Recognizing signs of bedbugs

To look for bedbugs, check for these signs in the places where people sleep

According to an article on the American Academy of Dermatology website, to look for bedbugs, check for these signs in the places where people sleep.

• A sweet, musty odor: Take a deep breath. If you notice a sweet, musty in the room, there may be a heavy bedbug infestation. Bedbugs produce chemicals to help them communicate.

• Specks of blood on bedding, mattresses, or upholstered furniture such as couches and headboards: Look carefully at blankets, sheets and mattress pads and then check the mattress and box spring.

• Exoskeletons: Bedbugs have an outer shell that they shed and leave behind on the mattress, mattress pad or beneath couch cushions.

• Tiny, blackish specks: Blackish specks on the bedding, mattress, headboard or beneath couch cushions could be bedbug excrement. 

Eggs: After mating, female bedbugs lay white, oval eggs in cracks and crevices. These will be small, as a bedbug is only about the size of an apple seed. 

Read the article.



June 17, 2014

Topic Area: Maintenance and Operations

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