Energy and Power - April 2014
Hospital safety under fire after stabbings
Incidents at two Los Angeles County medical centers spur call for greater focus on hospital security

Adding bioremediation to the sanitation schedule
Focal areas should include vault toilets, showers, ceramic tile floors and other areas where organic buildup is present

Free webcast: Data Center Consolidation: A Roadmap
Building Operation Management Magazine is presenting a webcast by David Hutchison of Excipio Consulting. He will offer facility managers a roadmap for planning a data center consolidation.

Monitoring infection-control cleaning results
Employing a science-based measurement to monitor cleaning will have the most favorable results

Video surveillance of hand hygiene
Study says video surveillance has comparable results to in-person observation when measuring hand-hygiene compliance

Honolulu ambulances delivering bedbugs
To kill bedbugs in emergency vehicles, the city is expected to spend $25,200 over the next fiscal year

Trauma room infection control Q&A
Consultant Brad Keyes answeres a question about the placement of a flushing hopper sink in a trauma room

Nebraska hospital hosts mass-casualty incident exercise
Exercise gives hospital and ambulance staff the chance to adjust and adapt to a chaotic situation

Challenges of infection-control cleaning
Within the healthcare facility, areas differ in terms of the infection- control cleaning methods needed in each space

Jamaican hospital to save $1.6 million in energy costs
With the installation of a state-of-the-art air conditioning (AC) system, Spanish Town Hospital in St. Catherine is expected to save more than $1.6 million annually in energy costs

New Orleans hospital admits dropping ball in fungal outbreak communication
Deadly fungus on hospital linens killed five patients between 2008 and 2009 at the medical facility

One year after flood, Illinois hospital is more prepared
Newly poured four-foot-tall concrete wall could be Morris Hospital's saving grace this flood season

Cleaning for hospital-acquired infections
Altering environmental cleaning practices can have the most significant impact on infection control

Mother says newborn died from fungus at New Orleans hospital
Children's Hospital said that five pediatric patients died over 11 months ending in July 2009 following an outbreak of a deadly infection caused by fungi present in dirt and decaying organic matter

U.K. charity banned from donating food to hospital
Organization was told that the hospital would no longer accept food from outside sources

Most U.S. health facilities have good hand-hygiene programs
WHO survey of hand-hygiene initiatives shows that nearly all respondent programs rank as adequate or better

U.K. hospital adopts new infection control guide
Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth adopts National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards

Hospital produces infection prevention video
Cambridge University Hospital video guides staff, patients and visitors through a six-step hand-washing process

Garbage can liners banned after hospital suicides
Glasgow's health board told to remove plastic garbage can liners from all its mental health wards and facilities after two patients took their own lives

Waco VA Medical Center loses water for a day
Crews repair damaged water main connection restoring water service to the campus after a 24-hour interruption

Behavioral health facility extends real-time locating system's reach
Western Maryland Regional Medical Center uses RTLS technology to monitor patient movements, prevent elopement

Boston hospitals apply lessons learned from bombing
A year after being packed with blast victims, Boston facilities have changed how they prepare for a disaster

Tips for improving hand hygiene compliance
Hand hygiene averages well below 50 percent compliance in many healthcare facilities

Healthcare providers preparing for climate change
Evacuations forced by storms have made healthcare professionals more aware of climate change and how it effects the industry

Man shoots himself at Johns Hopkins days after hospital safety symposium
Experts at the national symposium on how medical professionals can stay safe said it can be difficult to restrict guns entirely

Long Island hospital updates security to prepare for emergencies
The improvements at John T. Mather Memorial Hospital include advanced surveillance cameras and a card reader to restrict access to one area of the hospital

Renewed focus on operating room's role in infection prevention
Nurses association says a greater degree of evaluation of the cleaning and disinfection performed in operating rooms is needed

Preventing hospital-acquired infection transmission
Cleaning and disinfection can cut risk of HAI from cross-contamination from equipment and surfaces

Florida medical center renovated to increase security
The psychiatric treatment center is being completely redone. New ceilings, walls and safety features, such as alarms, are being installed

Communication badges can help when staff are at risk
Badges have one button to summon coworkers for less urgent assistance. A second button can call security if the situation escalates.

