Sustainable Operations - November 2017
12 Florida nursing home patient deaths ruled homicides
Patients died from environmental heat exposure after Hurricane Irma knocked out the power to the central air conditioning

Interoperability lessons learned from disasters
Tragic events highlight the necessity for preparing healthcare facility information-sharing systems

Gundersen Health credits smaller price increase to energy independence
System's 1.8 percent hike lowest in 20 years

Tips for hiring healthcare cybersecurity pros
Cybersecurity requires people from all backgrounds and majors

Study: C. diff mostly found in floor corners after disinfection
Study identifies sites where spores persist

Telemedicine could be impacted by loss of net neutrality
Rural healthcare organizations could be hurt by policy changes

A regular maintenance schedule protects flooring investment
Facility appearance ratings can drop by as much as 75 percent if floor shine makes a bad first impression

Ontario healthcare facilities reducing carbon footprint
Province is investing in hospitals to improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gases and redirect savings into patient care

Healthcare facility design advancing safety standards
The standards are based on the concept of a highly reliable organization, which focuses on avoiding catastrophes in an environment where normal accidents can be expected, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Choosing reusable vs. disposable underpads
Reusable underpads may offer cost savings and usability benefits to healthcare facilities

Fla. nursing home says Irma deaths not staff’s fault
Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills sends letter to Congress says staff could't overcome lack of power to the central air conditioner

Why your employees are the greatest risk to HIPAA compliance
Often, conversations about HIPAA violations center around technological issues. The remaining compliance violations are related to employee actions and behaviors.

Las Vegas hospital offers lessons in disaster planning
The emergency room at Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center responded to the recent mass shooting

Parkland Hospital ER uses purple lights to improve patient flow
Consultants from Toyota worked on improving discharge time

Arming security officers with tablets may boost productivity
Tablets can streamline processes, improve communication

Maintaining security with contract cleaning staff
Improved and standardized security checks urged

Door alarms can limit OR foot traffic
Excessive foot traffic can send contaminates into the sterile field

48 hours after fire at Pa. senior facility, some residents were still missing
Residents were evacuated into bitter cold, and 27 were transported to hospitals

Indiana hospital adopts recycling program for clean waste
Surgery generates about one-fourth of all hospital waste

Hawaii hospital boosts security after dangerous patient escapes to California
'Pathological predator' managed to fly to California before being caught

Va hospital cancels elective surgeries after particles found on equipment
Inova Fairfax Hospital found sandlike particles on sterilized surgical trays and instruments

Ottawa Hospital plans new unit for preemies
The renovations and expansion will provide more space, which will allow for single rooms

Study finds copper surfaces in fitness and healthcare facilities reduce bacteria
Inova Fairfax Hospital found sandlike particles on sterilized surgical trays and instruments

Study: US hospitals' HAI risk down 22 percent
Results suggest that national efforts to prevent healthcare-associated infections are succeeding

The foundation to build an interoperable ecosystem: APIs
Short for Application Programming Interfaces, APIs are like connectors that allow you to access information on your application or software.

Energy project creates savings for Oxford hospitals
The new engine, boilers and heat pipe link between two facilities has already saved the NHS trust £231,000 in its first month

Indiana hospital starts own police force
Community Hospital Anderson formerly relied on officers from local communities

PCI FAQs and myths
Without a secure infrastructure to protect their sensitive information, patients risk having their financial information and even their identities stolen

San Juan VA hospital sheltering veterans after hurricane
In many instances the VA has kept people after they were stabilized, because they had nowhere else to go

DC VA cancels surgeries over concerns about surgical equipment
The surgical devices were discolored and may have been subjected to an overabundance of cleaning solution

Nashville hospital to end inpatient care
Nashville General Hospital is the the city’s only safety net hospital

Reasons why telehealth is gaining momentum
New bills in Congress are helping the implementation of telehealth programs

Oregon hospital working to change perception of hospital food
About 80 percent of food served at St. Charles Prineville is for medical staff, friends and family of patients, and the general public

Report explores emergency preparedness for healthcare facilities
White paper focuses on the role of facility management during emergency events and for CMS compliance

VA too 'male-centric,' female vets tell N.J. legislators
Vets says hospital feels more like a strip club than a medical center

Infographic: Healthcare facilities should use the cloud
Anything that can make a facility leaner, more efficient and more effective can make a huge difference

Cybersecurity white paper available
In recent years, cyber threats have become increasingly sophisticated

The deadline is today: Is your emergency communications plan ready?
The CMS rule is enforceable as of Nov. 15, 2017

Environmental sustainability called vital to better health and lower health costs
Reducing the carbon footprint and taking a lead on environmental sustainability can lead to major cost savings

Maine VA facility garden gives veterans fresh food
VA Maine Healthcare System has been providing fresh fruit and vegetables for veterans for five years

Florida nursing home now in compliance with emergency generator directive
Facility had been called out for failing to submit plans to the Agency for Health Care Administration

Va. health system works to improve cleaning protocol uniformity
Sentara Healthcare recently initiated a campaign to assess the practices used to clean patient rooms

Getting the “Full View”: Four critical building automation system considerations for healthcare executives
The building automation system (BAS) is the primary backbone for energy savings in a hospital

