Hospitals in the Lower Hudson Valley in New Year are working to address safety concerns and strengthen security to keep patients and staff healthy, according to an article on the Lohud website.
The shooting at Westchester Medical Center on Aug. 8 is being called a mercy killing. A 71-year-old man shot and killed his 70-year-old wife, before he fatally shot himself.
Hospitals in the area are adjusting their security protocols after the incident, even though an incident such as that doesn't necessarily threaten other patients and staff. Easy access to healthcare facilities is a significant source of worry for most facilities.
"One of the concerns is, as you know, this is an open campus, same as a shopping mall," said Henry Coleman, director of inter-facilities at St. John's Riverside Hospital in Yonkers, where he leads the security team. "So you have to be a little more concerned because you really have less control than you do in a closed environment.