Energy and Power - March 2015
Boston Children's electronic records system shuts down
A hardware issue related to storage shut the system down for several days

Chlorine sewage treatment may be boosting antibiotic resistance
Early studies are showing that chlorine treatment may encourage the formation of new antibiotics that could also enter the environment, potentially contributing to antibiotic resistance

California senior facility's needs meant challenging fire sprinkler system installation
Project involved moving residents one story of the building at a time while work took place

California hospital installs on-site fuel cell system
Cost-effective energy source provides up to 70 percent of electricity

ES department can boost HCAHPS scores
Electronic work-request model can improve communication and patient satisfaction

N.H. hospital embraces local beef for food service
Huggins Hospital in Wolfeboro, is partnering with a nearby farm to bring local beef to its food service offerings

Big Data can inform healthcare facilities plans
The information requires analysis to understand how it can shape change in facilites and other strategic plans, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Determining eyewash station requirements, placement
There aren't many locations that actually require eyewash stations

Hospital reschedules surgeries due to dust on supplies
Light fixtures were recently cleaned in the instrument storage space

Jersey City healthcare facility has 'rampant' rodent problem
Residents and staff report mice in resident rooms, hallways and cafeteria

Q&A on electrical outlets and oxygen cylinders
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about electrical outlets and oxygen cylinders

Cleaning duties 'not always clear' between nurses and EVS
A lack of clarity identified by NHS infection control inspectors in Scotland

A third of Manitoba care facilities don't have sprinklers
Province says all facilities will have sprinkler systems in the next ten years

Improving healthcare disinfecting practice
Barriers to overcome include germs' invisibility, staff concerns about disinfectant safety and damage to surfaces

Antimicrobial limitations Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, the limitations of antimicrobial products is discussed

Survey shows one in three hospitals showing rise in violence
Forty-six percent of the respondents reported increasing their security budgets in 2014

Explore differences in how staff and senior management perceive risks
A gap in perceptions of the level of risk often emerges between the people closest to the danger and those at some distance

Consistent cleaning and disinfection protocols creates safe patient environment
Disinfecting frequently touched surfaces and shared equipment is an important step in preventing the spread of dangerous pathogens

Computerized system can address preventive maintenance mistakes
A computerized maintenance management system and a preventive maintenance strategy can increase a building's life span, save money and reduce equipment downtime

Senior living facilities customize laundry operations
Presbyterian Senior Living's 29 communities customize laundry based on the demographics of the residents and the constraints of a particular campus

Input sought on increasing the allowable smoke compartment in hospitals
National Fire Protection Association proposing change for the 2018 revision of the 2015 edition of NFPA 101 Life Safety Code

Ice damages Pennsylvania VA healthcare center
Ice and cold damaged the recently built community health center at the VA Butler Healthcare System

Hazards found in Georgia hospital elevators
More than one-third of the elevators inside Doctors, Trinity and University hospitals, and on the Georgia Regents Health System campus, had at least one violation last year

Nebraska Medical Center shares Ebola protocols
Nebraska Biocontainment Unit shares information on Ebola patient discharge, handling a patient's body after death and environmental disinfection

Canadian hospitals praised for carbon footprint reduction
Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare has been making headway on its energy reduction efforts

Florida hospital responds to mold discovery
UF Health Shands in Gainsville finds mold in patient bathroom

Design changes suggested after Australian nursing home fire kills 14
Coroner suggests doors and corridors should be constructed to enable rapid movement of beds in emergencies

Improve patient ratings with a motivated ES staff
One-on-one coaching with staff members helps boast patient satisfaction

Working in healthcare becoming a risky business
Healthcare workers in general, and ED staff in particular, face a huge risk of violence

Hospitals preparing for every infectious disease
Potential cases of highly infectious diseases have left hospitals on high alert

Adapting facilities for primary care needs
Health systems are adjusting their scale and size for contracting strength with insurers, access to capital or cost-efficiencies

Technology just part of effective wayfinding
Statistics show that 80 percent of patients are not given adequate wayfinding information before they get to a facility

