Sustainable Operations - April 2016
Children banned from hospital's roof garden due to safety fears
Use of the roof top garden in the specialist unit on Scotland's Queen Elizabeth University Hospital site had to be banned amid fears it was dangerous for patients and people walking below

Violence-plagued Minnesota hospital on lockdown after man threatens self-immolation
Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center has been seeking funding to bring violence and a rash of workplace injuries under control

Non-emergency patients steered away from Dubai hospital’s new ER
Patients are encouraged to use non-emergency healthcare facilities for minor conditions

Patient meals declared a safety issue at N.Z. hospital
Poor quality of patient meals has become a staff safety issue in mental health wards

What can behavioral healthcare facilities do to reduce workplace violence?
Established policies and procedures can foster safety, according to an article on the Behavioral Healthcare

Going tobacco free can be hard for healthcare facilities
Enforcing a tobacco-free policy that prohibits people from using tobacco in healthcare facilities and on campus grounds can be complicated

Technology modernizes Illinois hospital's emergency planning
Software centralizes critical building information for first responders

U.K. care village cited for failure to make improvements
A Scunthorpe care village that was branded 'inadequate' by health inspectors last September has failed to make improvements

FDA increases estimate of scope-related infections
Food and Drug Administration says the number is closer to 350

Hospitals are adopting high-tech innovations
3-D printed building models, telemedicine drones and mega RFID systems among the advances

Q&A on emergency outlet locations
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about emergency outlet locations

Texas A&M releases recommendations on 'campus carry' law
System officials still want to ban firearms in certain parts of campus, including healthcare facilities

GAO focuses on violence in healthcare settings
Government Accountability Office (GAO) report recommends actions to address violence directed at the healthcare workers

Options for funding energy-efficiency projects
Financing alternatives can help healthcare facilities launch green initiatives

New air balance manual includes chapter on testing, balancing healthcare facilities
The manual details the minimum standards for total system balance, assists design professionals in achieving design intent and ensures that proper methods and procedures are followed

Factors to consider when choosing a venue for healthcare training
Infographic describes seven factors to consider when choosing a venue for healthcare training

Fall prevention standards called potential game changer
The healthcare industry has the highest percentage of accident claim costs associated with falls

Coordinated response urged for emerging superbug
Simulation shows coordinated efforts prevented more than 75 percent of the infections

Maintaining data security while moving
Healthcare data security must remain a top priority, even when changing locations

Report focuses on improving cleaning and disinfection of surfaces
Traditional manual cleaning and disinfection practices in hospitals are often lacking

Guide focuses on how hospital's physical environment can impact patient experience
American Society for Healthcare Engineering develops report to educate hospital leaders on ways to improve HCAHPS scores

Detroit hospital cancels surgeries because of discolored water
Patients, staff use bottled water, hand sanitizer at Henry Ford Hospital

Q&A: Keeping surfaces clean in hospitals
Dr John Boyce, co-author of a review looking at the best ways to keep surfaces clean in hospitals, answers questions about the work on the OnBiology blog

Monetizing outpatient facility holdings
Hospitals and healthcare systems are reconsidering the value of their real estate

Washington hospital reports infection control breach
Sterilization misstep at PeaceHealth St. John Medical Center in Longview potentially exposed 260 patients

Va. VA medical center told to improve cleanliness, training
Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond should improve in various areas, according to VA inspector

Healthcare system's ransomware attack allowed by known security flaw
Last month’s attack on MedStar Health’s computer systems came through a well-known security vulnerability in an application server

Ebola virus discovered after high-isolation unit is cleaned
Findings stress the importance of thorough terminal disinfection

Joint Commission updates emergency management info after Brussels attack
Portal now includes a new resource under the Violence/Security/Active Shooter section

Campaign targets hazardous smoke from ORs
Surgical smoke produced in operating rooms as a byproduct of medical devices is hazardous to clinicians

