Sustainable Operations - May 2014
Employee smoking bans a hot topic
To address this incongruence of smoking and healthcare, some health systems have started barring smokers - even those who don't work in clinical and patient support roles - from employment

Green pest management in healthcare
There are many ways to make a healthcare facility greener, including pest management. Instead of reactive chemical treatments, more and more healthcare facilities are using integrated pest management

Clarifying proposed changes to smoke compartment size requirements
ASHE supports the change in NFPA 101: Life Safety Code that would increase the maximum smoke compartment size in new facilities

Continuing process improvements can lower cost, raise quality
Successful improvement projects move through four stages: identifying the problem, researching a solution, changing the way people work and maintaining the change

ASHE survey seeks feedback on CMS Life Safety Code proposal
ASHE is also encouraging members to submit public comments about the proposal

Florida hospital solves infection problem with communication
Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami uses weekly reports to hospital leaders to help nearly eliminate Acinetobacter baumannii infections

Quieter hospitals can help healing
Specially designed quiet latches and sound-reducing exit devices can help limit the disturbances to patients and staff

Cost-effective sustainability tips for hospitals
University of Pennsylvania's online business analysis journal recently released a special report exploring the idea of sustainability in hospital purchasing

Illinois hospital uses disinfection robot
Palos Community Hospital implements system to improve patient safety and prevent infection

Video tracks path of hospital linen
Five children at Children's Hospital in New Orleans died from a fungal infection most likely spread through hospital linens

Protecting safety while respecting patient autonomy
Once patients are admitted, hospitals have the responsibility to keep them safe. But hospitals aren't prisons.

Real-time feedback encourages hand hygiene
Using real-time feedback may encourage hand-hygiene compliance, according to a study in American Journal of Infection Control

Eyewash station Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about non-ANSI-approved eyewash stations

IFMA Health Care Institute releases report on medical facilities' future
The report was developed from interviews with 30+ CEOs, strategic planners, facilities managers, deputy administrators, financial analysts and chief medical officers

White paper discusses fighting infection in long-term care facilities
As many as 2.8 million adults living in long-term care facilities contract HAIs every year

Simple restroom care tips for healthcare facilities
Survey shows that 94 percent of U.S. adults would avoid a business in the future if they encountered a dirty restroom

Health facility business continuity planning
With increased risks of natural and man-made disasters, many hospitals have upgraded their business continuity planning

Hospital linen safety infographic
New Orleans Times-Picayune publishes infographic on hospital linen cleaning process in wake of deadly fungal outbreak

Staten Island hospital gets $12 million protective funding for power unit
Staten Island University Hospital will get funding for a flood mitigation project

New accreditation program offered for small hospitals
Comprehensive accreditation program is customized for rural hospitals, critical access hospitals and small hospitals with less than 200 beds

Deadly fungal outbreak puts hospital laundry oversight in spotlight
While the CDC determined that the mucormycosis was likely transmitted through the linens, there has been no determination of where the contamination occurred - in the laundering process, in transit or at the hospital

Americans link cleanliness with level of care in senior facilities
Study says other expectations include hotel-like amenities, such as fresh, convenient food items, comfort and ambiance

HIEs can improve disaster planning
Recent disasters have illustrated the need to access patient records remotely because of evacuations or damage to hospitals and clinics

Case study: Reducing reheat energy use
An energy recovery chiller allowed a Wisconsin hospital to achieve higher energy efficiency

London hospital steps up infection control after rise in C-diff cases
There have been 22 cases of C-diff recorded at the Whittington Hospital - more than double its threshold

Futurist sees massive consolidation of hospitals
Consolidation of hospitals could mean that there will be 100 to 200 large regional systems around the country

Grassroots energy-saving campaign saves 105,000 pounds in first year
UK hospital campaign to switch off unused lights and equipment, and remembering to close doors links energy savings to patient care

