A newly released article, "Implementing the Use of Chemical-Free Products in a Perinatal Unit," names Earth Mama Angel Baby as a recommended safer alternative for hospitals replacing products containing toxic ingredients. The project offers a clear, vetted process for hospitals promoting a greener Healthcare Without Harm agenda and replacing conventional but potentially toxic personal care products for perinatal and newborn patients.
The project was published last week after extensive research and implementation, using Angel Baby Body Wash & Shampoo, Angel Baby Bottom Balm, Angel Baby Oil and Natural Nipple Butter in perinatal and newborn units, including the NICU. Earth Mama Angel Baby is an industry leader in natural pregnancy, breastfeeding and baby care. As these new, safer products were incorporated into the hospital system, "the provision of chemical-free hygiene products provided an opportunity to teach families to read product labels and to seek out similar products safe for home use." 1 "There is a growing awareness among consumers and healthcare providers about toxins and even carcinogens in products used on pregnant and breastfeeding women and newborns," says Olson. "Hospitals that have committed to safer pregnancy and baby products should be applauded. It hasn't been easy for them to find information and change protocol, even when the desire was there."
The Chemical-Free study seeks to help reduce environmental hazards in hospital systems, defining best practices and protocols for introducing products with fewer toxins and ingredients that truly "do no harm." "This is great news for patients, families and staff," says Melinda Olson, nurse, product formulator and founder of Earth Mama Angel Baby. "Consumers, including hospitals, believe the FDA or another industry group is evaluating personal care products for toxic ingredients and safety, and that is simply not true."
The article by Anne Brower, Lisa Trefz, Cathie Burns and the Sigma Theta Tau Maternal-Child Health Nurse Leadership Academy explains how Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio, sought to identify, adopt and increase awareness of the use of chemical-free products in perinatal and newborn hospital units. The project examined and compared the chemical hazard ratings of products used by the hospital system, introducing safer Earth Mama products. The change required 18 months of vetting through all departments, including Directors of Maternal/Fetal Health, Physician Champions, Heads of Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Nurse Managers, NICU Nurses, Infection Control, Quality Control, Pharmacy and even dietary.
"This new protocol makes it easier than ever for hospitals and consumers to know what to look for and how to make change," says Olson. "Product safety and transparent labeling has been our mission for over a decade, and we are honored that the Chemical-Free study names Earth Mama products."