Opto 22 announces availability of the groov EPIC® Learning Center, a comprehensive hardware and software bench top system for learning and development. Thisfully operational package lets engineers, technicians, and developers initialize, configure and program the control, visualization and communication aspects of their groov EPIC systems. The Learning Center is an ideal companion for Opto 22’s free online self-guided groov EPIC learning modules, and it includes two seats for premium on-site training at company headquarters in Temecula, California.
The groov EPIC processor is supplied pre-loaded with software packages enabling a wide range of functionality.
• groov Manage—to configure, commission and troubleshoot the processor
• PAC Control Engine—a real-time control engine to run flowchart-based control programs
• CODESYS Runtime Engine—a real-time control engine to run IEC-61131-3 compatible control programs
• groov View—to build and view mobile and browser-based operator interfaces
• Ignition Edge®—from Inductive Automation®, provides drivers to PLCs
• MQTT with Sparkplug—a secure, bi-directional, lightweight publish/subscribe protocol
• Node-RED—an open-source, multi-platform IIoT tool to connect databases, cloud apps and
• PAC Control—a flowchart-based industrial automation programming tool
• PAC Display—to build HMI operator interfaces for Microsoft® Windows®-based computers
• CODESYS Development System—a software platform for factory automation, providing
IEC-61131-3 support
• Opto 22 Library Package for CODESYS—a library package to add to the CODESYS DevelopmentSystem
Whether taking advantage of free self-guided OptoU Online Training learning modules (visithttps://training.opto22.com) or experimenting on their own, engineers will benefit from the practical hands-on experience gained with the Learning Center. Some initial steps include organizing access levels,establishing network connectivity, calibrating the integrated touchscreen and using groov Manage toconfigure I/O.
Comprehensive control programs can be developed and executed using PAC Control or any IEC 61131-3compliant language, including ladder logic. Simple examples are provided, and engineers can build andcreate their own applications as desired. Even more advanced custom programs are possible using the optional SSH access to the Linux operating system. Rich HMI displays with graphics and trends can be developed using groov View and viewed using the integrated display, mobile devices and web browsers.
The Learning Center is an essential and complete way for engineers and developers to fully understand the many ways that groov EPIC can improve their automated operations and connectivity. Based on Opto 22’s 45 years of experience as an automation manufacturer, the Learning Center is not just a product sample, but instead delivers the same actual field-proven hardware and full-featured software used all over the worldto automate and communicate with various machines and processes.
For more information on groov EPIC, please visit: