Hospital Complications dashboard assists hospital staff in tracking, monitoring and preventing patient safety- and infection-related events

Health Data Intelligence (HDI) is pleased to announce the introduction of the Hospital Complications Dashboard into its premier CarePlan Dashboard Suite. The Hospital Complications dashboard is a critical tool in the hands of clinicians, nurse managers, chief nursing officers, and other hospital staff in the tracking, monitoring and prevention of patient safety related events as well as hospital-acquired complications and infections for which CMS no longer reimburses hospitals. The measures on this dashboard therefore not only directly affect patient safety but also Medicare reimbursement.

The three tabs on the Hospital Complications Dashboard are designed to facilitate a thorough review of each hospital’s outcomes across the following categories: AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators (PSI), which provide information on potential in-hospital complications and adverse events following surgeries, procedures, and childbirth; Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC) which identify conditions that are high cost, high volume, or both, and which result in the assignment of a case to a DRG that has a higher payment when present as a secondary diagnosis, and which could reasonably have been prevented through the application of evidence‑based guidelines; Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) which show how often patients in a particular hospital contract certain infections during the course of medical treatment, when compared to peer hospitals. 

These infections are preventable when healthcare facilities practice safe care.

Navigation within the Hospital Complications Dashboard occurs via tabs for each category, with graphical views for each time period selected, tooltips that provide rich metadata when a user hovers over any data point, filtering capabilities down to individual hospitals or an entire health system, CMS measure codes to help users uniquely identify each metric, and an About page that provides detailed metric definitions, external links, and other useful information.

Available for benchmarking on the Hospital Complications Dashboard are state averages and the national average for each complications category as well as each hospital’s own internal targets and organizational performance goals. Hospital scores on HACs and HAIs have now taken on new meaning in the era of pay for performance, with financial repercussions for providers that fail to show an improvement in quality outcomes through the reduction of hospital-acquired conditions and infections.

Hospitals, health systems, and media organizations are invited to test drive the new HDI dashboard with a free 7-day preview. To learn more about this new analytic package and to download detailed product data sheets, please visit the Health Data Intelligence corporate website.

September 13, 2013

Topic Area: Press Release

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