Robert Meyer, senior associate with Cannon Design, was awarded the 2014 George Pressler Under 40 Award by the Healthcare Facilities Symposium and Expo. Meyer discussed healthcare facility trends in an article on the FacilityCare website.
According to Meyer, one emerging trend in healthcare design: the idea of room prototypes.
“In my view, this is about consistency in care across a system, consistency in brand, consistency in patient experience — but it also helps you get to market faster. You’re not reinventing the wheel on what could be theoretically 80 percent of the building, because you have the basis for design,” Meyer said.
“Everyone wants to deliver projects faster and faster, and as designers we’re always trying to figure out the best way to do that. But there are certain things you don’t want to do too fast. You don’t want to just get to ‘a’ decision, you need to get to the right decision."