Sustainable Operations - June 2018
Inspection reveals unsanitary conditions at Memphis VA
Soiled furniture and dirty air ducts where food is prepared were found

Healthcare cyberthreat reports increasing
In the first six months of 2018, there were 154 breaches reported to the Office for Civil Rights

New Lifestyle Children’s Hospital in Chattanooga adds engaging installations
How do you get a firetruck on to the 3rd floor of a hospital? Not through the elevator.

Private firm hired to organize hospitals' patient move
New Sydney hospital 'more like a hotel'

Water tank reports at many NYC hospitals show serious issues
Rust, muck and pigeons cited at facilities

Fewer hospitals report zero infections
More than 30 percent of hospitals reported no MRSA infections in 2016, compared with about 15 percent in 2017

Most healthcare facility infection control practitioners doubt their laundry systems
Seventy-two percent say would not wipe their drinking glass with a freshly laundered hospital mopping pad or wipe

Inmate climbs through Alabama hospital ceiling to escape
Inmate was taken to the hospital after he claimed to have swallowed a razor blade

Threatening incident at birthing center renews security concerns
Though a nurse felt threatened by a visitor, no one activated an emergency alert that triggers a hospital-wide response

Flooding damage affects communication systems at Rockford hospital
The main pharmacy was also damaged

Check out this special supplement to Healthcare Facilities Today
Supplement includes stories on energy efficiency, bathrooms and security

Missouri hospitals built to withstand tornadoes
Healthcare system says it has toughened safety requirements for construction

Study finds better IT security doesn’t deter cyberattacks
Institutional factors found to play the biggest role

Chattanooga healthcare facilities ready for Ebola possibility
Staying abreast of what's happening in the world to know what could potentially come into the hospital is key

Healthcare facility renovation addresses patient experience
The hospital had begun sorting waste at a third site

Slashing energy consumption
Infographic illustrates nine ways healthcare facilities can be more energy efficient

Combating workplace violence
RWJBarnabas Health is taking a stand against workplace violence at its hospitals and clinics

Healthcare data breach: What to know about them and what to do after one
Three steps you can take to protect yourself and minimize the damage

Hospital says CMS star rating system has been wrong for two years
Rush University Medical Center found that instead of evenly weighting the eight measures in the safety of care group, the ratings formula relied heavily on one measure

Managing medical records: A guide for facilities and providers
Document management technologies can adjoin these competing philosophies and practices for the better, especially as it pertains to managing medical records

Wisconsin healthcare provider opening cafeteria for free summer meals for kids
Gundersen Health System in LaCrosse is serving noon meals to kids who play in area parks

Leapfrog opposes CMS roll back of quality reporting measures
Leapfrog says removing the measures from IQR will hurt patient transparency

Arizona woman claims she found bed bugs in daughter's hospital room
The daughter is being treated at Banner Desert Hospital in Mesa

Canadian province scraps plan to privatize hospital food services
Instead, task force to recommend how to make food services more efficient

FCC rate review holding up subsidies to rural healthcare facilities internet bills
The rate review came after the $400 million dollars for rural health care programs across the country ran out

NFPA offers a risk assessment checklist for active shooter situations
Guidance includes tips on information officials should be gathering during building risk assessments

Avoiding the hidden costs of environmental services staff injuries
Environmental services work-related injuries usually involve either exposure to harmful contaminants or musculoskeletal disorders

Terminal cleaning checklist systems only as good as the list
When executing the terminal cleaning of hospital rooms, a checklist is a standard tool to guide the cleaning staff

How to play a role in greening your facility
Designed to eliminate improper management, USP <800> provides standards for the safe handling of hazardous drugs to minimize the risk of exposure to healthcare personnel, patients and the environment.

Investigation finds bone, blood, bugs on Colorado hospital surgical tools
Denver’s Porter Adventist Hospital investigated after alleged sterilization breach

Solid-state refrigeration: A better, construction-free path to USP <800> compliance
Designed to eliminate improper management, USP <800> provides standards for the safe handling of hazardous drugs to minimize the risk of exposure to healthcare personnel, patients and the environment.

ASHE survey looks at monthly elevator testing
Input on additional regulatory requirements also sought

Understanding the role of Chief Security Officer
The Chief Security Officer (CSO) is the executive responsible for the organization's entire security plan

Healthcare facility environmental services managers share top concerns
Role of the environmental services department in patient care often underestimated

Pediatric flu death toll highest in nearly a decade
Flu killed 172 children between October and May

Students design talking exam room
University of Miami's School of Architecture students design tech-embedded wall

Hospital security changed after 1998 baby abduction
Florida maternity wards now have multiple layers of protection

Don't overdo medical waste disposal at healthcare facilities
If staff knows what medical waste actually is, a skilled nursing facility can save time and money

Command centers can help health systems improve patient experience
Health systems face growing capacity challenges and patient experience suffers when access is limited

Phoenix VA inspection reveals safety issues
Phoenix VA hospital was 'ground zero' for a national crisis in veterans healthcare

UC San Diego hospital cited for dirty surgical equipment
'Immediate jeopardy' declared at UC San Diego’s Hillcrest campus

Buffalo nursing home death raises safety questions
Man's fall from window is the second violent death at the facility in as many years

Embattled Wis. hospital gets 7 more citations for routine violations
UnityPoint Health-Meriter in Madison received seven citations in its third inspection

How do hospitals prepare for hurricanes?
When it comes to hurricanes, evacuations are usually possible, but what about patients in hospitals who don't have the ability to leave?