Hospital increases security after woman pushed down stairs
Attack part of theft, purse-snatching on HealthAlliance Leominster, Mass., campus

Taming the hospital microbial ecosystem
Researchers are trying to understand hospitals' entire microbial ecosystem instead of just the impact of pathogens

ASHE energy campaign focuses on patient care
Program for health facilities encourages sustainability and energy efficiency

Kansas hospital implements new safety program
Via Christi Hospital officials are working to enhance patient safety by creating a more collaborative environment

New fire safety regs proposed for hospitals
Fire safety standards from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services address everything from automatic sprinkler systems to the size of patients' rooms and where to store medical equipment

Patrols increased after 'fluke' shooting in hospital parking lot
Massachusetts' Baystate Medical Center security chief says hospital is safe, incidents of violence rare

Waste and mismanagement cited at medical prison
$840 million California Health Care Facility beset by waste, mismanagement and miscommunication between the prison and medical staffs

Hospital door handle sanitizes hands
Column can be fitted on a pull door and has a blue paddle on bottom that dispenses a dab of hand sanitizer when pushed

Copper called safe, effective for infection control
Author responds to reader comments on an article in The Hospitalist about copper touch surfaces in hospitals

South Dakota seeing urgent-care facility boom
The push toward urgent care has led to an expansion of clinics in western South Dakota

Providers urged to look ahead to next stage of meaningful use
While many organizations are still struggling to deal with Stages 1 and 2 of meaningful use, consultant suggests keeping an eye on future patient engagement aspects

Four things to know about cyber surveillance
By adopting user-activity monitoring, healthcare providers can record every action of users accessing sensitive data, getting cyber surveillance to match the video surveillance they have in the physical world

Is there room in the healthcare C-suite for facilities managers?
ASHE exec says by improving their ability to communicate in business terms and finding ways to reduce operating costs while improving performance, facilities managers can generate trust capital

Ohio hospitals hold mass-casualty exercise
Hospitals, emergency responders, health departments and coroners in northwestern Ohio take part in an emergency preparedness exercise to make sure hospitals are prepared for a mass casualty response

Guidance lacking for soft-surface decontamination
Lack of awareness surrounding the issue called biggest challenge in soft-surface decontamination

Looking beyond staff to create a safe facility
'Prevention through design' can lead to safer healthcare facilities

Disabled helicopter removed from hospital roof
During the removal, University of New Mexico Hospital switched to internal power at the university's utilities center. UNMH and other critical facilities on campus relied on generator back-up.

Jamaica allocates $1 billion to upgrade health facilities
Major project components include sewage treatment, child and adolescent mental health facilities, medical waste management enhancement, primary health care renewal and piped medical gases infrastructure

Effective terminal cleaning can curb HAIs
Daily disinfection of high-touch surfaces can help to prevent the spread of hospital-acquired infections

Most common hospital fire code violations
Having fire protection equipment in place at a hospital isn't enough to minimize risk to staff and patients and ensure compliance. Fire code violations can include anything from improperly installed equipment to a missed service date

Hospital's web-based training improves worker safety
"5 Minutes With" podcast on Facilitiesnet talks to Bill Warren of Pittsburgh Medical Center Presbyterian Shadyside Hospital

Putting new facilities to the test
Healthcare Design magazine article discusses 'clinical operations commissioning' to identify and eliminate operational risks before the healthcare facility's doors open

Who will win and lose with Accountable Care?
Healthcare reform is all about the patients, but who else in the healthcare industry will come out on top? Industry experts predict the winners and losers.

Hospital kitchens source for drug resistant bacteria
After handling raw poultry, hands of food preparers and cutting boards remain a source of transmission for multi-drug resistant bacteria, study shows

How healthcare facilities can improve patient satisfaction
Understanding the connection between the physical appearance of a facility and patient satisfaction can have a lasting impact on both a hospital's performance and its ability to provide exceptional community health

'Keep the Coat' campaign launched in defense of lab coats
Initiative advocates for healthcare workers to keep their white coats as a defense against contaminants

UK hospitals launch safety project to reduce hospital falls
A new approach to improve safety and prevent falls in hospitals has been introduced across Doncaster, Rotherham and North Lincolnshire

Hospitals brace for effects of insurance reform
South Jersey hospital officials are bracing for the effects of the Affordable Care Act, with some planning staffing cuts due to fewer patients visiting their emergency rooms and others hiring more doctors

UNM Hospital staff trains at FEMA facility
Disaster preparedness training covers mass casualty incidents to catastrophic natural disasters and terror attacks

New, past violent events spark facility emergency drills
Healthcare leaders see disaster exercises and planning paying off

Oregon facility offers storefront healthcare
Corvallis' new medical facility is a storefront clinic wedged between a coffeehouse and a Mexican restaurant

To boost patient satisfaction - align scores and strategic goals
Building a culture of improvement is the framework for creating the best patient experience

Central energy plant can lower costs
A high-performance central energy plant called best strategy for lowering operational costs at a healthcare facility

Hospitals simulate infectious disease disaster
Eight Minnesota facilities participate in a disaster drill portraying a widespread infectious disease breakout

Minnesota VA to expand food service facility
The St. Cloud VA Health Care System plans to build a bigger food services building to better serve veterans living on campus or with mental health issues

California nursing home safety bill advances
The legislation would establish timelines and procedures for completing an investigation into alleged abuse within a long-term care facility

