Energy and Power - June 2015
Dallas' new Parkland Memorial Hospital receives LEED gold
The hospital previously won LEED gold for its eight-story parking garage and seeks the same status for its new power plant

Dietary errors is an often hidden threat to patients
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority identified 285 dietary errors in healthcare facilities during study

Tips for sustainable environmental services
Environmentally sound practices can also save money

Tracking healthcare facilities' energy use
By improving energy efficiency, hospitals can generate a new source of capital to increase the bottom line

Testing infection prevention effectiveness
Confirming the disinfection of high-touch surfaces is important in healthcare facilities

Focusing on infection prevention
There are a number of different best practices and technologies healthcare facility managers use to help help battle infections

Fire detection, protection in healthcare facilities
Healthcare facilities require fire alarm and detection specifications at a higher level than in other buildings

Proper washing, storage keeps most healthcare textiles safe
Laundering procedures shown to be effective at preventing the spread of infection

Nursing home bedbugs a growing problem
Hospitals doing a better job than nursing homes dealing with pests

Antimicrobial textile manufacturers address pandemic issues
Infection Control Today interviews manufacturers of personal protective equipment (PPE) and antimicrobial textiles on pandemic preparedness

Vancouver emergency rooms not expected to survive major quake
Aging hospital buildings found to be at high-risk of collapse or being rendered useless by a strong tremor

Healthcare laundry best practices reviewed
Laundry recommendations include adherence to standard precautions (gown and gloves) and minimal textile agitation when handling contaminated laundry in isolation rooms

Illinois healthcare facility project boosts security
Franklin Hospital in Benton will upgrade emergency room

Maine hospital project to benefit budget, environment
The annual savings for Pen Bay Healthcare could be more than $550,000

Are wifi devices safe in healthcare facilities?
Radiation caused by wireless devices can interfere with medical equipment and lead to serious clinical consequences

Tackling hospital facility challenges
Healthcare Construction+Operations News interview focuses on the challenges and opportunities that healthcare facilities face

Hospital fire brings focus to trash chute safety
A fire at a New York hospital began in a trash chute, apparently caused by soldering during a necessary repair

Q&A on ABHR dispensers in business occupancies
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question on ABHR dispensers in business occupancies

Luxury vinyl tile gaining more popularity in healthcare facilities
New type of vinyl flooring is second only to carpeting in how frequently it is installed

Designing for resiliency becoming more common place
Planning for resiliency isn't new to healthcare design. Facilities have been dealing with the impacts of natural disasters for many years, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Safety surveys can curb patient risk
Facilities must evaluate their safety practices to ensure they are doing everything they can to safeguard patients

Housekeeping is a partner in infection control
Reducing the spread of germs and diseases is the responsibility of all employees

Q&A on ILSM implementation
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question on ILSM implementation

U.K. hospital trust fined for legionella control problems
Investigation identified a history of failing to manage legionella

Going green paying off for Southeast Michigan healthcare facilities
Sustainability in healthcare is touching on mainstream from an operations standpoint

Managing retail healthcare facilities with service automation
A new class of technology called service automation is supporting the rapid growth in retail healthcare

Healthcare facility staff risks safety to avoid parking fees
Employees of of Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital are choosing to park off-site to avoid paying up to $76.60 for two weeks of secured parking

Disinfecting while preventing harmful exposure
Study reports a growing a demand for disinfecting strategies and increasing evidence that exposure to cleaners can result be harmful

Healthcare facilities face unique security challenges
Digitized healthcare records are extremely valuable to criminals and facilities are still learning how to protect them

Does washing uniforms at home effect infection control?
A recent UK study (1) found that 44% of nursing staff washed their uniforms below the recommended temperature of 60˚C

Saskatoon healthcare facility opens with state-of-the-art technology
The Southwest Integrated Healthcare Facility (SIHF) in Maple Creek, Saskatoon, will have nurse communication devices that are integrated with the telephone system

The evolution of healthcare meal planning
Executive chef at Washington hospital discusses food service's role in healthcare, the farm to hospital trend

Michigan hospital partners with salad restaurant
The Big Salad opens seventh location at the University of Michigan Hospital Cafe

N.C. health facility cafe invests in pizza upgrade
The team at The Korner Cafe at Rex Healthcare in Raleigh worked on a shoestring budget and 'just made it happen' by adding the correct equipment

Establishing healthcare disinfection programs
One tactic for improving the cleanliness of surfaces, is to use the right disinfectants

Identifying Lean opportunities in healthcare
Lean is about reducing cost through the elimination of variation and waste

Q&A on electrical safety program
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question on electrical safety program

Room service adjusts to facilities' evolution
When a Long Island hospital absorbs 32-bed orthopedic program, needs and expectations changes

Keeping patients safe from superbugs
CDC says healthcare facilities must do more to mitigate the threat of CRE

Biggest trends in healthcare power, efficiency
More healthcare systems are considering a move to a self-reliant microgrid

Geisinger Health Center renovates food service to boost production
The 350-seat Atrium Cafe, located on the campus's Hospital for Advanced Medicine, replaced three operations

Drugs thefts reveal gaps in hospital security
Safeguards include restricted rooms, heavy surveillance

Report eyes healthier disaster planning
Building healthier communities should be focus in disaster preparation

Self-check-in kiosks can boost patient experience
San Diego-based Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group installs kiosks to remain competitive in changing market

'Celebrity chefs' in healthcare foodservice
Healthcare foodservice chefs are consistently overlooked

Concrete work causes noxious fumes in Michigan healthcare facility
Sparrow Hospital in Lansing detected fumes near operating room

Planning fire drills in healthcare facilities
Staff, visitors, volunteers and others may ignore the fire alarm and continue to go on with their day

Healthcare facilities stressing cleaning protocols for C. Diff
Almost half hadn't adopted strict limits on the use of antibiotics, but protective gear, separate hospital rooms and special cleaning techniques were in place in virtually all hospitals

Concerns raised about fire-proofing materials at UK infirmary
Materials used in Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle cited for not meeting required standard

Healthcare food service facing new challenges
As healthcare systems continue to consolidate, they must compete with other providers

UK hospital installs security fence after sexual assaults
A rape and sexual assault of two women are among 30 incidents which reported at Sheffield hospitals in a three-month period

Transforming healthcare lighting
Proper outdoor lighting is a critical element in shaping visitors' perceptions of a healthcare facility

N.H. healthcare facility gets nonlethal devices for protection
Devices can record interactions with unruly patients or visitors, shine a laser pointer on them and shoot a stream of pepper gel

'Design thinking' urged for healthcare tech
Design begins by gaining an understanding of how a system is likely to be used within a given environment

Q&A on the required width of new corridor
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question on the required width of new corridor

Healthcare facility's telecommunications system relies on five features
From verbal codes to technology, a hospital must be able to trust its communication system

Canadian healthcare facility focuses on security after fatal shooting
Security at local hospitals is a top concern after a woman was attacked at Guelph General Hospital

N.Y. hospital and civic center collaborate on energy proposal
Glens Falls Hospital and Adirondack Civic Center Coalition are seeking funding for a 'micro-grid' power project