Hospital's new food service hitting snags
Brantford General Hospital started a new method of heating and serving meals to patients

Q&A on lower bottom rods
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about lower bottom rods

Safety upgrades urged for psychiatric hospital
Minnesota governor urges legislators to pay for upgrades and staffing increases after staff injuries

Cleaning GI scopes with steam sterilization
A shift in endoscope reprocessing from high-level disinfection to steam sterilization is urged

Benefits of partnering with suppliers
Benefits are lost when healthcare facility leaders and vendors don't develop the customer relationship into a partnership

U.K. healthcare facility to generate its own power with windmill
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King's Lynn, Norfolk, will generate renewable electricity on-site

A strategy for proper exchange carts usage
It is unsafe to return unused linens on exchange carts from the hospital to the laundry plant

Healthcare facilities laundry breach infection control tests
More than a quarter of laundry in NHS Lanarkshire breaches infection control tests

"Cleaning' hospital food
Stanford Health Care menu features items you'd expect from a high-end restaurant

Hospital uses real-time location system to improve security, safety and operations
The system uses the hospital’s Wi-Fi network to provide real-time updates on the status and location of patients, caregivers and equipment throughout the hospital

Hospitals urged to avoid antimicrobial furnishings
Health Care Without Harm suggests seeking more evidence on the safety and efficacy of furnishings containing antimicrobials

Q&A on locks on cable on sprinkler pipe
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about cable on sprinkler pipe

Texas health system switches to private security force
Good Shepherd said its private security staff has made 'significant progress'

Evaluating the value proposition of project vendors
A vendor management system can provide clear scope definition, contractual rights, a cost structure, a payment mechanism and a dispute resolution process

Trends in technology for patient care
A new white paper explores why and how technology can play a crucial role in influencing the patient experience

Technology can boost healthcare facility operations
Facilities are using technology to cut down on paper and increase efficiency

Improving healthcare facility security
Healthcare providers must adhere to regulations for security systems to protect patient privacy

Waiver and equivalency confusion
There are often questions about the process to submit waiver and equivalency requests

Temple University Hospital employees douse a fire in a patient's room
Patient in a double room set his mattress on fire and walked out of the room

OR/procedure room cleaning checklists available
Researchers found only 25 percent of OR surfaces targeted in a study had been cleaned thoroughly

Maintaining a healthcare facility emergency power system
Deficiencies in emergency standby power systems among the top 10 Joint Commission issues

Oregon healthcare facility operates waste-recycling facility
Program separates waste from six hospitals and employs developmentally disabled staff

Q&A on locks on ABC dry powder fire extinguishers
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about ABC dry powder fire extinguishers

Study says hospital air helps spread bacteria
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics poses a serious challenge to infection control

U.K. hospital plans investigation after patient climbs onto roof
Patient from mental health unit climbed onto the roof before being coaxed down three hours later

Internet of Things growing in healthcare facilities
As data become easier to share, the impact will increase

All areas of healthcare facilities need air purification
Waiting rooms and restrooms don’t always receive the same level of attention as patient and operating rooms

Waiting room signage keeps families informed
Electronic medical records system can help to keep those in the waiting room informed and occupied

Healthcare facility works to use water wisely
Sustainable water management helps the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity to save water and maintain lavish gardens

Healthcare facilities can generate energy savings with GPOs
Group purchasing organizations help health systems lock in prices

Common misconceptions about QAC
The quaternary ammonium chloride compound market has substantially evolved since its inception more than 100 years ago

Facilities professionals have role in patient safety initiatives
National Patient Safety Foundation leader discusses the role of facilities professionals with Health Facilities Management

Hospital cafeteria upgrades focus on health, improved experience
Hospital kitchens hiring away restaurant chefs

Integrating capital planning and facility management
For these groups to attain alignment of purpose and resources, each group needs visibility into the data

Modesto hospital disinfects rooms with robotic housekeeper
‘Germinator’ eliminates superbugs on surfaces