Few construction projects are as complex as those in healthcare, separating the facts from the myths, can help projects succeed, according to an article on the Fierce Healthcare website.
The idea that healthcare construction managers only represent the construction industry is a myth. Healthcare construction managers actually wear many different hats.
They’re also an advocate for and a representative of the healthcare facility.
The idea that facilities management and construction management are two separate entities is also a myth. Actually, to create a safe environment, healthcare construction teams and facilities management teams should be one continuous cycle.
With prep meetings and inspections scheduled in a regular cadence and tracked via customized software, it’s possible to eliminate “what ifs” and get ahead of potential issues. A detailed reverse phase schedule also assists in hitting established milestones and confronting possible barriers at the tail end of the job, such as owner-required inspections and vendor installations, according to a blog on the Healthcare Facilities Today website.
Across the board, being proactive with regard to potential cost and schedule changes — and especially patient safety—can make a big difference in delivering a construction project that serves the greater good.
Read the full Fierce Healthcare article.