COLUMBUS, Ohio - Doctor appointments and hospitals can be very intimidating environments for many patients. But envision a routine appointment, let alone a stressful trip to the emergency room if you do not speak the language of the professionals there to help you. The consequences can be life threatening.
Indiana University Health Arnett Hospital has selected Language Access Network (LAN) to provide interpretation services for Limited English Proficient and Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing patients through the use of Martti(TM) (My Accessible Real-Time Trusted Interpreter), its state-of the-art system connecting the highest quality, medically-trained interpreters with doctors and patients round-the-clock via live video at the touch of a button. The Martti units allow for patients and providers to actually see and communicate directly with the interpreter via the Carenection Telehealth Delivery Network (CTDN), a dedicated video optimized HIPAA compliant high-speed broadband network.
"We care for patients from a range of cultures who speak too many languages to effectively meet all of their interpretation needs. Martti helps to solve this problem," said Erin Chavez, Manager of Interpretation Services at IU Health Arnett. "In a matter of seconds our healthcare professionals have access to over 210 languages, round-the-clock, by simply touching this screen," she explained, gesturing toward the streamlined system which resembles a flat screen television.
The video component of Martti is key. Other forms of interpretation may allow a doctor to hear a patient's concerns in his native language, but the ability of the interpreter to see the expression on his face, or where he points and other visual cues, makes the encounter more accurate, timely and satisfying for the patient and provider. Videocombines the best of all previous modes of interpretation into one easy to use and cost effective system.
"As a physician-owned and led company, we understand the demands and challenges that hospitals encounter every day. Clear communication is absolutely critical in empowering patients and improving outcomes," explains Andrew Panos, LAN's founder and Chief Operating Officer.
"IU Health Arnett has been a long-time LAN client and we are pleased to see them expand the partnership based on its previous success," stated James Edwards, LAN's Chief Executive Officer. "With the broader demographic trends toward a more diverse culture and population, proper management of language services is a discipline of increasing focus and attention. Hospitals are learning that services like ours help provide not only a ROI resulting in improved financial performance, but also a ROC or Return on Care that drives better patient outcomes and satisfaction."
About Language Access Network, LLC
Language Access Network, LLC ("LAN") is the leader in trusted healthcare communications. LAN provides video remote interpretation (VRI) services to hospitals and other medical venues nationwide. As a result of LAN being physician owned and solely focused on healthcare, the Company has unique insight into how to drive better outcomes, improve patient satisfaction and be a true partner to our client hospitals. Targeted towards Limited English Proficient and Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing patient populations, LAN provides its rapidly growing client base (currently over 350 medical facilities nationwide) with 24/7/365 access to the highest quality & trained interpreters available via its centralized video language centers.
More information is available at
About Indiana University Health Arnett
Indiana University Health Arnett is committed to serve as a sanctuary of healing for every patient, visitor and staff member who walks through our doors. Our staff shares a healing spirit and draws strength from providing compassionate and the highest quality care to our patients and each other.
Indiana University Health Arnett Hospital's physical environment boasts an atmosphere of patient-centered care and was designed with safety in mind. A few of the highlights include on-demand food service, handwashing stations along the hospital corridors, bedside patient registration and electronic medical records throughout our system.
IU Health Arnett Hospital is not just another community hospital: it is a regional destination for exceptional healthcare, which will continually evolve to meet your needs. You can be assured that we will do our very best to exceed your expectations.