Sustainable Operations - August 2016
Cell phone germs a concern at healthcare facilities
A study found traces of the flu, respiratory infections, and the norovirus on 38.5% of 114 healthcare workers' phones that were tested

Key considerations when choosing hand-hygiene products
With little guidance, finding the right product can be daunting

Looking at healthcare self-regulation program
Every time an outbreak is linked to linen services, healthcare laundry industry standards go under the microscope

Healthcare cybersecurity improving
Survey shows that more organizations are prioritizing information security

Fungal spores found in N.C. healthcare facility nursery during construction
The spores are common and generally not harmful

Tips on building a healthcare facility telecommunications network
Building in redundancy, IoT capabilities essential to network design

Tennessee hospital now StormReady
Cookeville Regional Medical Center gets StormReady certification from the National Weather Service

Survey shows hospitals differ in levels of cybersecurity
Eighty percent of providers acknowledge a recent 'significant security incident'

Disaster drills key to mass-shooter response
Orlando hospital participated in drill three months before nightclub shooting

New Hampshire hospitals invest in wiser energy, cleaner air
Hospitals working to prevent illness by reducing pollution from energy use

Hospitals can help nurses prevent violence
Massachusetts hospital nurses have developed violence-prevention protocols

Healthcare's cybersecurity problem
Research firm expects hospital spending on cybersecurity in the U.S. to grow by 13.6 percent annually for the next five years

Controlling C. diff in post-acute care facilities
Video outlines ways healthcare providers can improve the prevention and management of C. difficile

Real-time tracking can improve healthcare facility cleaning
Technology can transform environmental services

UV and HP technologies aid infection control
Manufacturers upgrade their systems to meet specialized needs

Medical center uses a management system to simplify testing and reporting capability
Bryan Medical Center's monitoring and control requirements for its power distribution system had outgrown its current capabilities

Learning from banking industry to deal with data breaches
Healthcare data-breach prevention should adopt techniques from the banking industry

UV lamps can help sterilize computer keyboards
Study says ultraviolet lights over computer mice and keyboards reduces bacteria 99 percent

Rail project could disrupt healthcare facilities operation
Hospitals fear an upgrade to Melbourne's metro rail system will compromise patient safety

Water business helps healthcare facility reduce carbon
The firm worked with Addenbrooke’s Hospital to replace the facility’s fluorescent lamps with 650 LED tubes and panels

Colorado Springs cited for not properly cleaning ultrasound probes
Workers at Memorial Hospital failed to properly disinfect vaginal ultrasound probes for years

Banner Health cyberattack sparks class-action suit
Suit alleges that the Banner Health system was negligent

Discolored water stalls operations
Dozens of operations at Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, Scotland, postponed due to a problem with the water supply

Patient falls from healthcare facility window after removing safety grill
An investigation has been launched surrounding the incident at the Weston General Hospital in the U.K.

Nursing home chooses touchless cleaning for wheelchairs
Pine Crest Nursing Home in Merrill, Wis., sought ways to better clean its wheelchair fleet

Bat found in Illinois healthcare facility tests positive for rabies
Two bats were found earlier this month in the OB

Healthcare facilities urged to create leaner working environments
Healthcare leaders need to identify financing mechanisms that will limit their initial capital investment and enable them to cost-effectively use facilities over the next five to 10 years

Chicago hospital's strategies keep gang-banging patients safe
Injured gang members can pose problems for hospitals

Disinfection deficiencies found at Colorado healthcare facility
Report says Memorial Hospital employees improperly cleaned devices, surgical instruments and procedure rooms

Banner cyberattack has healthcare facilities re-examining their defenses
Incident highlights need for layered security

Curbing linen loss at healthcare facilities
Disappearing healthcare textiles could lead to shortages and result in higher costs

Military approach boosts hand-hygiene compliance
Researchers borrowed an approach known as a stand-down from the military

Nurses seeking regular security guard patrols of nearby parking lots at night
A mental health patient wearing a business shirt, jeans and a hoodie followed a nurse from hospital parking lot and signed himself in as a doctor

NIH closes pharmacy due to sterility issues
Facility was located at hospital that largely treats patients entered in clinical studies

Boosting the financial performance of healthcare properties
Accurate data are vital to optimizing a healthcare portfolio

Experts say longterm care dining areas should be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis
Housekeeping and laundry operations are crucial aspects of nursing home care

2016 could bring an increase in healthcare data-breach fines
Sloppy cybersecurity can be expensive