Energy-efficiency program helps hospitals spend more on care
Zero-percent loans let hospitals upgrade antiquated heating and cooling systems without diverting money from core mission

Hospital staff prepares for decontamination emergency
Mayo Clinic Health System training simulates accident involving a chemical carrier

Preparing for severe weather
In spring stormy weather plays a disproportionately large role in the disaster preparedness planning facilities managers do for their health facilities

Building teamwork in infection prevention
One of the biggest resources an infection preventionist has is the healthcare facility’s housekeeping team

Common goals strengthen infection prevention policies
To achieve the level of communication and collaboration necessary to uphold their objective, the infection prevention and sterile processing departments must understand the roles they play

St. Louis-based health system to create virtual-care center
3 million telehealth visits are expected in the next five years, according to an article on the Healthcare Informatics website

Sacred music or showtunes for long-term care?
Studies say both religious music and Broadway singalongs benefit seniors

Download infection prevention infographic
Visual reference guide shows how and where C. difficile spores can lurk on environmental surfaces

Making senior care bathrooms safer
Chance of bathing injuries can be reduced by correctly using bath safety equipment

Additional funds sought for California prison health facility
Governor is proposing a $12.4 million increase to the California Health Care Facility's general fund in the revised budget

'Hand Hygiene All-Americans' named
100 healthcare workers recognized for demonstrating safety, quality and leadership in their hand hygiene practices

ASHRAE continues work on Legionellosis standard
A fourth public review draft of Standard 188P, Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems, which has been substantially rewritten from previous versions, is expected to be approved and made available during the summer

Fire dampers Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about installing fire dampers in a pneumatic tube system

Study on laundered towels finds E. Coli, tetanus
Ninety-three percent of the laundered towels used to clean hospital rooms contained bacteria that could result in hospital-acquired infections

Variable refrigerant flow zoning a flexible option for healthcare
Hospitals and other healthcare facilities have the individual room control needs for which VRF zoning is designed

Nursing home tornado shelters recommended
Government report says the tornado that destroyed a Missouri nursing home three years ago showed that long-term care facilities need to have specially designed shelters

Oklahoma hospital prepares well before the storm
St. Anthony Shawnee Hospital starts working days before severe weather comes to keep all patients, visitors and staff safe

Energy savings, long life drive era of LED
Light-emitting diode technologyis playing an important role in helping health care organizations improve patient satisfaction while controlling costs

New devices launched to improve hand-hygiene compliance
Two new entires in the hand-hygiene market were designed to make it more convenient for healthcare workers to remain compliant

Healthcare culinary competition finalists announced
Top culinary professionals from the healthcare industry will compete in the Association for Healthcare Foodservice (AHF) 2014 Culinary Competition

Hospital lean 'myths' questioned
Hospital consultant says standardization actually leads to better outcomes

White paper series explores clinical alarm safety
Two-part white paper discusses managing alarms, alerts and interruptions to improve patient safety

Look of recycling stations can send message
The design of a healthcare provider's recycling program seen as the face of the organization's commitment to sustainability

How to prepare for the 2012 Life Safety Code
Although the CMS proposed rule covers a lot of ground, the vast majority of it is familiar territory

Facility says security guard charged with killing resident passed background check, drug tests
Two residents were beaten with a car jack and one subsequently died of his injuries

CMS offers new equipment maintenance options
Change could help healthcare facilities maintain equipment properly while conserving resources

Calculating the cost of adopting 2012 Life Safety Code
CMS estimates cost to healthcare organizations to implement the new Life Safety Code rules

How to clean blood
Environmental services staff should keep their eyes open, stop, think and not take chances. When in doubt, follow OSHA's precautions

India's hospital train brings care to rural areas
Train is staffed by surgeons and equipped with a state-of-the-art operating room

Household dining model cheaper, tastier
Long-Term Living article says using satellite kitchens results in lower net costs for communities and an improved dining experience for residents

