Phoenix care fa­cil­ity boosts se­cu­rity after vegetative patient gives birth

The enhanced security in­cludes in­creased mon­i­tor­ing of pa­tient care ar­eas

Ha­cienda Health­Care in Phoenix is un­der height­ened se­cu­rity af­ter a pa­tient with in­tel­lec­tual dis­abil­i­ties re­port­edly be­came preg­nant and gave birth Dec. 29., according to an article on The Arizona Republic website.

The woman who was left in a veg­e­ta­tive state af­ter a near-drown­ing more than 10 years ago be­came preg­nant while she was a pa­tient at Ha­cienda Health­Care in south Phoenix.

Of­fi­cials with the state health de­part­ment say that in the wake of the re­port, the fa­cil­ity is re­quired to have height­ened se­cu­rity mea­sures to en­sure the safety of its pa­tients. 

The enhanced security  in­cludes in­creased staff pres­ence dur­ing pa­tient in­ter­ac­tions, in­creased mon­i­tor­ing of pa­tient care ar­eas, and in­creased se­cu­rity mea­sures with re­spect to vis­i­tors to the fa­cil­ity, state health of­fi­cials said.

Read the article.



January 11, 2019

Topic Area: Security

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