Sustainable Operations - May 2017
Nurses suing Illinois hospital, security firm after being held hostage
Suit alleges security officer ran away from situation and made no effort to help

Identity management playing greater role in healthcare cybersecurity
The most important thing security professionals can do is maintain control over who has access to the hospital’s systems

Integrating and balancing resources for healthcare professionals
Leaders should develop process maps and flow charts to identify handoffs between subunits of an organization

Healthcare IoT comes with ethical considerations
Healthcare IoT devices generate volumes of data about the health and lifestyle of users

Protecting healthcare facility parking lots with video surveillance
Protecting patients, staff and visitors have become increasingly important in addressing patient privacy, safe guarding against infant abductions and ensuring an overall safe environment

Healthcare facility's faulty video system helped lead to suit by deaf patients
Two deaf patients won the right to sue Baptist Health South Florida for discrimination

Houston psychiatric hospital closes after failing safety inspection
Investigators cited the hospital for maintaining door handles, faucets and other items that suicidal patients could use to hang themselves

Dealing with a violent healthcare workplace
There are ways to reduce the likelihood of violent incidents in a longterm care facility

U.S. medical devices hit for first time by recent global ransomeware attack
WannaCry ransomware affected some Bayer medical devices

Former maintenance employee speaks out against N.C. senior facility living conditions
Complaints allege presence of mold, mildew and bed bugs

Fresno hospitals using ‘eyeprints’ for patient ID
Each time a patient registers for an appointment, a quick photo will be taken to match with the one on file

California healthcare facility brings in super heroes to promote employee safety
Kaiser Permanente brought Wonder Woman and Spider Man to safety fair

Patient safety mistakes to avoid
Physician says healthcare has made missteps on patient safety journey

Generator shutdown means
Both exterior and interior generators are required to have a second means of shutting down the prime mover

Move to exempt healthcare facilities from Kansas gun law stalls
Unless changes are made, concealed handguns will be allowed in state psychiatric hospitals

Visitor blames Houston healthcare facility for injuries
Woman is suing a Memorial Hermann Healthcare System and a maintenance provider

Enhancing the patient experience through building automation technology
Partnership optimizes efficiency to enhance the care and comfort of patients, visitors, and staff at Watson Clinic in Central Florida

Emergency preparedness deadline approaching for nursing homes and hospices
Many healthcare providers will be required to step up their safety efforts

Wisconsin hospital offering healthy local food choices
Sauk Prairie Healthcare sources 50 percent of their locally

Staying on top of the latest trends in the healthcare industry
A building’s performance infrastructure enables patients to heal and clinicians to provide compassionate care

D.C. hospital probes security officers' alleged wheelchair ‘dump’ of patient
Howard University is investigating an incident involving a female patient left lying on the ground at a nearby bus stop

Disposing of fluid medical waste
Facilities discuss their choice of liquid waste management in an Outpatient Surgery article

Healthcare facilities struggle with patch management to block cyberattacks
Workforce shortages and patch management issues came to the fore after WannaCry attacks

Point of care ecosystem – Greater connectivity improves BP measurement accuracy
A connected point of care ecosystem also protects the quality of the measurement data by virtually eliminating the risk of human error at the keyboard

Active shooter threat assessment tool offered
Threat assessment checklist available for download on Campus Safety website

Cleveland Clinic names new food-service provider
Employees could be rehired by Morrison Healthcare

C. diff-contaminated areas can increase infection risk
Risk increases when a patient is in an area previously occupied by someone with a Clostridium difficile infection

Healthcare facility succession planning can prevent future pain
Hospitals across the country are facing longterm facility department staffing issues

John Oliver report alleges DaVita infection control issues
DaVita called dialysis factory where infection control procedures are skipped and patients are rushed on and off machines, sometimes before the process is complete

Music's power to improve waiting room experience studied
Naval pilots concept uses music and nature to soothe

The right communication can improve patient satisfaction
Infographic charts key patient touchpoints

Countries still working to deal with widespread hacking
Officials in nearly 100 countries raced last weekend to contain one of the biggest cybersecurity attacks in recent history

Nurses taken hostage at Illinois hospital when patient grabs officer's gun
Chicago man, 21, was fatally shot by SWAT team at Geneva hospital

Greenest hospitals in U.S.
Features include such innovative practices as paperless records, rooftop gardens, water consumption reduction and the maximization of natural light.

