JE Dunn’s participation, which began at the outset of design, ensured their direct involvement in establishing sustainability strategies. As a result, more than 21 percent of materials were locally sourced, a practice which not only boosts the local economy, but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation of materials and equipment to the site. More than 50 percent of the on-site construction waste was diverted from landfills for reuse in other projects. While the sustainable features greatly reduce waste and resource use, they also maximize the life of the property through use of high-quality construction methods and highly durable materials, which reduce costs associated with operations and maintenance.
First-floor renovations of Building 91020 encompassed optometry, public health, and ambulance services. A dental clinic and lab were added to the second floor. In addition to renovations and sustainable retrofits, Building 90311, a former dormitory converted to a mental health clinic in 2015, was reconfigured. Mental health services relocated to the second floor, while the first floor was repurposed to accommodate a physical therapy program. Building 91401, which formerly housed the physical therapy suites, is now medical office space for TRICARE, a program specifically for uniformed service members, retirees, and their families.