Environmental Services
Bugs Without Borders: The Coming HAI Crisis
A tsunami of pathogenic threats to healthcare facilities is not unthinkable. Simple cleaning might be a key defense.

In Hospitals, Pest Control Is Infection Control
By prioritizing pest control in hospitals, managers can create a hygienic environment that promotes healing, recovery and well-being.

Three Strategies to Streamline Cleaning Labor in Senior Living Facilities
In a tough labor market, it pays for managers in senior living communities to evaluate all their processes, including cleaning.

Cameron Memorial Community Hospital Cleans Up with OhmniClean
CMCH adopted the UV-C disinfection robot to assist with their EVS services.

Identifying Germs and Cleaning Occupied Spaces for Environmental Services
Disinfectant manufacturers discuss germ identification and cleaning occupied spaces.

Needed: New Framework for Environmental Services Workers
Develop an apprenticeship program for environmental services technicians in healthcare that leads to certification.

Preventing Quat Binding in Healthcare Facilities
Disinfectant manufacturers discuss how to prevent quat binding from happening.

3 Benefits of Autonomous Floor Care Equipment in Healthcare
Switching to robots can help departments address staffing shortages and streamline tasks.

Rethinking Hospital Cleaning Methods and Materials
The guiding principle is to remove germs rather than kill them and when necessary, use the smallest amount of the mildest disinfectant.

Bringing Hospital Cleaning into the 21st Century
Hospital leaders should consider the risk of antimicrobial resistance and infection and compensate those who prevent them.

Can Biofilm Make Candida Auris More Dangerous?
Everyone involved in cleaning must better understand the type of disinfectants required to control biofilms, especially those created by C. auris fungus.

Pros of Outsourcing Environmental Services in Healthcare Facilities
Outsourcing environmental services can have a positive effect on healthcare facilities.

Environmental Hygiene Programs Help Reduce C. diff Rates
Proper cleaning and disinfection procedures play a critical role against the spread of C diff, according to a recent study

Cleaning to Impress Visitors
Every day of the week, hundreds or thousands of guests walk through your doors.

VA National Day of Service Addresses Cemeteries
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is asking for the public’s help to improve the appearance of its cemeteries.

Kaiser Permanente Pledges to Reach Net Zero by 2050
As part of effort, Kaiser Permanente joined U.S. Health and Human Services climate pledge, launched to mobilize healthcare sector to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Hospitals Face Major Environmental Services Challenges
Survey provides overview of the strengths and challenges associated with healthcare environmental hygiene practices in healthcare facilities.

Fit for Purpose Disinfection: A Closer Look
If hygiene procedures are to be effective, a determination needs to be made regarding product efficacy and whether the results are worthwhile.

Rethinking Routine Healthcare Cleaning Practices
Housekeeping managers need to understand the difference between hotel clean and hospital clean.

Why It Is Time To Re-Evaluate Your Cleaning Solution
Overuse of chemicals can create poor chemistry performance, but what is the best mix to keep surfaces clean?

The Threats from Dust in Healthcare Facilities
While dust is a common part of daily life, it can bring on serious health problems in healthcare facilities

How To Properly Clean and Disinfect Environmental Surfaces
A closer look at the proper processes to ensure safe, clean, and disinfected facilities

How To Measure Cleanliness of Hospital Surfaces
What you can’t see can hurt you. Environmental services needs to prove cleaning regimen produces desired results

4 Reasons You’re Disinfecting Improperly
Disinfecting high-touch surfaces is critical to preventing spread of infection. Unfortunately, you’re likely doing it wrong

Disinfectants Damage Medical Device Monitoring Systems
Case study finds that chemical exposure led to equipment damage

Carpets Cannot Be Disinfected
They can be cleaned and sanitized and here’s how to do it in 3 steps

Pandemic Helps Move EVS to Center Stage
Keeping hospitals clean and sanitized is where concerns of health and safety overlap

Hospital Layoffs Target Janitorial, Food Service Workers
Sodexo will lay off 407 workers after Health First, a four-hospital system based in Florida ends contract