Energy and Power - June 2019
Ebola death toll in Congo surpasses 1,500
A total of 2,239 Ebola cases were reported since the outbreak began

Power over Ethernet (PoE) synchronized wall clocks: A timely choice in new construction and renovation healthcare projects
For facilities rich in Ethernet infrastructure, achieving a perfectly synchronized clock system could not get any easier than simply plugging in a CAT5/6 cable.

NHS hospital cleaners will also be feeding patients
NHS staff will switch from one task to another while wearing the same clothes

Ebola efforts in Congo running short of money
Some fear situation will turn into a regional catastrophe

Florida hospital system adds metal detectors, visitor badges
BayCare Health has increased security measures at most of its facilities

How to validate a cleanroom cleaning regime
How you validate is just as important as how you clean

Threats to kill, rape, 'hunt down' common in Western Australia emergency rooms
Extreme threats, violence lead to a Violence Summit with Health Minister

Unsanitary conditions at Calif VA Center linked to rise in infections
Office of Inspector General report faults lack of environmental servicestraining

Infrared imaging comes of age
Technology and application advances put more power in the hands of managers and technicians

Key steps to a smart building
Internet of things devices are intended to serve as components that can be linked together to form a truly smart building

Report says hospital calls about ‘unwanted’ people leads to criminalizing mental illness
More than 100 people arrested for trespassing at five Portland hospitals and the metro area’s psychiatric emergency department from the summer of 2017 through the summer of 2018

Finding the next generation of cleaning managers
How do you know if people in your organization with leadership potential are developing?

Ohio hospital links hot water system to Legionnaires' outbreak
Testing showed significant legionella bacteria in the hot water system

Heroes of Infection Prevention Award winners announced
Award honors infection preventionists who have helped to reduce infection, raise awareness, and improve the health and well-being of patients, healthcare workers, and the public

Guards at Chinese psychiatric hospital fired after escape of four patients
Group got through main exit by posing as visitors taking their relatives out for a break

Eight NHS hospitals hit by listeria outbreaks
Healthcare facility catering may be brought in-house

Santa Rosa hospital solar project can power more than 200 homes a year
The 4,627 solar modules covering approximately 565 parking spaces will support 40 percent of the main hospital’s electricity

Arizona moves to revoke license after maggots found on Hacienda HealthCare resident
Hacienda is the same facility where an incapacitated female resident last year was raped and later gave birth to a baby

The effective date for USP <800> implementation is Dec. 1, 2019
How to prepare your facility and protect your employees and patients

Hospital faucets can harbor slime and biofilm
Water splashing out of a sink can spread contaminants

Ohio hospital didn’t disinfect water lines linked to Legionnaires’
Officials said they think the bacteria are linked to inadequate disinfection prior to the facility’s opening

Hospitals constantly look for ways to cut energy use
U.S. hospitals spend about $8.3 billion a year on energy

Tech can help healthcare facilities guard against disaster
Keeping health IT systems up and running is critical

Flint hospital ordered to reduce Legionnaires' risks
Hospital says the order is part of an effort to shift blame

Robocalls can disrupt hospital communication systems
A study found that EMS practiced hand hygiene before patient contact in just 7% of assessments

WHO repeats: Ebola outbreak not yet a global emergency.
It’s the third time agency has decided against emergency designation

How to mitigate the spread of pathogens in sterile medical areas
Pathogens are most likely to proliferate in areas where moisture can accumulate and in any type of indentation, nook, cranny, divot, crack and puncture

Smart toilets can help identify health problems
One toilet seat contains devices that measure blood oxygenation levels, heart rate, and blood pressure

Ohio tornadoes lead to record patient volumes at ERs
Both of the major hospital networks set up command centers

Patient care’s next frontier: The Internet of Things
IoT devices allow users, like healthcare facility managers, to collect critical data, analyze said data and then react to it based on real-time information

Prefabrication is changing healthcare construction and design
Prefabrication improves efficiency because it helps accelerate schedules and wastes less material

Pennsylvania hospital gives up stun guns after wrongly using one on patient
Taser used to subdue a patient who was on suicide watch and became threatening and aggressive

The future of telehealth and what it means for facilities management
Telehealth is putting a 21st century spin on the old-fashioned house call

Are your vendors putting the PHI of your patients at risk?
Outsourcing can be a cost-effective move, but failure to properly assess and manage risks related to protected health information (PHI) can create legal and reputational issues for the organization

Twice-daily disinfection recommended for healthcare facility tablets
Tablets are often colonized with important human pathogens

VA healthcare facilities to go smoke-free
The ban extends to patients, visitors, volunteers, contractors and vendors

Large bee hive removed from Florida hospital parking lot
Beekeeper estimates around 8,000 bees were removed

Problems with water pump postpones surgeries at Mayo University Hospital
The water pump in the sterilization facility