DC VA sited for stained, missing surgical equipment
Surgery had to be halted at the Veterans Affairs hospital after probe

Utility savings fund Saskatoon hospital upgrades
Facility staff helped plan retrofit in busy healthcare setting

Hospital bathrooms can be haven for illegal drug use
Standard equipment for hospital security guards may include opioid overdose-reversing drugs

Future healthcare facilities will not have patients in them, IT expert says
The use of future tech will mean clinicians are monitoring and responding to patients remotely

IoT expected to disrupt healthcare
Most surveyed healthcare execs say the Internet of Things could shake up healthcare in the next three years

New Jersey expands elder facility hidden camera program
Program launched to protect elderly and disabled patients from caregiver abuse

Washington healthcare facility recognized for sustainability programs
'Keeping it local' philosophy helped hospital win Practice Greenhealth honors

NHS working to recover from global cyberattack
Teams ‘working round the clock’ to fix systems rendered inaccessible

Hospital door handles called significant source of MRSA
Environments of three hospitals in Ghana studied

Hospital impaling death blamed on lack of information
Death at Boston Pilgrim Hospital would have been less likely if equipment manufacturer had issued a safety notice, jury told

Faulty alarm system puts psychiatric hospital at risk, staff says
Personal alarms used by nursing staff regularly break and are often 'useless,' staffer says

Addressing 'meaningful use' regulatory challenges
Strategic investment in facility infrastructure services can help achieve long-term compliance

More than quarter of nursing home residents colonized with MDR bacteria
A systematic review and meta-analysis revealed a high colonization rate of 27 percent among residents

$1 million worth of medical equipment missing from Indiana VA
VA officials say losses are small compared to the inventory’s size, but may indicate poor record-keeping

CDC study finds most cooling towers test positive for Legionella
Reported cases of Legionnaires' increased by 286 percent between the year 2000 and 2014

Auditing medical-device reprocessing key
Adherence to sterilization and disinfection best practices ensures patient safety

383 Sodexo food service workers losing jobs at Cleveland Clinic
The affected jobs include 215 food service workers, 25 cooks, 31 supervisors, and a variety of other positions

Proposed East Bronx Healthcare microgrid design mitigates risk for four hospitals
The East Bronx Healthcare Microgrid was announced as one of 11 winners to receive a $1,000,000 grant from NY Prize

Nursing students say they need additional infection prevention education
Nearly 40 percent of respondents believed they needed more training

Controlling infections in care homes
Preventing the spread of infection in care homes largely comes down to knowledge about hygiene practices

Hospital investigators, CDC disagree over source of deadly mold
Mold responsible for the deaths of seven patients at University of Pittsburgh hospitals

Paper sanitizers can curb bacteria
Metallized paper can sanitize surfaces with 10 seconds of treatment

Redesigning the sterile reprocessing room
Minnesota hospital makes department more staff-friendly

Ohio university adds healthcare environmental services focus to program
Ohio State University adds healthcare to hospitality curriculum

Ontario hospital project boost chemo safety
Renovation project to improve safety in handling chemotherapy drugs

Toledo hospital uses robot to help keep patients safe
Germ-zapping robot destroys bugs in hard-to-clean places

N.J. hospitals practice response to nuclear attack
'Operation Gotham Shield' not a direct response to concerns about North Korea's nuclear arsenal

'Superbug' fungus emerging in N.Y. region
Two of the three kinds of commonly used antifungal drugs have little effect

Surface selection can support infection control efforts
Healthcare facilities' environmental services staff can be challenged by poor surface choices

Huge healthcare facility relies on healthcare virtualization
Dallas hospital credits technology with better patient experience, improved security and saving time

Pa. healthcare facility deep cleaning after bedbugs found
Dementia patients moved during fumigation of unit

Window-washing Power Rangers surprise Philadelphia Children's Hospital patients
This wasn't the first time the cleaners have dressed up for the children

17 hospitalized after possible chemical spill at Massachusetts healthcare facility
Incidents forced an evacuation of the building

World Hand Hygiene Day focuses on antibiotic resistance
May 5 highlights the importance of hand hygiene in healthcare

Is hiring ex-cons in healthcare safe?
Some states have passed laws to keep people with criminal convictions out of jobs in clinical settings

Healthcare needs IF security talent
Nowhere is the lack of information security professionals more pressing than in the medical industry

Infection control has silver bullet
Silver has been used to fight infections since ancient times

Operating room lights covered after metal shards fell on patient
Gold Coast University Hospital has ordered replacement arms for all operating room lights

Hospitals with the quietest patient rooms
Data tracks HCAHPS surveys from April 2015 through March 2016

Hospital cleaners awarded damages over toxic fumes
According to their union, the workers were not given any training on potentially dangerous cleaning chemicals

CDC offers interim guidance on Zika virus for healthcare personnel
So far, there have been no reports of transmission of Zika virus from infected patients to healthcare personnel

OSHA violence standard for healthcare supported in comments
Expanding the agency's definition of workplace violence also urged

Duke University Hospital gets mobile water filtration system
Truck is part of facility's emergency response arsenal

Deadline for emergency preparedness approaching for hospitals
Deadline requiring hospitals to meet new requirements for handling patient safety during emergencies is Nov. 15, 2017

New Stamford Hospital building designed to be green
Sustainability features key to keeping costs down