Merging healthcare organizations need an operational efficiencies plan
A business plan of operational efficiency is a comprehensive, action-oriented system integration plan

Monitoring technology can improve care, efficiency
Context-aware monitoring systems based on real-time locating system (RTLS) technology can offer such information as location of equipment and staff

Intelligent building technology can trim hospital costs
Technology and data from building systems give facility teams information they can use to reduce operating costs

California working on hospital violence standards
Division of Occupational Safety and Health issued a draft regulatory proposal that would require healthcare employers to develop workplace violence prevention plans

Paint creates self-cleaning surface
Coating can be applied to clothes, paper, glass and steel and when combined with adhesives, maintains its self-cleaning properties after being wiped, scratched with a knife and scuffed with sandpaper

Oregon hospital fined for mislabeling hazardous waste
Oregon Healthy and Science University was cited for not labeling, or labeling inappropriately, hazardous waste containers in its storage facilities

British Columbia attacks on nurses blamed on lack of compliance
Every B.C. health authority has been penalized after violent incidents in their facilities

Alaska hospital takes part in 3-day disaster drill
South Peninsula Hospital to simulate a mass casualty, mass fatality, partial evacuation and the creation of an alternate care site

EPA updates hazardous waste pharmaceuticals standards
Disposing of pharmaceuticals regulated as hazardous waste posed a problem for facilities

How healthcare facilities can minimize vulnerability to shootings
Risk management experts recommend that all healthcare facilities have a disaster preparedness and emergency operation plan

Making the case for sustainability
Study refutes the belief that environmental sustainability measures increase operating costs

Q&A on sleeping suites
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about sleeping suites

Shootings raising safety concerns at hospitals
Death of a Boston surgeon was another in an increasingly frequent series of 'active shooter' incidents in U.S. healthcare facilities

Wisconsin hospital has TV studio for in-house programming
Wheaton Franciscan-All Saints hospital produces and broadcasts game shows for patients

Washington Court House hospital to upgrade its energy systems
Fayette County Memorial Hospital awarded $2.6 million in financing to assist in implementing its energy conservation and management program

When to use low-moisture carpet cleaning
Low-moisture carpet typically refers to a method that uses no water or a very moderate amount of water

Addressing flu and pneumonia at skilled nursing facilities
The only way to prevent an outbreak is by addressing all three primary transmission vectors at once: airborne pathogens, surface contact and person-to-person contact

Study says germs lurking in waiting rooms
There's an increased risk of developing flu-like infections after a visit to the doctor's office

Indiana hospital flushes water system after Legionella infections
Two infections at IU Health LaPorte Hospital lead the facility to flush its water system

Surviving the Joint Commission survey
Results for any testing process are likely to be better with effective preparation

Hospitals focusing more on patient comfort
Studies suggesting comforts mean more than fancy facilities

U.K. hospital withholds loan payments over fire issues
Peterborough City Hospital withholds 1.4m-pound payment to private finance initiative

At VA Hospitals, technology reduces nurses' injuries
The Loma Linda hospital is reducing the rate of lifting injuries by investing in equipment, training

An infection control expert's week
An infection prevention and control nurse specialist at the Blackrock Clinic in Dublin writes of a 'typical' week

Sewage spill damages patient records, floods Australian hospital ER
Sewage spilled when a drain was blocked at the Adelaide Women's and Children's Hospital in South Australia

N.C. health system steps up CRE screening, cleaning efforts
Carolinas HealthCare System screening for CRE, isolating infected patients and taking extra steps to decontaminate their rooms

Power Purchase Agreements can help with facility infrastructure upgrades
A range of funding solutions, federal tax programs and many state and local incentives are available to help improve aging energy infrastructures

Lifting injuries growing issue for nurses
Hospitals can prevent many of those injuries with special equipment to move patients

Setting new standards for healthcare cleaning
There is a lack of conclusive evidence that previously suggested food-service levels of contamination relate to the prevention of healthcare-associated infections

On-site laundry can have big impact on long-term care
Laundry rooms must also comply with certain design regulations to prevent the cross-contamination of clean and soiled linens