Energy and Power - July 2016
Facility staffs express concern over security following Kanagawa stabbing
Lone intruder at a care facility for disabled people kills 19,

India hospital deaths blamed on power cut
21 patients at Gandhi Hospital died after power outages

Delivering internal customer service in healthcare facility security
There is a host of stakeholders inside a facility who public safety and security departments must serve

Focusing on interiors and exteriors in healthcare environments
Designers talk about the mutually supportive role interior and exterior spaces play

Legionella risks in building water systems
There are potentially significant liability risks related to water quality in the healthcare sector.

Decision to leave suspect at hospital broke with state guidelines
Police decision to leave suspect before teen's killing under scrutiny

Outdated security devices can get left behind
Security personnel unknowingly disconnect them during security upgrades

What you need to know about the new HIPAA guidance on ransomware
There has been a 300% increase in ransomware attacks in 2016

N.J. hospital earns top honors at culinary competition
Valley Hospital won the national 2016 Association for Healthcare Foodservice (AHF) Culinary Competition

New E. coli strain reinforces need for effective ES
Rigorous cleaning can help to prevent spread of new antibiotic-resistant bacteria

NHS could save £26.4 million annually with CHP
A report says that combined heat and power (CHP) provides the biggest energy saving opportunity

Philly hospitals ready for potential convention issues
Mass casualty drills, last September's papal visit and the fatal crash of Amtrak 188 have already tested the city's health systems

Mass General, others ban staff from playing Pokemon Go
Providers concerned about safety are asking people not to wander around campuses using mobile app

Data overload could swamp healthcare Internet of Things
Many are unsure how to take advantage of IoT big data analytics

Minimizing traffic during surgery lowers infection rate
New study finds a connection between surgical site infections and how often the OR door is opened during a procedure

Patient food blamed for cases of lethal listeria infection in UK
Report says pre-packed sandwiches could be contaminated with a lethal bug

Technology can streamline visitor management at healthcare facilities
Lack of visitor control can impact security

N.C. healthcare facility fined for wastewater violations
Company is facing the possible loss of its state license to provide non-skilled assisted living care at a residential facility

White paper offered on emergency power system basics
Paper discusses maintaining consistent power for reliable healthcare

Strategies to increase hand-hygiene compliance
A recent study found compliance rate higher with monitoring by infection prevention nurses

Bug zapper plays role in Augusta Health infection control
Robotic disinfection system significantly controls bacteria, spores and viruses

CDC investigates Zika case not transmitted by mosquito, sexual contact
A family member of the first Zika-related death in the U.S. has contracted the virus

Missouri healthcare facilities ban Pokemon Go on campuses
One hospital specifically requested employees cease trying to 'catch 'em all' while at work

Two dead after shooting in Florida healthcare facility patient room
The gunman was restrained by two unarmed security officers at Parrish Medical Center

Tucson hospital diverts trauma patients after electrical problem
Banner-University Medical Center Tucson was not accepting Level 1 trauma patients after a malfunction involving a hospital transformer/panel

Taser use in mental healthcare criticized
For more than 10 years, Tasers have been used against patients in locked psychiatric settings

Healthcare administrators can do more good with a public health background
Earning a public health background opens even more doors to interesting and constructive careers within the administration field

Operating room 'a sauna' after air conditioning malfunction at Pennsylvania healthcare facility
Lancaster General Hospital assessing losses after incident

Texas hospitals work to reduce security code confusion
Some feel there might be too many color options

Advanced condensing boilers remedy aging heating system at Chicago healthcare facility
Presence Health had an old 1 million BTU atmospheric steel tube boiler that was only functioning at maybe 700,000 BTUs

Hospitals prepare for political conventions
Cleveland and Philadelphia are preparing for an increase in minor problems and the possibility of major incidents

Healthcare security systems more than five years old may be vulnerable
Conducting an independent assessment can help ensure the most cost-effective equipment combined under a single platform

Commissioning an emergency power supply system
The challenge is to leverage the power of technology while mastering best practices to protect, preserve and control these vital records

VA hospital saves energy with solar panels
Amarillo VA hospital installs solar panels covering 720 parking spots

A healthcare facilities manager's role in infection control
There are key areas that should be monitored

Hospital uses video surveillance to help staff
Footage is evaluated to improve staff performance

Water conservation efforts spreading
Hospital water use is gradually declining, averaging 49 gallons per square foot per year compared with nearly 70 gallons a decade ago, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Cleaning healthcare facilities' 'grey zone' cuts infection risk
'Grey zones' are areas commonly glossed over in the cleaning process

Trends shaping cybersecurity
The news around security attacks and prevention is currently overwhelming

Strengthening an infection control protocol
Many factors are involved in effectively combating hospital-acquired infections

Hospitals adjust schedules to give patients more rest
Hospitals reschedule floor-washing or designate tasks to be finished by 11 p.m.

Free webinar: Preparing your facility for analytics
July 21 webinar will explore the potential for "big data" and "analytics" in a healthcare setting, and cover some of the common challenges and how to prepare for them

Security cameras get high marks from professionals
Experiences demonstrate value of video surveillance systems

Mobile visitor management systems can improve efficiency
Mobile functionality allows security managers to register new visitors and connect with a central location from anywhere

Designing privacy and safety into healthcare facilities
Privacy controls must be balanced with the ability for discreet or full observation by healthcare professionals

Energy to Care program gaining popularity
ASHE is focusing on C-suite buy-in to improve healthcare energy efficiency

Most wired hospitals focusing on cybersecurity
2016 Health Care’s Most Wired survey says telehealth is also at the top of the to-do list

Mississippi healthcare facility focusing on employee health
Ingalls Family Health Center Health Center includes wellness coaching and a fitness area

Electronic hand-hygiene monitoring reduces MRSA HAIs by 42 percent
Health system studied saved $434,000 by avoiding additional care costs

Health systems tailor programs to reach individual energy-efficiency goals
Kaiser Permanente and Gundersen Health System made commitments to renewable energy

Telemedicine still waiting for 'Uber moment'
Hospitals far from realizing the full promise of telemedicine

Prime vs. standby generators, final Tier 4 and what it means for facilities managers
Many facilities managers are confused about whether or not the new rules apply to them

Telemedicine is transforming healthcare
More than 15 million Americans received some kind of medical care remotely last year

Benchmarking helps boost energy efficiency in hospitals
Free tool allows facilities to track and compare their energy usage

Analog-to-IP video system transition in healthcare facilities
There may still be a ways to go before the full potential of IP-based security systems is realized

C-Difficile dog sniffs out infection
Vancouver Coastal Health introduces a furry new aid in the battle against C-Difficile

Hospital cited for dirty equipment in maternity unit
Inspectors found blood on a birthing mat in a delivery room ready for the next patient at the Vale of Leven hospital in Dunbartonshire

Is duodenoscope cross-contamination an outpatient facility risk?
Standard brushes used in scope reprocessing can't completely clean the crevices in scopes' elevator mechanisms

Boston healthcare facility uses 'green steam' to reduce carbon footprint
Initiative will help the Boston Medical Center to meet sustainability goals

Connected technology: The healthcare professional’s new best friend
With the Internet of Things, the best is yet to come for the healthcare sector and its workers

Hospital security pros discuss video surveillance
Comments and advice come from Campus Safety magazine’s video surveillance survey

Milwaukee-area hospital uses bottled water due to minerals in water
Froedtert Hospital's testing confirmed an "unusual" amount of minerals in the water supply

Tech solutions can soothe kids before surgery
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital uses an easily disinfected video unit that can be mounted on any hospital bed

FDA seeks data on hand sanitizer
Data is intended to help the agency ensure that regular use of these products does not present safety and efficacy concerns

Phoenix Children's Hospital certified as 'StormReady'
Anything from a heavy thunderstorm to localized flooding could trigger StormReady procedures

Connecticut VA Medical Center benefits from energy efficiency upgrades
VA Medical Center upgraded to high-efficiency interior lighting through the Energy Conscious Blueprint program

The best IT certifications for a healthcare professional
The need for qualified individuals to manage sensitive data and the networks it is stored on is greater than ever

Do hospital data security standards put patient safety at risk?
Is the need to secure patient data keeping healthcare facilities from focusing on patient safety?

White paper explores value of interactive patient education systems
Interactive patient education systems increasing retention up to 50 percent

Elizabethkingia update: Original infection source remains unknown
Mystery surrounding the nature of the infection and the outbreak persist

Study says healthcare workers choose efficiency over password security
Hospital employees often write passwords on sticky notes and keypad-protected doors

Mayo Clinic's new food vendor angers union
Morrison Healthcare will be assuming control of food and nutrition services at Mayo campuses

Study urges hospitals to step up cellphone cleaning
Study shows mobile devices used by hospital workers harbor viral RNA

UPMC, AHN fined for illegal disposal of medical waste
Medical waste from 12 UPMC hospitals was mixed with municipal waste and dumped illegally

Healing hospital budgets through sustainability
A focus on making buildings and services cleaner and greener can generate significant savings

Lenbrook Retirement Community increases quality improvement scores and efficiency targets with the same outsourcing solution
Expansion presented an opportunity to transition from in-house hospitality, environmental, laundry and linen services to a support service management company

Second untreatable superbug infection found in US
Patient in New York infected with a strain of E. coli highly resistant to last-resort antibiotic treatments

When active shooters invade healthcare facilities, having a plan matters
According to a study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, there were 154 hospital-related shootings from 2000-2011

Johns Hopkins students improve Ebola protection suit
Mechanical engineering students develop prototypes for more comfortable hood and face mask and battery-powered system that lowers humidity

Hospitals combat violence in the ER
Two N.J. doctors are working to raise awareness about violence in emergency departments and ways to increase security

The case for proactive outbound notifications in healthcare contact centers
Notifications are largely automated, so they don’t add to the workload

Hospital emergency preparedness initiative goes national
Powered for Patients working to improve deployment of resources at hospitals during disasters

Cincinnati hospital accused of skirting safety procedures
Former nurse at University of Cincinnati Medical Center has sued the hospital

Ransomware attacks increasingly common in healthcare facilities
Research reports more than 50 percent of healthcare facilities say that they have been hit by ransomware

New certifications and manual available for healthcare security officers
New versions incorporate latest research and trends

Experts say real data needed to affect hand-hygiene compliance
Technological solution urged for accuracy

Do antibacterial building materials pose a health risk?
Scientists say more microbes are healthier than fewer microbes in a space