety and the Children's Hospital Association offer safety tips for patient families

Group warns of possible food service monopoly
Antitrust watchdog looking at Sysco-US Foods deal

Windows can boost facilities' accessibility and sustainability
Windows capable of meeting operating force and limited motion requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act must be specified

White paper discusses life-cycle impacts of products
Report on Healthcare Design website looks at how EPDs and HPDs will shape the next generation of sustainable design.

One in five U.S. health facilities don't put hand sanitizer everywhere needed
Study also found that only about half of the facilities had set aside funds in their budgets for hand-hygiene training

Hospital noise can pose safety risk
Noise pollution also contributes to stress among hospital staff and affects patients' sleep patterns and blood pressure

British Columbia requires either masks or flu shots of hospital visitors
Piles of masks have been added to the antiseptic soap dispensers and hand-washing reminders at entrances to those facilities

Stanford Hospital and Clinics conducts recycling pilot program
Hospital will divert 110 tons of packaging material from landfill annually

University of Missouri Health Care to open walk-in clinics at Hy-Vee stores
Construction on the three new 'Mizzou Quick Care' clinics is set to start by mid-March

Affordable Care Act's impact on medical office buildings
ACA paradigm shift expected to have a long-term positive effect on medical office buildings and healthcare facilities

Video-monitoring in hospitals complicates privacy question
Video-monitoring has become more common as high-quality, inexpensive technology has become increasingly accessible

Healthcare Design magazine honors facility owner
Dr. David Schuller has guided the 11-year expansion of OSU's medical center and the cancer facilities - a project involving 1.1 million square feet and a $1.1 billion price tag

Organization advises against taking sick kids to retail clinics
Retail health clinics are becoming a popular alternative to the doctor's office with more than 20 million patient visits

Wales hospital power upgrade to boost energy savings
Nevill Hall Hospital, in Abergavenny, Wales, is expanding its combined heat and power plant - increasing generating capacity by a third and boosting energy savings by 35 percent

Part 1: Hospital initiative to boost patient satisfaction started with environmental services
Faced with lower-than-expected patient satisfaction scores, Blanchard Valley Hospital underwent a systemic change in its culture that began with the environmental services department.

Does IT security hinder healthcare productivity?
IT staff can create an environment that serves security, compliance and patient care

CMS rule on emergency preparedness would establish national requirements
All healthcare providers that receive Medicare reimbursement funds, including hospitals, critical access hospitals, nursing homes and ambulatory care surgeries would be affected

Coffee shop bumped for dialysis clinic at Halifax facility
Money-losing Tim Hortons in the Halifax Infirmary closed as officials begin to search for ways to save millions of dollars

Could MRI be hacking opportunity?
Report says healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors will experience the highest level of attacks involving 'Internet of things'

Researching disaster helps hospital plan
Implementation of new procedures saves lives in subsequent emergency

Michigan Center for Rural Health signs on as a Healthier Hospital organization
HHI is based on the premise that how hospitals are designed, built and operated can improve patient outcomes and workplace safety, prevent illnesses, create environmental benefits and save money

Surviving a disaster can change emergency plan
It is the facility manager's job to make sure disaster's lesson isn't learned at the expense of lives

Washington state hospital worker safety bill passes
The bill would increase the penalty for assaulting an employee, contractor, intern or volunteer of a state hospital

Nonprofit organization launches sustainable product registry
Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute seeks greater transparency from manufacturers

Managing clinical alarm systems
Patient safety issues often signal problems with inappropriate alarm use, ineffective alarm coverage or delayed alarm response