Hospital safety tipping point hit well below full occupancy
Research shows healthcare facility safety at risk at about 92 percent of full occupancy

App supports job site safety and accountability
Executive site safety visit (ESSV) app is used to perform site safety inspections on job sites

Scientists develop light-activated antimicrobial surface
New antibacterial material is deadly to bacteria when activated by light and also shows antibacterial properties in total darkness

FEMA may seek $2 million repayment from Louisiana hospital
The Department of Homeland Security is recommending that the government recover $2 million in Hurricane Katrina-related disaster recovery assistance from East Jefferson General Hospital

Liverpool hospital's safety rating puts donations at risk
Alder Hey Children's Hospital may lose 4 million-pound gift after poor report

Healthcare data center projects dictated by needs, resources
Healthcare Design article explores the options when creating safe, secure locations with back-up power and the ability to withstand a disaster

Many hospital infections commonly found directly outside facilities
Researchers tested cultures taken from surfaces, mostly doors from local businesses, less than 1.5 miles from six hospitals

Greenville hospital shifting police security to unarmed guards
Vidant Medical Center plans to cut the number of sworn police officers at the North Carolina hospital by more than half

Canadian hospitals recognized for security programs
Security programs at six hospitals have received the Program of Distinction Award from the International Association of Healthcare Security and Safety

An alternative to 'meaningful use'
Surgeon/medical researcher builds a cloud-based and bi-directional clinical operating system, agnostic to any device or electronic health record

Solar initiative delivers green energy to English hospitals
Stratford upon Avon energy co-op seeking investors for solar project at local hospitals

Healthcare workers identify infection-control barriers
Research shows patient-care demands and availability of equipment among the perceived problems

New Jersey hospital ties employee bonuses to the facility's performance
What happens when pay-for-performance applies to a hospital's staff as a whole?

Survey says Canadian hospitals not clean enough
Only 62 percent of lead infection-control staff believe their hospital is sufficiently clean

Boston-area hospitals set healthy example for patients
Hospitals are adopting changes to encourage healthier eating among patients, visitors and staff and to make their own facilities less damaging to the environment

Study looks at hand hygiene in resource-limited facilities
Researchers evaluate hand-hygiene adherence in Ethiopia after WHO campaign

British Columbia hospital to boost emergency generator capacity
Peace Arch Hospital in White Rock plans project to meet Canadian Standards Association requirements for power supply and electrical safety

Facilities honored for advances in technology use
The RFID in Healthcare Consortium (RHCC) and Intelligent recognize leaders in advanced healthcare technology use with the first Intelligent Hospital Awards

CDC releases up-to-date report on hospital-acquired-infection estimates
Report shows the incidence of HAIs has slightly decreased, with the 2011 data estimating 721,800 infections

Keeping that 'new building' feel
White paper on Healthcare Design magazine website explores how everyone responsible for how a new building lasts should take a long-term view when it comes to door- and wall-protection products

Maryland hospitals' hand-hygiene compliance rises
State reaches an average of 87 percent compliance at 44 of its acute-care hospitals and one of its specialty hospitals in 2013, up from 81 percent two years ago

New security measures in place at Milwaukee hospital after shooting
The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office has instituted a new security policy for Children's Hospital after police shot a wanted felon inside the hospital last November

Hospital partners with college to develop new food service
Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center is joining forces with Niagara University to deliver a new food service experience for hospital visitors, staff, students and volunteers

Healthcare facilities need more physical security
White paper suggests facility managers should increase their security budgets to combat street-level criminality as well as potential terrorist threats

Some hospitals still use paper records despite incentives
About six percent of U.S. hospitals have yet to convert even the most basic services to electronic medical record systems despite billions of dollars in incentives

Improving environmental cleaning outcomes
A facility can leverage disinfection advancements to improve infection prevention while reducing costs

Consumer Reports ranks hospitals for patient safety
Magazine releases patient-safety rankings for more than 2,500 hospitals based on a composite score of five quality measures

Green House turns nursing-home concept upside down
According to a McKnight's blog, the Green House Project creates the 'ideal' long-term care setting from the ground up

CDC says 1 in 25 hospital patients get an infection
The report also shows limited progress in controlling some bacteria

Seattle hospital sparks new patient safety measures throughout England
Virginia Mason's safety and quality efforts are helping to inspire new measures aimed at improving patient safety in the UK

White paper examines soft-surface decontamination
Aesthetically appealing soft surfaces pose a practical challenge to infection control in healthcare settings

Stolen medical data accounts for 43 percent of identity theft
Study points to the lack of security for tablets and smartphones used in healthcare facilities.

UK hospital uses pre-fab cubicles for infection prevention and control
Royal Bournemouth Hospital installs infection control enclosures to contain outbreaks