COVID-19 is not over.
Yes, vaccines are widely available and effective. Yes, infection and hospitalization rates are declining, Yes, many municipalities and businesses are relaxing measures regarding occupancy levels and masks. Still, the pandemic goes on.
Northern Light AR Gould Hospital has confirmed the Maine CDC has designated the hospital a COVID-19 outbreak location, according to WGAM. The outbreak designation stems from two recently admitted patients and four staff members in the hospital’s medical/surgical unit who tested positive for COVID-19.
The hospital-wide visitation policy has been updated to restrict visitors in all areas except for the Women and Children’s unit.
AR Gould president Greg LaFrancois said staff are working with Maine CDC to determine if spread might have occurred in the hospital versus the community and that AR Gould continues to take precaution to protect patients, staff, and community members as has been done throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.