Study says asymptomatic C. diff. carriers key source of HAIs
About 19 percent of healthcare-related Clostridium difficile cases at a VA facility were linked to asymptomatic C. diff carriers

Cleaners can harm plastic surfaces over time
Use of some cleaning products could harm medical devices

Fax machines alive and well in some doctor’s offices
Regulations and technological limitations and stubbornness get much of the credit

Physicians say Mississippi children's hospital has 'pervasive mold and cockroaches'
Exit of 30 physicians from Batson Children's Hospital has sparked litigation, accusations

After Chicago hospital shooting, officials look at lessons learned
It was the second shooting on hospital grounds in less than a year

Another body found in San Francisco General hallway
Police investigating another unexplained death of a woman on the grounds of San Francisco General Hospital

Nursing home investigated after patient falls from window
87-year-old man dies after fall from third floor

FDA issues guidance on preventing surgical fires
The US Food and Drug Administration recommends safe use of medical devices and products commonly used during surgical procedures

Key elements for hospital active shooter response program
NFPA standard advises healthcare facilities

Long-term care facilities need consistent, effective cleaning processes
Properly cleaning and disinfecting resident rooms and common areas can help reduce disease transmission

A dose of innovation boosts security at Israeli hospital
The $100 million underground facility is battle-tested

Most Florida nursing care facilities not ready for hurricane season
Only 48 nursing homes and 91 ALFs have reported they have installed equipment and had state site inspections

Two Kentucky hospitals had more MRSA infections than almost all others in the U.S.
The University of Kentucky Chandler Hospital and Norton Healthcare in Louisville each had 40 MRSA bloodstream infections between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017

Hand-washing technology can reduce germs in healthcare restrooms
Healthcare establishments (hospitals, clinics, and doctors' and dentists' offices) cause 41 percent of Americans to have the highest level of germ concerns tied to hand washing

Flexible foodservice design key in healthcare
As trends shift, operators must keep up with menu innovations and remain adaptable

Patient at Pa. hospital slashes security officer with light bulb
The patient was attempting to escape a locked unit at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest

No foul play found in San Francisco General Hospital death
State Health Dept. investigating security issues

Power outage halts elective surgeries at Illinois hospital
Essential services continued with emergency generators

State AGs against ‘rollback’ of nursing home oversight reforms
17 attorney generals against rollback of reforms meant to prevent nursing home patient abuse, fraud and neglect

What should LTC facilities do after triclosan hand soaps banned?
On Dec. 20, manufacturers can no longer manufacture and distribute triclosan antibacterial handwashes for the healthcare market

Deputies reportedly precluded from searching S.F. hospital stairwell for missing woman
Body of a 75-year-old woman missing nearly two weeks was discovered in a power plant stairwell

Visitor says she was bitten by bedbugs at Columbus hospital
Woman claims she was bitten as she waited for her friend to recover from surgery

FDA issues update on agency’s response to Ebola outbreak
FDA using global networks to support international response efforts

Namibian healthcare 'spotless' after national cleanup
Roads, schools, clinics, hospitals and open-spaces at villages, towns and cities were spruced up in the campaign

Staff compliance, fast updating are key to healthcare facility cybersecurity
American Health Information Management Association developed a list of best practices

U.S. hospitals monitoring Ebola situation in Africa
An outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo has led to a reported 58 cases and 27 deaths

Patient in Washington diagnosed with Legionnaires while receiving treatment at UWMC
The patient is on a cancer unit in the University of Washington Medical Center

Study finds sharps containers do not contribute to C. diff spread
The study was published in the American Journal of Infection Control.

Healthcare artificial intelligence market to record a CAGR of 40 percent over 2017-2024
U.S. to prominently drive the regional compound annual growth rate

Montana's state hospital updates emergency policies
A complaint led to an investigation finding fault in how the state hospital responded to emergencies

Ohio healthcare facility drills for an active shooter incident
The first step is to lock down the hospital and issue a code yellow

CDC issues update on Ebola outbreak
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises healthcare providers in the U.S. to continue to get travel history from patients

Green roofs attract more than good feelings and LEED points
There are a number of ways to keep pests to a minimum

Florida nursing homes say they're ready for hurricane season
Fatalities in South Florida last year have prompted change

California hospital union workers to get raises of up to 42 percent
Workers at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital & Medical Center will get a series of raises

Antimicrobial copper gaining popularity in healthcare facilities
The copper continuously kill 99.9% of infectious bacteria

Tips to reduce healthcare facility's environmental footprint
Healthcare produces 7 percent of Australia’s carbon emissions and hospitals produce about half of it