Sustainable Operations - April 2022
New HHS Initiative Address Climate Change
The initiative challenges private healthcare systems to meet or exceed emissions goals and build facility resilience.

Healthcare Management Solutions Market Sees Growth
The demand for patient information management, stock keeping and appointment scheduling is contributing to the burgeoning adoption of solutions.

CDC Taps Into Data to Improve Disease Forecasting, Communication
Program seeks to enhance ability to use data, models, and analytics to enable timely, effective decision-making.

Healthcare Acquired Infections Responsible for 100,000 Deaths Annually
Because of the complex nature of healthcare facilities, the risk of HAIs exists even in the best situations.

WISE Initiative Aims to Improve Senior Care Environments
The WISE initiative will focus on different aspects of the senior living industry to advance innovation that will help make communities safer and healthier.

Troubleshooting Pin-Hole Leaks in Healthcare Piping Systems
Managers can prevent problems by understanding water piping materials and causes of corrosion

Troubleshooting Pin-Hole Leaks in Healthcare Piping Systems
Managers can prevent problems by understanding water piping materials and causes of corrosion

Healthcare Facilities Need to Standardize Supply Chain Practices
A survey found that a majority of healthcare facilities are still using manual techniques for tracking the supply chain.

Hospitals Ease Mask Requirements as New Variant Looms
Some hospitals are changing their masking requirements after the federal government struck down the nationwide mask mandate for public transit.

Hospitals Ease Mask Requirements as New Variant Looms
Some hospitals are changing their masking requirements after the federal government struck down the nationwide mask mandate for public transit.

ASHE Infection Control Tool Focuses on Role of Maintenance
ICRA 2.0 promotes and directs interdisciplinary infection prevention in healthcare facilities during construction, renovation and maintenance.

ASHE Infection Control Tool Focuses on Role of Maintenance
ICRA 2.0 promotes and directs interdisciplinary infection prevention in healthcare facilities during construction, renovation and maintenance.

Data Finds that Change of Ownership is More Common in Nursing Homes than Hospitals
HHS and CMS are releasing data on mergers, acquisitions, consolidations and changes of ownership from 2016-2022.

3 Ways to Solve Staffing Issues
There is a no "one-size-fits-all" solution when it comes to attracting and retaining talent.

Congressman Calls for Investigation of ‘Horrific Practices’ in Nursing Homes
Just one month after President Biden pushed to improve the quality of the nation’s nursing homes, congressman Bobby. L. Rush is calling for further investigations to Real Estate Investment Trusts.

Porous vs. Nonporous: Which Surface Has the Most Effective Transmission?
Hard, non-porous surfaces are still most efficient in transferring and transmitting disease.

Why Healthcare Facilities Must Prioritize Furniture Decisions
The goal for all hospitals and healthcare facilities is to provide the best care possible, and furniture plays a role in that plan.

Healthcare Facilities Still Lack in Digital Transformation
There is a data readiness crisis that is brewing within the healthcare industry.

Water Contamination Limits Texas Medical Center Operations
William Beaumont Army Medical Center is limiting operations and postponing elective surgeries

Water Contamination Limits Texas Medical Center Operations
William Beaumont Army Medical Center is limiting operations and postponing elective surgeries

What Disinfectant Labels Really Mean
It is time for a reality check when it comes to disinfecting environmental surfaces.

Construction Site Theft Could Delay Opening of Servier County Medical Center
Thieves allegedly stole an undetermined amount of copper lines and tools.

More People are Concerned About Hospital Safety than Ever Before
Growing violence at healthcare facilities has made 60 percent of survey respondents concerned about loved ones’ safety.

FBI Warns Against Cyberattacks, What Healthcare Facilities Can Do to Better Protect Themselves
Nearly 1 million patient records were breached in March.

FBI Warns Against Cyberattacks, What Healthcare Facilities Can Do to Better Protect Themselves
Nearly 1 million patient records were breached in March.

Pipe Burst Floods UVM’s Operating Rooms, Delays Surgeries
49 scheduled elective surgeries have been postponed until additional ORs are able to be brought back online.

FGI Interprets Language in 2018 Guidelines
Interpretations address uncertainty over electrical receptacles, windows in behavioral health facilities and HVAC systems.

UV-C Light Proves Essential for Facilities
Lighting has evolved over the last decade, but now UV-C has proven to be an essential tool within healthcare facilities.

UV-C Light Proves Essential for Facilities
Lighting has evolved over the last decade, but now UV-C has proven to be an essential tool within healthcare facilities.

Nation’s Nursing Homes Need Sweeping Changes
The report calls for vast changes in an industry whose challenges have been magnified by pandemic.

WHO Publishes New Guide: Caring for Those Who Care
World Health Organization guide provides overview of key elements of occupational health and safety programs.

St. Charles Health System Upgrades Electrical System with Minimal Disruptions
Planning was critical to ensure emergency care could be provided while power was switched to the new system.

How HVAC Codes Must Adapt to Ever-Changing Science
Many hospitals are over-ventilating indoor spaces, resulting in wasted energy and dollars

Healthcare Employees’ Behaviors Could Lead to Cybersecurity Risks
While healthcare facilities managers are making the right moves to better protect patient data, employee behaviors could risk exposure.

Senior Care Facilities See Improvements Increase Over Last Decade
Nursing home care has improved over the last decade with less residents having to return to hospitals.

White House Cites Role of Ventilation in COVID-19 Fight
International experts have advocated respirator use and enhanced ventilation systems in stopping the spread of the coronavirus.