Hospital workers, janitors and fast food workers took over Detroit's Cadillac Building lobby, delivering a “Workers State of the State” address, according to an article on the Voice of Detroit website.
The Cadillac Building is where Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder’s Detroit office is located.
Fast food workers, joined by members of Service Employees International Union (SEIU), were protesting for a $15 minimum wage. The janitors and healthcare workers were demanding higher wages and benefits.
“Governor Snyder has spent his two terms in office attacking Michigan’s workers, including hard working janitors, fast food workers, healthcare workers and others, lowering wages by passing open shop laws, stripping cities of their right to raise the minimum wage and installing emergency managers,” the group said in its press release.
Hospital workers are seen as key to the mobilization.
“In Detroit and cities across the Midwest, hospitals are at the center of the economy the way factories were for previous generations,” organizers said in the article.