Healthcare data interoperability market to reach $3 billion by 2025
Increasing technological advancements in healthcare data interoperability software will positively influence industry growth in coming years

WHO: Containing Congo Ebola outbreak may take two years
Of the 1,931 confirmed Ebola patients, 1,357 have died

Key aspects to updating your security infrastructure
Start by discussing plans for growth and development

Healthcare facilities must adapt to changing cybersecurity threats
Patients’ role in cybersecurity expected to grow

N.J. seeks new infection protections for healthcare facilities
Viral outbreak at a Wanaque pediatric facility contributed to 11 deaths and some three dozen illnesses

Three UK hospital patients dead from listeria linked to pre-packaged sandwiches
Health agencies and local authorities are investigating the source of the infection

Improving EVS management and technology can improve workflow
Productivity can suffer if staff are not identifying solutions on how to accomplish their tasks

Man hires attorney after contracting lice from gurney at Detroit hospital
Hospital employees discovered that someone had stuffed wet clothes covered in bugs - possibly lice - under the gurney he was given as a mattress

Vanderbilt University upgrades HVAC systems
Through Vanderbilt University’s HVAC system upgrades, officials offer strategies and tactics for delivering success

Canadian nurses union wants more security guards in hospitals
There have been more than 2,000 incidents last year

Mayo Clinic food service co-worker stabs co-worker in cafeteria
The employee cafeteria closed during investigation

Preparing healthcare facilities for a disaster
Hospitals must maintain continuity of patient care

Protecting patients' sleep in healthcare facilities
Some physicians have suggested giving patients ear plugs and an eye mask

CVS will expand in-store healthcare services
The retailer will launch a fleet of 1,500 HealthHUBs by the end of 2021

Bright future seen for Millennials leading healthcare facilities
When presented with a system that improves productivity while reducing waste, Millennials will embrace it more times than not

NY healthcare facilities may serve vegan alternatives
Bill would require hospitals and nursing homes to offer vegan options at every meal and snack to patients who request them

USP <800> and how it can affect your facility
It will be the first standard to not only change the handling of pharmaceuticals for human medical facilities, but animal hospitals as well

Ebola outbreak reaches 2,000 cases
The number of confirmed cases reached 2,000 three times as quickly as it took to reach 1,000

Three more Legionnaires’ cases reported at Mount Carmel Grove City Hospital
One person who contracted Legionnaires’ has died

Energy Star changes for 2019
There are several updates to the Energy Star scoring and certification system

Areas outside nursing home resident rooms key to infection control
Residents have frequent contact with staff and the environment outside of their rooms

Technology is evolving in healthcare facilities
New demands, practices, and yes, technology, are reshaping healthcare facilities

Fresh Food Farmacy receives Healthy Living Award
The Fresh Food Farmacy provides fresh, healthy food to patients

New Ohio healthcare facility reports patient death in Legionnaires’ outbreak
The first patient was diagnosed with Legionnaires’ the day after the hospital opened

What you need to know about new standards for hazardous waste pharmaceuticals
The final rule goes into effect Aug. 21, 2019

Hospital salaries: From environmental services to the CEO
There are 73,250 janitors and cleaners employed in hospitals

Doctors sick of fast food restaurants inside healthcare facilities
McDonald’s restaurant inside its major Macon, Ga., hospital is closing after a complaint by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Healthcare facilities dealing with record flooding in Midwest
More than a dozen states hit with severe weather

Man hurt in shooting on Arkansas children’s hospital campus
Authorities call shooting at Arkansas Children’s Hospital a random incident

Michigan investigates Legionnaires' at four hospitals
Patient at St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor confirmed with Legionnaires' disease

Cancer patient's room infested with bed bugs at Detroit Hospital
Hospital said the bugs were from someone's infested clothing left behind

Outsourcing EVS for rural hospitals
Cost, staffing, process integration, compliance, reporting… all were concerns as they explored outsourcing options

Environmental disinfection tips for Candida auris infection prevention and control
Preventing C. auris transmission requires diligent adherence to infection control recommendations, including placing patients colonized or infected with C. auris in single rooms on Standard and Contact Precautions

NYU student goes from janitor to nursing school grad
Baez's goal is to become a critical care nurse in the intensive care unit

Study finds solutions for limiting exposure to Candida auris
Procedures used in an animal facility can potentially be applied to healthcare facilities

Internet of Medical Things transforming healthcare
A strong network needs proper prevention and detection measures for security threats

Understand what radar cannot see, and make better decisions
Cutting-edge radars reinforce trust — if you understand the basic mechanics of the tool

Environmental services' morale sometimes suffers on the job
Lifting staff morale goes a long way toward improving productivity

Nursing homes particularly vulnerable to hurricanes
Many nursing homes are located in southeastern or Gulf Coast states