Study says serving sorbet before nursing home meals increases food intake
Nursing home residents who have a sorbet appetizer tend to eat more at mealtime and maintain their weight

Technology tracks patient movements, experience
Real-time location system (RTLS) technology used to limit patient wait times at Sanford Health system

Spreading information can help curb HAIs
According to research, frequent e-mails to facility leaders can help fight an outbreak

Does automated hand-hygiene monitoring work?
A recent review of published information on automated hand hygiene systems found that less than 20 percent of the articles included calculations for efficiency or accuracy

50 leaders in patient safety field
Becker's Hospital Review list includes professionals from healthcare organizations, national organizations, universities and other institutions

Australian university develops antibacterial fabric
RMIT University researchers say material can kill a range of infectious bacteria, such as E coli, within 10 minutes

Temporary hospital sent to Mississippi after tornado
North Carolina sends 18 trucks of equipment and supplies after storm damages Louisville healthcare facilities

Mock disaster tests Ontario hospital privacy procedures
Soldiers' Memorial Hospital in Simcoe County stages car accident with chemical spill to test the hospital's emergency preparedness

Hand hygiene in New Zealand hospitals improving
Good hand-hygiene practices are being followed nearly 73 percent of the time across the country's hospitals, report says

Bacteria in hospital ice machines blamed for patient death
Legionella bacteria found in hospital ice machines at UPMC Presbyterian contributed to one patient's death and sickened two others

London's oldest hospital getting low-carbon power upgrade
St Bartholomew's Hospital is getting a new, low-carbon combined cooling, heating and power system from the Sustainable Development Capital LLP 'Powering Health' collaboration

New superbug infection found every 18 minutes in Hong Kong public hospitals
Cases have risen 15 percent since 2011, with overcrowding and Hong Kong's ageing population blamed

Safety scores say hospitals are showing improvement
According to newly released data, despite progress, even some premier medical institutions are falling behind when it comes to patient safety

Infection control measures at Worcestershire hospitals get thumbs-up
Inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) visited both hospitals to assess the standards of cleanliness and how staff were working to prevent the spread of infections such as norovirus

Florida hospital on mock 'high alert'
Highlands Regional Medical Center holds disaster drill, coordinated to give county crisis-response employees, first-responders and staff a hands-on experience of what would take place in the event of an actual crisis situation

What's wrong with this picture?
AORN website graphic offers a fun way to check environmental cleaning knowledge

New Orleans area hospital conducts 'active shooter' drill
East Jefferson General Hospital simulates a scenario involving a gunman roaming the facility

Carpet tiles making a comeback
Ease of installation can make modular carpeting less disruptive for a long-term care facility

New Orleans deaths raise questions about handling of linens
Five children died during an outbreak of a flesh-eating fungal infection at Children's Hospital between August 2008 and July 2009

Rally in Sacramento calls for stronger safety standards throughout hospitals
California lawmakers are working on a bill to make hospitals safer in an effort that some are calling a waste of time and money

Senator pushes FEMA to OK $20M for New York healthcare facilities
Funds would buy emergency generators for West Islip hospital and nursing home

Key elements to clean restrooms
Long-Term Living article lists six steps to a clean restroom

UK hospital issuing personal alarms, panic buttons to staff
Accident and emergency department at Noble's Hospital is reviewing safety procedures

Hospital bug blamed for hospital ward closures in Wales
Increases in bed closures at Glan Clwyd Hospital were six times higher than at other hospitals in North Wales

Carpeting offering new options for care facilities
Article on Long-term Living website says long-term care and rehabilitation facilities are using their remodeling phases as a chance to explore new carpeting options

Hospital-affiliated gyms grow in popularity
Health-facility-affiliated gyms are generally more costly than some commercial gyms, but members value the connection with healthcare professionals

South Carolina Hospital honored for infection control
GHS Laurens County Memorial Hospital in Clinton has received two patient safety awards