A proposed deadline extension for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) requirement that all nursing home facilities have automatic sprinkler systems by August 13, 2013 is open for comment, according to an article in Long-term Living.
The proposed extension would be for two years, but would only be available to facilities that are currently building a new building or undergoing significant structural modifications beyond installing the sprinkler system. The facility must also demonstrate that financing is in place for the new construction or significant renovation project, and the project plans have been submitted to the authorities having jurisdiction.
In addition, stop gap fire safety measures during the extension, such as fire watches and increased fire safety inspections, would be prescribed by CMS. In the event of unforseen circumstances during construction, facilities would be able to apply for an additional one-year extension.
The proposed extension is open for public comment until April 8 at http://www.regulations.gov.