As a worldwide brand, and one of the foremost private healthcare providers in the UK, it’s always been a primary objective of Ramsay Healthcare to stay at the forefront of technical advancement in regards to patient care and support.
Choosing Wi-Fi
A key part of achieving this objective was Ramsay Healthcare’s recent upgrade to a free Wi-Fi service, helping to make the stay of patients at the hospital much more palatable, and the daily operation of the hospital considerably easier. Being provided with access to the same conveniences that they enjoy outside of hospital is a key part of making clients feel as comfortable and confident in a potentially fear or stress inducing environment.
Of course, the free to access Wi-Fi network provided by The Cloud provides more to patients than just a sense of calming domestic familiarity. Freedom to access the exceptionally wide selection of television, film, and entertainment options available on the internet helps patients to stave off boredom and remain positive.
Similarly, free easy-to-access internet makes it extremely simple for patients to stay in contact with friends and relatives, once again diminishing feelings of isolation and anxiety that can so often characterise a patient’s state of mind while in hospital, especially for treatment that is likely to be particularly time consuming.
Through access to the Wi-Fi network, patients are also able to potentially gain an insight into their own treatment; providing that test results and patient records are made available. The greater ability to communicate and interact which comes from free to use, fast internet access clearly provides many boons to modern patients.
The impact of Wi-Fi on Ramsay Healthcare
Over the last 6 years, Ramsay Healthcare has been working with The Cloud to install high speed Wi-Fi networks across 28 of Ramsay Healthcare’s 36 UK private hospitals and day surgeries. The impact of Wi-Fi being rolled out across Ramsey Healthcare’s medical facilities has been extremely positive; with patients and their visitors making full use of the exciting new service.
Ramsay Healthcare’s marketing manager Ross Finch, having seen the success of the service with patients, is keen to emphasise that their ultimate aim is to get staff fully leveraging the potential of the Wi-Fi networks: “The free Wi-Fi service has already become a key part of the patient experience and we hope it will soon become just as important to our consultants.”
The statistics gathered from the Ramsay Healthcare Wi-Fi networks speak even more powerfully of their value and popularity than words ever could:
• There are an average of 38,176 recorded sessions per month on Ramsay Healthcare’s Wi-Fi networks
• These sessions last an average of 125.67 minutes
• An average of 7,651 user devices a month have sessions on Ramsay Healthcare’s Wi-Fi networks