Nearly 100 hospital employees, local emergency responders, volunteers and high school students took part in a mock disaster drill at Milford Hospital. The drill was designed to test the preparedness of hospital personnel as well as local, regional and state agencies should a real crisis occur, according to an article on the Milford-Orange Bulletin website
The scenario for the practice event was a motor vehicle accident involving a car and school bus carrying approximately 20 students. The full scale drill lasted about an hour and was the largest of its type conducted at the hospital.
“An event this size takes a lot of planning, coordination and cooperation from many different entities. The Milford Police and Fire Departments have been critical assets in helping us conduct this drill” said Alan Lynn, CHEM, CSE, Milford Hospital’s director of safety and emergency preparedness.
Hospitals are required by the Joint Commission to have disaster response plans in place and conduct periodic drills for improvement and training purposes. “The goal of this exercise is to enhance working relationships and collaboration between the agencies and organizations involved,” Lynn said. “It’s a mock exercise, but it’s also a very real test of our ability to respond to an actual disaster. We appreciate the cooperation of everyone involved.”
Read the article.