After a Great Falls, Mont., surgeon’s home was destroyed by a disgruntled former patient, Benefis Health System is reviewing any potential security gaps, according to an article on the Great Falls Tribune website.
Conversations about hospital security have been ongoing for years, but the fire brought the need for safety rose to the forefront.
“In light of this horrid and tragic event we are reviewing our policies and procedures related to emergency situations to see if there are improvements we can make,” Benefis CEO John Goodnow said in the email. “While we certainly hope we never have a serious emergency on our campus, we want to be prepared should that unthinkable event ever happen.”
According to a 2016 report, “Assaults on Healthcare Workers in Montana," which was compiled by the Montana Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance Program within the department and that showed between 2011 and 2014, an annual average of 272 healthcare and social assistance workers in Montana were assaulted by patients and had to miss work as a result.