In Part Two of a series on Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services-authorized accreditation organizations, the FacilityCare website discussed how each organization conducts its surveys and the impact of findings on results.
For instance, three of the five organizations perform the survey have a range of methods:
• Accreditation Association for Hospitals/Health Systems Inc.: The survey of the physical environment is performed by a physical environment expert and typically takes one full day (or longer, depending on the size of the hospital’s physical plant
• Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality: A typical survey will consist of two to three clinician surveyors and a facilities specialist. The average length of a survey is two or three days and adjusts according to the size and complexity of an organization.
• The Joint Commission: The survey can include a survey planning session; an opening conference and orientation to the organization; a leadership session; a competence assessment process; medical staff credentialing and privileging (for hospitals only); an environment of care session and an exit conference
Read the first part of the article.