Sustainable Operations - February 2013
Experts offer emergency action plan tips in case of hospital shooting
While it is impossible to create a zero-risk environment for gun violence in any workplace, including healthcare facilities, it is possible to be prepared for how employees would handle such an event should it occur.

Training webinar offered on healthcare workplace violence and prevention
Mentor Health will offer a training webinar on workplace violence in healthcare facilities on April 30.

EPA recognizes medical centers for energy savings, emissions reduction
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Feb. 20 recognized three healthcare facilities with the Energy Star Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Award.

EPA recognizes medical centers for energy savings, emissions reduction
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Feb. 20 recognized three healthcare facilities with the Energy Star Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Award.

Ten steps to stretch healthcare data center capacity
While avoiding a new data center is not possible indefinitely, it is possible for healthcare facility managers to stretch their existing data center infrastructure to support as much IT growth as possible.

ICC safety code updates have big impact on hospitals
The International Code Council (ICC) has recently approved several proposals for the 2015 edition of the International Building Code with direct repercussions for hospitals.

Patient infection rates have financial implications for hospitals
Healthcare facilities continue to increase their efforts to prevent healthcare-associated infections (HAI) not only for the good of the patients, but also for the financial implications for the hospitals.

Design by assumption can prove deadly in behavioral health facilities
Psychiatric hospitals have their own design needs and do not necessarily benefit from the evidence-based design practices suitable for a general hospital.

Free webcast addresses preventing the spread of C. diff infections will host the free webcast "Preventing the Spread of C. diff" March 6 at 1 p.m. Eastern.

Joplin hospital rebuilds, aiming to withstand monster tornados
After an EF5 tornado ripped apart St. John's Regional Medical Center on May 22, 2011, the Joplin, Mo., hospital is making every effort to rebuild with a new hardened facility designed to stand up to devastating wind forces.

Healthcare industry making inroads to greening supply chain
The healthcare industry is moving forward in defining environmentally preferable purchasing standards and establishing common standards for contracting for products

Pros offer tips for Lean healthcare facility planning
The ongoing need to do more with less has led many healthcare organizations to adopt the principles of Lean management across the system, from clinical care to facilities planning.

Healthcare environmental services leadership requires diverse skills
Hospital administrators need environmental services (ES) leaders who can demonstrate high competency across a wide swath of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Crozer-Keystone Health System decentralizes to gain market share
At Crozer-Keystone Health System just west of Philadelphia, the vice president of facility planning and development has been leveraging community-based outpatient facilities to cater to the healthcare consumer's desire for choice and convenience.

Ventilation strategies can mitigate HAIs from isolation rooms
When designing and operating an airborne infection isolation (Aii) room, consider ventilation strategies including dilution and removal of contaminated air to reduce the risk for healthcare-acquired infections.

Group devises facilities funding plan across health system
The Facilities Resource Group at Ascension Health has devised a plan so facilities projects don't compete for capital funds with clinical projects.

Benefits of green roofs inspire growing trend in healthcare facilities
As healthcare organizations continue to move toward more sustainable business models, with emphasis placed on energy efficiency and environmental stewardship, the popularity of installing vegetative roofs is likely to grow.

NYC hospitals improving emergency preparedness post Sandy
Three months after superstorm Sandy, New York City hospitals have begun moving forward with plans to improve emergency preparedness at their facilities.

Healthcare facilities focus on cleaning to reduce patient infections
With Medicare and Medicaid payments now tied to how well healthcare providers protect patients from hospital-acquired infections, reducing HAIs has become an even larger priority for healthcare facilities. One of the major components to reducing HAIs is effective cleaning and disinfecting.