White paper on infrastructure best practices available
Paper offers advice for organizations that both own and operate their own data centers

Chicago hospital sues Leapfrog over ratings
Saint Anthony Hospital alleges agency knowingly used incorrect info to lower grade

Healthcare security: A prescription for strengthening audit trails, streamlining credentials and improving patient experience
More facility administrators are sending staff to training classes to get up to speed on the latest guidelines

Staff training unravels healthcare reimbursement issues
More facility administrators are sending staff to training classes to get up to speed on the latest guidelines

Cybersecurity, digital failures called top hospital hazards
The ECRI Institute releases its list of top healthcare technology hazards for 2018

Va. health system works to improve cleaning protocol uniformity
Sentara used structured interviews to begin developing a consistent cleaning and disinfection protocol

Vanderbilt University Medical Center deploying germ-killing robots
The medical center’s first inpatient area to utilize the germ-killing robots will be its burn center

New weather data technology can raise alarm ahead of extreme events
Advance location alerting helps leaders know when to trigger emergency response plans

Research links disinfectant to hospital staff health problems
Cleaning products containing a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid and acetic acid can trigger problems

Boston healthcare facility growing produce for patients
Boston Medical Center workers have started a garden on a hospital roof

Transforming the digital experience in healthcare
Digital transformation might be more complex in healthcare than any other industry

The ABC of FHIR: Reinventing interoperability
FHIR is the latest standard to be developed under HL7 and is expected to contribute significantly to improving patient care, countering the barriers to interoperability, boosting information sharing, and unboxing innovation in healthcare

Little-known IoT security issues shouldn't be ignored
Unfixable equipment, absent processes, platform questions and lifecycle management are just some of the challenges

Could technology have prevented Carolinas HealthCare System’s $6.5 million lawsuit?
Healthcare facilities are required to accurately represent the services they are providing to patients

Houston hospital still closed after Harvey
HCA Healthcare reported $140 million in lost revenue in the third quarter from hurricanes Harvey and Irma

Hospitals urged to be ready for 5G connectivity
Policies must evolve to allow the tech to reach full potential

Leapfrog releases fall 2017 hospital safety grades
Of the more than 2,600 hospitals graded, 832 earned an A

Comprehensive strategies to ensure infection control and cleanliness
As best practices for cleaning healthcare facilities continue to evolve, researchers are paying increased attention to the role that the environment plays in the development of HAIs

Elderly couple dead after shooting at Ontario hospital
Two officers discharged their guns during the incident

Curbing Clostridium difficile with patient hand hygiene
A new study has found that increasing the patient’s involvement in hand hygiene can positively impact whether they contract the infection

Critical building automation system considerations
The building automation system (BAS) is the primary backbone for energy savings in a hospital

Using light to disinfect mobile devices
A researcher at the University at Buffalo is using existing technology to create a device that uses light to kill germs on mobile devices

Role of contaminated handheld electronic devices in infection transmission
One category of handheld devices exponentially increasing and predicted to continue increasing in healthcare, is mobile electronics

Texas arson suspect tries to escape through hospital ceiling
Staff could see the ceiling sink under man's weight as he crawled around

Healthcare facilities are part of the future of sustainable infrastructure
Communities need sustainable infrastructure that offers solutions that can keep up with contemporary climate challenges

Document storage systems: The role they could play in healthcare
Document storage systems offer a method for continuing the healthcare provider efficiency gained during the years of the Affordable Care Act

Pediatricians urge patients to bring their own toys
Suggestion linked to controlling spread of germs in waiting rooms and exam rooms

Elements of a successful RCM process
The revenue cycle management (RCM) process is one of the most important parts of a functional and efficient healthcare facility

Mayo Clinic cashiers vote to join union
The 26 cashiers voted to join SEIU Healthcare Minnesota

Los Angeles hospital to close, cites costs of retrofitting
California law requires medical facilities in the state to meet certain seismic standards by Jan. 1, 2030

Band aid found in au jus at Colorado hospital cafeteria
UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center officials said steps have been taken to ensure it does not happen again

Dublin hospital ordered to install sprinkler system
The National Children’s Hospital has been ordered to install sprinklers across all floors of the hospital following an appeal to An Bord Pleanála

What to know about the CMS emergency preparedness rule's communication plan requirement
The deadline for compliance is November 15, 2017

Strategies for whole-room disinfection
Efficiency is important with limited time and resources

Hygiene, isolation protocols urged in pediatric office
Researchers recommend against having stuffed animals in the common areas as they are difficult to clean

Mississippi hospital, nursing homes use emergency plans to respond to water alert
The hospital emergency department is working with health officials to watch for any signs of a disease outbreak

Florida cities want assisted-living centers to have backup power during outages
Push comes after a nursing home in Hollywood overheated, leading to 14 deaths

How healthcare facilities can adjust to NFPA 70E 2018 revisions
Electrical equipment supplying power to medical facilities carries dangerous threats that may lead to serious injury or death

Evidence-based design solutions can be applied within the correctional health environment
It’s important that treatment spaces in prisons and jails be designed for effective care delivery while meeting the safety and security needs, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Virginia healthcare facility installing solar panels
Carilion's New River Valley Medical Center is getting around 4,000 solar panels