Ontario plans $175 million in hospital repairs and upgrades
Provincial government says it wants to ensure Ontario’s hospitals remain in good working order

Avoiding common healthcare data security challenges
Nearly 90 percent of all healthcare organizations have suffered at least one data breach in the last two years

Maryland NICU closed due to potentially fatal bacteria in water pipes
The neonatal intensive care unit at Prince George’s Hospital Center in Cheverly was temporarily shut down after the discovery of potentially deadly bacteria

Asset tracking can transform healthcare
An ongoing concern for healthcare facilities is the over- and under-utilization of its medical equipment

City water crisis tests hospital’s emergency plan
Oconee Regional Medical Center was 'shut down' by water issues

Five key benefits of addressable speaker technology in healthcare institutions
Addressable technology's value is starting to take hold on the notification side of fire alarm systems

Group opposes fast food franchises in healthcare facilities
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine campaign launches ad blitz

Facility improvements can boost patient experiences and HCAHPS scores
Staff, patient-centered operations and well-designed facilities work together

Banner Health data breach linked to food service payments
Cyberattackers gained access to computer servers, including those that process payment card information where food and beverages are sold

LED lighting delivers better light and healthy savings to Reston Hospital Center
Virginia healthcare facility replaces the outdated metal halide light fixtures in its parking garage

Alternative technologies can help to ease anxiety
Immersive theater and virtual reality can ease kids' fear

Ohio hospital boosts security after staffer abducted from parking lot
Woman was taken to a location off the hospital's campus and sexually assaulted

Food service union files complaint against Mayo Clinic
Complaint alleges conflict of interest in Mayo Clinic’s plan to switch to a new food service vendor

Mississippi hospital stresses cleaning for infection control
Oktibbeha County Hospital take several precautions to make sure all surfaces are clean as part of the facility's infection control efforts

HIPAA compliance can help against ransomware attacks
Department of Health and Human Services releases fact sheet: Ransomware and HIPAA to address the risks of victimization

The path from social work to healthcare administration
The Affordable Care Act has created an increase in healthcare utilization and a new emphasis on quality

Healthcare facility installs 'genius bar' to help patients with technology
New Orleans health center makes using mobile and wearable technology easier

Sutter Health tackles three-year data center consolidation project
The case study details data center service management solutions

Heating exterior of luggage may hamper bed bugs' spread
When soft-sided suitcases were exposed to an air temperature of 70 to 75 degrees C, it took only six minutes to kill bugs

Japan creating security guidelines for healthcare facilities following Sagamihara killings
The move comes after a 26-year-old man allegedly killed 19 people and injured 26 others at the care home

Hospital security urged to embrace CMS guidelines
IAHSS spokesperson explains how security staffs can embrace guidelines while improving security

ES staff can play key role in customer service
Patient satisfaction is becoming a goal for every department

Mayo Clinic decision to outsource food service strikes nerve
Workers and community members have signed petitions objecting to the move

After eating hospital food for a week, CEO pledges to overhaul menu
After hearing complaints from patients for years, Ottawa Hospital is now revamping its patient menus

Mississippi healthcare facility fined $2.75M for HIPAA violation
Investigation found inadequate computer security measures at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

Chicago hospitals prepared for Lollapalooza rush
Last year, emergency rooms treated 88 intoxicated teens during Lollapalooza — nearly nine times the average Chicago weekend

Olympus reportedly told U.S. managers not to issue a warning about contaminated scopes
Internal e-mails suggest that Olympus officials based in Japan attempted to hide news of a potential outbreak from U.S.

North Carolina Health Care exec recognized by Campus Safety
Lisa Terry, University of North Carolina Health Care’s director of hospital police and transportation, named Director of the Year

Kentucky healthcare facility balances energy efficiency, infection control
UV-C system removes organic growth on the outer and inner surfaces of the heating coil, restoring heat transfer efficiency

Information security pros needed in healthcare
Cyber attacks are expected to expand the information security professional workforce by nearly 20 percent

Free valet service at healthcare facility makes positive first impression
Service at the Adele Hall Campus of Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Mo, has received good reviews in first year

Hospital upgrades ventilation with exterior system
St. Thomas West Hospital retrofits exhaust system with hidden risers and energy-recovery ventilators

Florida hospitals upgrade security following fatal shootings at healthcare facility
Parrish Medical Center is considering 'security enhancements' at its Titusville hospital

HHS cybersecurity task force has second in-person meeting
The cross-industry task force was formed with a directive to prepare recommendations for improving healthcare cybersecurity